General Clinton, concerned about what General Howe was planning and doing, made use of a mask to write a secret message in a letter to General Burgoyne.

Before writing the letter, Clinton had placed an hourglass-shaped mask on a piece of paper and then had formed the secret message within that shape.

The unmasked letter had enough false information in it to fool any American who happened to see it. But when Burgoyne viewed the letter with the mask, he read Clinton's view of the real situation: Howe has made a bad move; I don't have enough men to do anything about it.

The author’s main purpose in this excerpt is to

describe a form of code writing using an example.
explain the mistakes of General Howe during the war.
entertain the reader with a humorous story of miscommunication.
argue that using a mask is the best method for sending secret messages.


Answer 1


The author’s main purpose in this excerpt is to describe a form of code writing using an example.

In the text in question, the author describes how General Clinton inserted a secret message in a text apparently unrelated to the information that he wanted to convey. That is, through a real situation, he exemplifies how a secret message could be introduced that changed the course of history.

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What is the value of x in the equation 1x - y = 30, when y = 152



Can explain what you want the Q is not clear

why was sara not interested in learning french language ?



i think you need to ask sara herself

Maybe because she won’t need it.

Which of the following job tasks would be performed in information systems and computer science careers? Select all apply. A. coordinating data transfer between offices B. designing and implementing new work schedules C. managing and securing company data D. writing code to develop a software program 3 / 5 2 of 5 Answered



A, C, and D


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

it helps you get the right amount


opton b

A distaste for everything that had happened to him in the war set in because of the lies he had told. All of the times that had been able to make him feel cool and clear inside himself when he thought of them; the times so long back when he had done the one thing, the only thing for a man to do, easily and naturally, when he might have done something else, now lost their cool, valuable quality and then were lost themselves. What does the excerpt reveal about Krebs


Answer: He is dissatisfied and feels disillusioned with his surroundings


The thing that the excerpt reveal about Krebs is that he is dissatisfied and feels disillusioned with his surroundings.

From the excerpt given, we can infer that due to the lies that he had told in the war, a distaste for everything that had happened to him in the war set in. He no longer enjoyed the things that he enjoyed.


He is dissatisfied and feels disillusioned with his surroundings.


The poor and needy in my country have been adequately provided for. Write a letter to the head of your social welfare department describing their plight and suggest four ways of improving the situation.



Number 16, Hillpew Rd


9th July, 2021.

To the Head,

Social Welfare Department,



Dear Sir,

It is no secret that the city if Detroit had one of the highest numbers of poor, homeless and unemployed population in America and the number keeps increasing everyday.

I've met with a few of these people and they live in shelters, park benches, anywhere they can lay their head and anywhere they can find food, at great personal risk of bodily harm and assault.

I believe that one of the ways of solving this problem is to build more shelters and encourage the poor and needy to learn a skill that can be self sufficient to them.

Another way of solving this problem is to educate them on the need for family planning, risk assessment and management and other important life skills that would enable them not to fall into the same problem when their skills starts to help pay the bills.

Thank you for your time and anticipated response.

You're faithfully,

John Kent.

For there lay The Combs-the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway
window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with Jewelled rims-Just the shade to wear in the beautiful
vanished hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over
them without the least hope of possession. And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have
adomed the coveted adornments were gone.
But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say.
"My hair grows so fast, Jimi And them Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, 'Oh, ohr" Jim had not
yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him eagerly upon her open palm. The dull precious metal
seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and ardent spirit."Isn't it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to
find it You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it
looks on it
Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and
smiled. Delia,' said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep'em a while. They're too nice to use
Jest at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops
The magi, as you know, were wise men-wonderfully wise men-who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger.
They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, thelr gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly
bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful
chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of
their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were
the wisest. O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the

