Genero que consiste en narrar historias ficticias o reales


Answer 1




Answer 2




Genero literario.

Related Questions

Si Ricardo compró en la feria 2,5 kg de manzanas, 0,9 kg de cerezas y 2,8 kg de plátanos, ¿cuántos kilos de fruta compró en total?



6.2 Kg


2.5 + 0.9 + 2.8 = 6.2

La respuesta correcta el 6.2 kg

Quizá tú _____ venir a la fiesta.

a. puedes
b. puedo
c. puedas



Quizá tú puedas venir a la fiesta.

Answer: a. puedas

Good luck! :)

1. me duele el pie
2. les duele el dedo del pie
3. les duelen los dedos de los pies
4. les duele el pie
5. les duelen los pies
6. les duele la mano
7. les duelen las manos
8. nos duele el dedo
9. nos duele la oreja
10. le duelen los dientes
11. le duele el diente
12. les duele la naríz
13. le duele la naríz
14. te duele la rodilla
15. te duelen las rodillas
16. me duelen las piernas
17. me duele la pierna
18. me duelen los pies
Choices... your knees hurt, my legs hurt, their toes hurt, her nose hurts,my feet hurt, our ear hurts, my leg hurts, their toe hurts, their nose hurts, our finger hurts, my foot hurts, your knee hurts, their hand hurts, their hands hurt


Your knees hurt - 15
my legs hurts - 16
their toes hurt - 3
her nose hurts - 13
my feet hurt - 18
our ear hurts - 9
my leg hurts - 17
their toe hurts - 2
their nose hurts - 12
our finger hurts - 8
my foot hurts - 1
your knee hurts - 14
their hand hurts - 6
their hands hurt - 7

hope this helps !!

What is a synonym for el altavoz?
A. El micrófono
B. La bocina
C. El teclado
D. El amplificador


The synonym for the word el altavoz as given the question above is El amplificador and this is because the word have similar meaning or mean the same thing.

What is a synonym?

Synonyms refer to word that have similar or is nearest in meaning with the original word . It mean the same as the original word.

Therefore, The synonym for el altavoz is El amplificador.

Learn more about synonyms below.



its la bocina


I took the quiz

It's time to show off the Spanish skills you've been working on. With these "Putting it Together" activities, you are going to take everything that you've learned so far and put it together in a realistic situation. Sometimes you'll answer questions about documents and pictures that you see, sometimes you'll write stories and descriptions--sometimes you'll do both! These activities will really help you see how Spanish is used in the real world. Good luck!

Performance Challenge

Write yourself an excuse note for a missed school day due to an illness or injury. Indicate to the office secretary what ailed you. Did you go to the doctor or no? What were you sick with -or- what did you injure? What did you do to help yourself get better. How are you feeling now? Write a minimum of 5 complete and detailed sentences in Spanish.

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the response.


(Name) excusado/a por el/la Dr/a (name) para el día de ayer. Estuvo en el hospital.

Indicate office secretary: Me fracturé la pierna al caerme de mi bicicleta, fui al hospital ayer ya que mi madre quería ver si me mejoraba por la noche. La pierna se me hinchó mucho por la cual mi mamá me llevó al hospital en donde me pudieron sacar placas y confirmar de que me había fracturado la pierna. El doctor me dijo que tuve mucha suerte. Si el hueso se hubiera movido un poco más a la derecha me iban a tener que poner tornillos para poder mantener el hueso derecho y sin movimiento. No estoy en mi mejor estado pero sigo para adelante. La vida es dura y así son las cosas.

Not the best but I tried :)

if my thoughts are correct i think ill mark some1 barinliest if they get this answer correct!!?
Mi nombre es Juana y trabajo en mi oficina desde las ocho de la mañana a las cinco de la tarde. Uso mi computadora y me gusta mucho trabajar con números.

According to the text, Juana ________.
es abogada
es contable
es comadrona
es agricultora



Es contable


Juana es contable.

