1. me coucher (se coucher = go to bed)
2. s'endort (s'endormir = to fall asleep)
3. se dépêchent (se dépêcher = to hurry)
4. m'occupe de (s'occuper de quelque chose = to take care of something)
5. s'amuse (s'amuser = to have fun)
6. te détends (se détendre = to relax)
7. vous souvenez de (se souvenir de quelque chose = to remember something)
8. nous trompons (se tromper = to make a mistake)
Translate the following into French and underline the subjunctives
used in your translation.
i. May God bless you.
ii. You must finish the work.
iii. Don’t be afraid.
iv. He must know the truth.