What character traits reveal about Della in
the passage above

She feels that it’s important to dress modestly

She has the ability to be unselfish and loving

She is prone to fits of passion

She has the ability to look over wrongs in order to preserve relationships



She has the ability to be unselfish and loving


what is the word related to coffee





Review: In Death of a Salesman,' Arthur Miller words take on a new edge
'Early in "Death of a Salesman" it is late at night and an exhausted Willy Loman arrives
home having not made it to even one of his sales calls that day The end is nigh for Willy, that's clear
from the moment we see him shuffle in. Upstairs are his two sons, Biff and Happy, smoking
cigarettes together in the darkness of their shared childhood home, contemplating their lives They
are young men but not that young. Biff is 34. Happy, 32 - old enough to have shaken off any
residual arrested development that might have followed them out of their teens.
But here they si, in Biffs old bedroom, a couple of 30-something, middle class straight
white guys who have the privilege to look around and scoff at a world they think hasn't given them
enough opportunities - or rather, the night sort of opportunities, fulfilling opportunities. (It makes you
think this production might not be a bad pairing with "Straight White Men" by Young Jean Lee,
currently in a run at Steppenwolf.)
Sit's not that Biff and Happy arent allowed a measure of discontent in the privacy of this
moment. But as men, they are their own worst enemies. And only Biff ultimately comes to see this.
"In this 1949 drama, Arthur Miller managed to evoke both a compassion and a piercing
judgmental stare for these men, Willy included (played here by Brian Parry), and it might be one of
the most important reasons the play works such magic.
The lies in the Loman house - the delusions and exaggerations -- are many Linda (Jan
Ellen Graves), the all-seeing matriarch, is the key enabler, but make no mistake, she has come to
understand all too clearly. She just had the bad luck of hitching herself to the wrong guy (not that she
sees it that way Linda has her own delusions as well). She is surrounded by inward-looking men
who are never ever satisfied, searching for extemal validation and quick to lash out when
confronted with the reality of their mediocrity.
Sit's a funny thing, hearing the way some of Miller's dialogue is phrased. Willy has a way of
talking, a cadence there's no missing it, a certain boastful, outer-borough New York
distinctiveness to it that sounds very familiar to the news cycle these days, and I wasnt expecting it:
Toy got important contacts!" Willy says to his frenemy and next-door neighbor Charley
(Charley with a priceless, sarcastic response: "Glad to hear it, Willy ") 17 go to Hartford, I'm very
well-liked in Hartfordre or of his son, Biff: "He's got loads of personality, loads of it!"
The Loman men are con artists. Their primary mark? Themselves. Under the direction of
Steve Scott, Matt Edmonds' foundering Biff and Zach De Nardi's phony-baloney Happy really do
look and feel like restless brothers raised together in that home. (De Nardi is so good, you would
never know he was filling in for Benjamin Kirberger, who has been having some health issues but is
hoping to return to the production)
Something about the actual production design, though, doesn't quite work. It wisely avaids
momentum-killing set changes, but the physical world of the play feels like a whole lot of nothing.
which is a step down considering Redtwist has experimented with some incredible set designs in the
Director Scott's production is really about the performances - small things. Ike the way
Parry's Willy, on his way to work, distractedly says, "Eh, goodbye, I'm late - and Scott also has a
couple of aces up his sleeve in the smaller roles of Charley (played by Adam Bitterman) and
Charley's son, Bernard, the bookworm-turned-hotshot lawyer (played by Devon J. Nimerfroh). The
way Nimerfroh finesses that late pivotal scene with Willy, when he delicately tries to get to the
bottom of the Loman family neurosis - it's just terrific, a wonderful bit of hesitancy and confidence
all of it coming through in his body language
But let's talk about Bitterman, because he is giving such a delicious scene-stealing
perfomance, with a perfect roughshod New York accent that I wanted to follow him off stage and
watch whatever play Charley should have been starring in When Wily finds out Bemard is arguing a
case before the Supreme Court, he says to Chaney, somewhat surprised "He didn't mention!
Charley's beautiful throwaway reply "He didn't hatta"
PAnd therein lies the difference A Loman would have been bragging about it all day.

Independent Assessment 2

L-KNOW-LYSIS: Refer to the play misiewe out he death of a Salesman on Independent Activity 2. Evaluate it using the given checklist below.

*Your Reason/s

*Points to consider
Your Response

1. is the sample play review interesting to
2. Does the review include a brief summary
of the play?
2. Does it give clear idea of what the play is
3. Does the play review talk about the
acting of the cast?
4. Does the play review mention the
technical aspects (props, music,
production) of the play?​



family cousins great grandparents


our extended family includes greats grandparents and second cousins

Write a 10-Sentence Paragraph using the correct forms of the verbs on any of the given topics.
1.My New Normal
2.Our Front liners
3.Learning at Home in this New Normal

send sagot




Para empatizar en este nuevo escenario y acordar nuevos roles, es necesario contar con momentos para hablar sobre la nueva experiencia de escolaridad. Preguntar a profesores, estudiantes y familias cómo se sienten, qué necesitan, qué ideas o ayudas pueden ofrecer para resguardar el aprendizaje y bienestar de los estudiantes. Por medio del diálogo se construyen los significados que cada uno atribuirá a esta nueva experiencia. Por ejemplo, si llamamos tareas al trabajo escolar, a los estudiantes les puede parecer que es mucho trabajo en relación a lo que hacían antes. Es importante recordarles que lo que están realizando en este nuevo formato son actividades escolares en casa, con apoyo de sus profesores a distancia, mientras no puedan volver físicamente a la escuela. Si un adulto está acompañando el trabajo escolar en casa, es importante que el niño pueda distinguir esa función, sin confundirla con otros momentos de juego y descanso, considerando que ni uno ni lo otro son reemplazables.