Juana es contadora ‍

pls help pls just two​


Answer: 9.) ve

10) Visite


In question 9 is states that Ana blank a bullfight to the answer I recomend is the verb ver because it means to watch.

In question 10 it states She does not blank the beach so the answer I recomend is the verb visitar which means to visit.

1. Ana *ira* a la corrida de toros.
2. Ella no *va* a playa.

Write one word or expression that you associate with each item.
el síntoma: Example answermareadoEnd example answer OR Example answercongestionadoEnd example answer OR Example answerla tosEnd example answer

la radiografía:
101,5° F:
la farmacia:
el resfriado:


Answer: not clear sorry
The question is confusing

___ planeta es de nosotros
A) Las
B) La
C) Los
D) El



D. El


D. El planeta es de nosotros

Es un texto que ayuda a organizar cada una de las actividades que se llevarán a cabo dentro de un programa de radio qué es



tua les bien congress a nationality


tu eradicate illiteracy Tues bien

Translate to English: EL CUMPLEAÑOS DE ENRIQUE
Cuando entran en el restaurante, Conchita, llevando su mejor vestido,
sientan a la mesa. Enrique tiene mucha hambre y la paella es deliciosa.
muy guapa y todo el mundo mira al joven matrimonio. Los dos se
Conchita está muy alegre y habladora.
Esta tarde tengo mucha sed. Me gustaria un poco de vino,
-Tendrás una botella del mejor vino.
Alas once menos diez llegan al teatro donde representan la obra de un
ator clásico del siglo diecisiete.
una de la mañana, hora en que Enrique y Conchita vuelven al piso, muy
Alas once se levanta el telón y empieza la función que dura hasta la
contentos de haber pasado una tarde tan agradable.
Y Enrique contesta:



ENRIQUE'S BIRTHDAY When they enter the restaurant, Conchita, wearing her best dress, they sit at the table. Enrique is very hungry and the paella is delicious. very pretty and everyone looks at the young couple. The two are Conchita is very cheerful and talkative. This afternoon I am very thirsty. I would like some wine -You will have a bottle of the best wine. At eleven minus ten they arrive at the theater where they perform the play of a classic seventeenth century ator. one in the morning, when Enrique and Conchita return to the apartment, very Alas eleven the curtain rises and the performance begins that lasts until happy to have had such a pleasant afternoon. And Enrique answers:




When they enter the restaurant everyone looks at the young couple, Conchita wears her best dress and sits at the table very beautiful. Enrique is very hungry and paella is delicious.

Conchita is very cheerful and talkative.I am very thirsty this afternoon. I'd like some wine.

And Enrique replies:

-You will have a bottle of the best wine.

Wings eleven minus ten arrive at the theater where they represent the work of a classical author of the seventeenth century.

At eleven o'clock the curtain rises and the function begins that lasts until one in the morning, time when Enrique and Conchita return to the floor, very happy to have spent such a pleasant afternoon.

define the term microbiology​



Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as 'microbes'.


The branches of microbiology can be classified into pure and applied sciences. Microbiology can be also classified based on taxonomy, in the cases of bacteriology, mycology, protozoology, and phycology



From the word micro so it is stated that microbiology is the study microorganisms that are in smaller organisms like archea, bacteria or viruses.



Bios means life

Logos means to study or study

hope it helps

A mis amigos les gusta tomar ____ (their) refrescos con limón.



La respuesta es sus




A mis amigos les gusta tomar __ sus __ refrescos con limón.

C. Para cada grupo, explica cuándo y por qué vinieron a Argentina y en qué parte del país se asentaron. Luego cita ejemplos de cómo se manifiesta la aportación de cada uno de estos grupos en la cultura argentina.

1. Ingleses
2. Italianos
3. españoles


Answer:  3


While you’re on exchange in Guatemala, your parents come to visit and offer to take you and your host family out to eat.