I need to help ...........



I don't know Spanish well so I'll give you some obvious ones (for and English speaker). #1 Ex.1 leaves

#1 (the other) Ex.1 any

#1 Ex.3 takes

#2 Ex.1) are taking

#2 Ex.2) am driving

#2 Ex 3) are playing

#3 Ex. 1) painted

#3 Ex. 3) have not solved

#3 Ex. 4) finish

#3 Ex. 5) have made

#4 Ex.1) are attending

#4 Ex2.) am driving

#4 Ex.3) are playing

In spite of her lack of hight she is still an excellent volleyball player . how to make that sentence into Although sentence .​


Island and you guys can come over for a while


'In spite of her lack of height she is still an excellent volleyball player'

can be reformulated to:

Although she lacks in height, she is an excellent volleyball player.


Three different from the tale of Rhodopis

1. different.

2. different

3. different.



different tails I don't know it's answer

In the Egyptian version, Cinderella is known as Rhodopis. Rhodopis does not have a mother or father, but rather is kidnapped by pirates and then teased by fellow house-girl servants. Similar to Grimm's and Disney's version, Rhodopis finds friendships with animals.

It's actually a media ​



it differs in that the former serves to transform information into resources

What are the nouns and verbs for the sentence.
“I listened to the fall of coins.”


coins and fall are nouns. listen is a verb


I think the nouns are just 'coins' and the verbs 'listened' and 'fall'


what is the correct spelling for this?: The story, "Out In the Woods," Is one of my favorites.



The story, "Out in the Woods," is one of my favorites.



The story, 'Out In the Woods,' is one of my favorites.

Hope this helps!


Can someone help me with this question?





In Romeo and Juliet, the character of Juliet has a dilemma. She loves Romeo and has no conflict with him as a person. However, she has fallen in love with the son of her father’s enemy. At first, she does not know how to solve this problem.

What is the nature of Juliet’s conflict?


The wording is a little weird.
But I believe that her conflict was that she is in love with the enemies son

Which sentence's verbs express a sequence of events?
Rita will understand if you arrive late.
Rita will understand if you arrived late.
Rita will understand if you do arrive late.
Rita will understand if you are arriving late.



Rita will understand if you arrived late


The sentence's verbs that express a sequence of events is "Rita will understand if you arrived late".

This is because, the sequence of events is the way or structure of events as they come up in a story such as the beginning, middle and end of story has their own end and beginning.

Who says the following and why?
"What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn't come
every day."

A. Pickering is displaying his famous wit.

B. Higgins is convincing himself to take the Liza project on

C. Mrs. Pearce is sarcastically trying to make Higgins reconsider taking Liza in.

D. Mrs. Higgins is making excuses for Henry's behavior.



"What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn't come every day." These lines from Pygmalion are spoken by Professor Higgins, who is convincing himself of accepting Liza as a pupil.


Identify the correct comma use with an appositive phrase.

-All of the animals, two of every kind, were put on board by Noah.

-All of the animals two of every kind, were put on board by Noah.

-All of the animals, two of every kind were put on board by Noah.

-All of the animals two of every kind were put on board, by Noah.


The third one “all of the animals, two of every kind were put on board by noah

-Lego city

START THE RESCUE HELICOPTER: (fill in the black)




START THE RESCUE HELICOPTER HEY! Build the helicopter, and off to the rescue!

hope it is helpful to you

Transitions help:
A.unity B.coherence C.flow D.all of the above



where is the question?


in the outsiders which line best supports the authors message that some things in life are out of people control?​


Answer: “I'm not saying that either Socs or greasers are better; that's just the way things are.”

Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes Thomas Paine's use of evidence in
the passage?
Paine used empirical evidence to support the claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
Paine used empirical evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the
Continental Army.
Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
O D. Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the
Continental Army.



Paine used empirical evidence to support the claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.

Why do people like to visit Princess Louisa inlet ?



The boat tour up to world famous Princess Louisa Inlet is one of our most popular offerings. The wide opening of Jervis Inlet narrows past the Lodge to become a ...


Which characters first discover the proof of the truth about Hero's innocence and how the Prince and Cludio were tricked





Dogberry is the character first discover the proof of the truth about Hero's innocence. Dogberry who is a Constable that is a master of malapropisms discovers the evil trickery of the Don John. In the end of the story, Don John is captured. Claudio was tricked by the villain Don John into thinking that Hero was cheating on him with another man that make the heart of Claudio against the Hero.