Given that your mother doesn't eat meat except for fish, which of the menu items listed above should she NOT order?


*Note: This is a practice activity. Completing this activity will not only prepare you for future tests and assessments but, more importantly, it will enhance your understanding of Spanish culture. This activity will not count towards your grade.





Meat examples are
Pollo is chicken
Carne is meat
Carne de res is beef
Fish is pescado

Only wright answer gets brain listed

1. Which word correctly completes the sentence?

Ulises y su papá van a ir a la mueblería porque hoy es el único día cuando van a tener precios muy, muy baratos. Todo está en ______.

2.Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence.

Anabel quiere comer pan. A ella le gusta todo tipo de pan. Va a ir a un lugar que se especializa en vender solo pan, como el pan francés, las donas, y cualquier pan con mermelada. Para comprar pan ella tiene que ir a la ____.





3. Which word correctly completes the sentence?

La mamá de Juanito está planeando la fiesta de cumpleaños. Ella está preparando bolsitas de dulces para los niños y niñas que vienen a la fiesta. Adentro de las bolsas va a poner muchos dulces deliciosos. Ella quiere ir a un lugar que se especializa en vender solamente dulces de todo tipo. Ella tiene que ir a la ______ para comprarlos.








1 Ulises y su papá van a ir a la mueblería porque hoy es el único día cuando van a tener precios muy, muy baratos. Todo está en liquidación.

2 Anabel quiere comer pan. A ella le gusta todo tipo de pan. Va a ir a un lugar que se especializa en vender solo pan, como el pan francés, las donas, y cualquier pan con mermelada. Para comprar pan ella tiene que ir a la panadería

3 La mamá de Juanito está planeando la fiesta de cumpleaños. Ella está preparando bolsitas de dulces para los niños y niñas que vienen a la fiesta. Adentro de las bolsas va a poner muchos dulces deliciosos. Ella quiere ir a un lugar que se especializa en vender solamente dulces de todo tipo. Ella tiene que ir a la dulcería para comprarlos.

Escribe oraciones para cada palabra y su sinónimo o antónimo correspondiente.

1. carcomido: envejecido
2. destello: brillo
3. inusitado: planeado
4. soberbio: formidable
5. flamear: extinguirse




1. El mueble no se usaba hacía ya mucho tiempo, se encontraba carcomido.

Juan, tanto tiempo sin verte, ¡no has envejecido!

2. En el cielo se pudo ver un destello que iluminó la noche.

El brillo del celular me encandiló.

3. El último libro que leí tuvo un final inusitado.

No tenía nada planeado pero finalmente fue una gran noche.

4. El hombre de sombrero negro es soberbio.

Su desempeño en el examen fue formidable, se sacó un diez.

5. La bandera no paraba de flamear.

Hay animales que corren peligro de extinguirse.


En este ejercicios debes hacer oraciones con cada palabra dada. Algunas palabras son sinónimos y otras antónimos. Dos o más palabras son sinónimos cuando significan lo mismo a pesar de ser distintas (por ejemplo, lindo y bello), en cambio, dos o más palabras son antónimos cuando tienen significados contrarios (por ejemplo, frío y calor).

Please read each question carefully and answer in a complete sentence using the preterite tense of regular IR- verbs.
1. ¿Qué tema elegiste para escribir tu ensayo?(escribir)
2. ¿Dónde viviste antes? (vivir)
3. ¿Qué pediste de comer en el restaurante? (pedir)
4. ¿Qué recibiste como premio en la competencia de ajedrez? (recibir)
5. ¿Has seguido tus sueños? (seguir)




El tema del cual escribí mi ensayo fue acerca del medio ambiente y la pandemiaYo viví en la ciudad de Managua en NicaraguaYo pedí de comer en el restaurante un delicioso ajiacoEn la competencia de ajedrez recibí un alfil de plata.Siempre seguí mis sueños y aún lo sigo haciendo.

Cuando se utiliza el punto y coma?


la coma para enumerar, y el punto para cambiar de tema o terminar una oración.
El punto y coma se utiliza igualmente para separar oraciones con una estructura sintáctica paralela o similar cuando se omite el verbo de la segunda oración. Ejemplo: Yo vivo en Madrid; mi hermana, en Valencia. El punto y coma sirve de separación entre los elementos de una enumeración que contienen ya una coma.

Choose the best translation of the English sentence.

Which of these dogs is yours?

¿Cuántos de estos perros son tuyos?
¿Cuál de estos perros es tuyo?
¿Quién de estos perros es tuyo?
¿Por qué de estos perros es tuyo?



2nd one: ¿Cual de estos perros es tuyo?

1)Quais São as características principais do discurso direto 2)escreva um pequeno exemplo de discurso direto



1) É aquele no qual a fala do interlocutor é incorporada à fala do narrador.

2) Preciso limpar a casa hoje.

Can someone turn this into Spanish with imperfecto and preterito past tense?

One time I broke my arm. I had to go to the hospital. I had surgery and the doctor fixed it.


una vez me rompí el brazo. Tuve que ir al hospital. me operaron y el doctor lo arregló

¡Qué alto eres!

Clasifica las siguientes oraciones



You´re really big!


Read and choose the correct option.

Si se da usted un golpe en la cabeza, puede escuchar las recomendaciones del doctor:

Cuídese mejor si quiere sanar.
Descanse por dos semanas.
Lave la herida bien con agua para no tener picor.
No cubra la herida.

Based on the reading, what could be another suggestion for recovery from the doctor?
A Visit the physical therapist.
B Wear comfortable clothes.
C Reduce physical activity.
D Apply gauze.


C. reduce physical activity

The other recommendations that the doctor have are for if you hit your head. One of the recommendations is to not cover the wound. Another recommendation was to rest for two weeks. Based on that, I assume “reduce physical activity” would be appropriate.

Mi familia prefiere________ de viaje a Cuba. (2 points)







Mi familia prefiere ir de viaje a Cuba.


My family prefers to go to travel to Cuba.

Choose the best translation of the English sentence.

Who is Eduardo's brother-in-law?

¿Cuándo es el cuñado de Eduardo?
¿Cuánto es el cuñado de Eduardo?
¿Qué es el cuñado de Eduardo?
¿Quién es el cuñado de Eduardo?


Quien es el cuñado de Eduardo?


D. ¿Quién es el cuñado de Eduardo?


Spanish is my second language :)

C. Haz una lista de tres grupos inmigrantes a Argentina. Para cada grupo, explica cuándo y por qué vinieron a Argentina y en qué parte del país se asentaron. Luego cita ejemplos de cómo se manifiesta la aportación de cada uno de estos grupos en la cultura argentina.


Make a list of three immigrant groups to Argentina. For each group, explain when and why they came to Argentina and in which part of the country they settled. Then he cites examples of how the contribution of each of these groups is manifested in Argentine culture.

What is a direct object?

It is a word used to describe a noun.

It is a word without meaning in English. Direct object pronouns are only used in Spanish.

It replaces a name and is used as the subject of the sentence.

It is a noun that receives the action of the verb in a sentence



It replaces a name and is used as the subject of the sentence.


miraron y compre

irregular o regular ?





Ambos son regulares.

Miraron > mirar

Compré > comprar

Choose the best Spanish equivalent to the phrase.

You invite your friend to go to Peru.



um.. sorry if im not helpful buuut


Girls: Invitas a tu amiga a ir a peru

Boys: Invitas a tu amigo a ir a peru

Difference: Girls use "a" and boys use "o"

Look at amigo and amiga..

invitas tu amig(a/o) ir a peru
Other Questions
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During a sales presentation for the company's new camera, he states, "Cameras produced by us have the same resolution as the cameras produced by ClarityO, the world's number one camera manufacturer, but at a cheaper price." In this scenario, Cory is using a(n) _____ to describe the product." A tax form asks people to identify their age, annual income, number of dependents, and social security number. For each of these four variables, identify the scale of measurement that probably is used and identify whether the variable is continuous or discrete.Variable Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Social security number Annual income Number of dependents Variable Discrete Continuous Social security number Annual income Number of dependents You bought 4 boxes of facial tissue for $3.79. which is the better buy than the one you made? Where is this conversation most likely taking place? A.En la casa b. En la oficina c. En el trabajo D. En la escuela In a wrongful death action for the death of his wife in an automobile accident, the plaintiff alleged that the accident was caused by a mudflap assembly that fell off the defendant's truck. The plaintiff wishes to introduce the testimony of a witness, another truck driver who was on the same highway at the time, who heard someone tell the defendant over CB radio that he had noticed at the truck stop that the defendant's mudflap assembly on his truck was loose. The witness does not know the identity of the person who gave the warning. Should the court admit the testimony Matthew earns extra money by doing odd jobs for his neighbors. He charges a flat fee of $20 plus $7 per hour for each job. If he earned $90 for a job he did last week, how many hours did he work? Which segment is opposite toE? 3 conclusiones sobre la continuidad del legado cultural del Per antiguo hasta la actualidad (1) A hypnotic trance is not therapeutic in and of itself, butspecific suggestions and images fed to clients in a trance canprofoundly alter their behavior. (2) As clients rehearse the newways they want to think and feel, they lay the groundwork forpowerful changes in their future actions. (3) For example, inhypnosis, I often tell people who are trying to quit smoking thatthey will go for hours without even thinking of a cigarette, thatif they should light up, the cigarette will taste terrible andtheyll want to put it out immediately. (4) Ill talk them throughthe imagery of being a nonsmokersome combination of findingthemselves breathing easier, having more energy for exercise,enjoying subtle tastes and smells again, having fresh breath andclean-smelling clothing, feeling good about their health, evensaving money on cigarettes or whatever motivates that person toquit. (5) The deep relaxation of a hypnotic trance is also broadlybeneficial as many illnesses, both psychological and physical, areaggravated by anxiety and muscle tension.1. Sentence 3 can best be described as aa.topic sentence.b.thesis statement.c. major detaild.minor detail.2. Which sentences in this passage are major details?a Sentences 1 and 2b. Sentences 2 and 4c.Sentences 2 and 5d. Sentences 4 and 53. What is the primary pattern of organization in thispassage?a exampleb.comparison and contrastc.analogyd.sequence Find d: d=| 5 1 | |-1 10 | D= 51 [2 4 ] [-3 9] the determinant of the above matrix: 30 What is the range of the function f(x)=3/4 (x) -3 The process by which plants use the energy from light to support their growth is an example Identify the ethical issue(s) in each experiment. Beginning in the 1940s, the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago tested anti-malaria medications on inmates at the Stateville Penitentiary. Inmates readily volunteered, as their parole would be reviewed upon completion of their sentence. Inmates who participated in the study reported that they were informed of the risks involved in participating in the study, including the possibility of death.In the 1960s, Stanley Milgram studied the willingness of subjects to obey an authority figure, even at the risk of being harmed. The subjects believed they were taking part in a study on learning. They were assigned to the role of teacher and were ordered to administer electrical shocks with increasing voltage to the learner whenever the learner made an error. The learner was an actor who remained unharmed. The subjects were not initially told that it was a study of obedience, as this might affect the outcome, and they were not prepared for possible psychological distress. In the 1950s and 60s, Saul Krugman infected mentally disabled children enrolled at the Willowbrook State School in New York with hepatitis in order to better understand how the disease spread and how it could be combatted. Parents agreed to enroll their children in the study in exchange for admission to the school. Find f(6), f(0), and f(-1) f(x)=-7X