Which artifact would best symbolize freedom for Americans



An eagle would best symbolize freedom for Americans

Read this excerpt from The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. The silver trump of freedom had roused my soul to eternal wakefulness. Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever. It was heard in every sound, and seen in every thing. It was ever present to torment me with a sense of my wretched condition. I saw nothing without seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, and felt nothing without feeling it. It looked from every star, it smiled in every calm, breathed in every wind, and moved in every storm. What inference can be drawn about Douglass in this excerpt



- He is unable to ignore the appeal of freedom.


As per the details provided in the excerpt, the deduction which can be made about Douglass is that 'he couldn't disregard the appeal to freedom.' The descriptions like 'silver trump of freedom...roused my disappear no more forever' substantiates the deduction. He says that this feeling was always present to take him out of his miserable situation. Now, he began to hear this rhythm of freedom in every minute thing and he could feel it even in the stars, storm, wind, and calm. Thus, this shows that he couldn't sideline this interest in freedom.


He is unable to ignore the appeal of freedom.


After Gulliver captures the Blefuscudian ships, what does the emperor of Lilliput want Gulliver to do?
attend a celebration party in honor of the victory
capture the rest of the Blefuscudian ships
Obecome the personal bodyguard of the empress of Lilliput
take a journey to the countryside with the royal court



It would be B. because the emperor wanted Gulliver to capture and keep the Blefuscuians as slaves so that the emperor could be the sole monarch of the world.

if i helped please make me brainiest

rules of Linking words



If linking words start a sentence, they are followed by a comma. When they are used to connect two clauses, a semi-colon is used at the end of the first clause, and a comma is often used after the linking word(s).

Other Questions
A hurricane near the coast would probably cause__ y is inversely proportional to x when y=9, x=24 You are the manager of a local sporting goods store and recently purchased ashipment of 60 sets of skis and ski bindings at a total cost of $30,000 (yourwholesale supplier would not let you purchase the skis and bindings separately,nor would it let you purchase fewer than 60 sets). The community in whichyour store is located consists of many different types of skiers, ranging fromadvanced to beginners. From experience, you know that different skiers valueskis and bindings differently. However, you cannot profitably price discrimi-nate because you cannot prevent resale. There are about 20 advanced skierswho value skis at $350 and ski bindings at $250; 20 intermediate skiers whovalue skis at $250 and ski bindings at $375; and 20 beginning skiers who valueskis at $175 and ski bindings at $325. Determine your optimal pricing strateg Why is it possible for a FPR (formyl-peptide receptor) to detect a formyl peptide in the absence of a bacterial infection? g Vectors ???? and ???? are sides of an equilateral triangle whose sides have length 4. Compute ????????. (Give your solution as a number to one decimal place. Questions 23 and 29: Use the following information to answer each question. A recent book noted that only 20% of all investment managers outperform the Dow Jones Industrial Average over a five-year period. A random sample of 200 investment managers that had graduated from one of the top ten business programs in the country were followed over a five-year period. Fifty of these outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Let p be the true proportion of investment managers who graduated from one of the top ten business programs who outperformed the Dow Jones over a five-year period. 23. Based on the results of the sample, a 95% confidence interval for p is: a. (1.95, 3.15) b. (0.0195, 0 .0315) c. (0.190, 0.310) d. (0.028, 0.031) e. (0.195, 0.315) f. We can assert that p = 0.20 with 100% confidence, because only 20% of investment managers outperform the standard indexes. 24. Suppose you had been in charge of designing the study. What sample size would be needed to construct a margin of error of 2% with 95% confidence? Use the prior estimate of p=0.2 for this estimate. a. n=2401 b. n=1537 c. n=16 d. n=1801 e. n>30 Suppose you wish to see if there is evidence that graduates of one of the top ten business programs performs better than other investment managers. Conduct a hypothesis test. Use a level of significance of =0.05 25. Which of the following pairs of hypotheses is the most appropriate for addressing this question? a. H0: p=0.2 Ha: p0.2 d. H0: p0.2 Ha: p=0.2 26. How many measurements must you have in order to assure that p^ is normally distributed? a. n30 b. n5 c. np10 and n(1p)10 d. np5 and n(1p)5 27. The value of your test statistic is: a. 1.768 b. 0.039 c. 1.923 d. 0.077 28. The P-value of your test is: a. 1.768 b. 0.039 c. 1.923 d. 0.077 29. Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that graduates from the top ten business programs perform better than other investment managers? a. Yes. I rejected H0 b. Yes. I failed to reject H0 c. Yes. I accepted Ha d. No. I rejected H0 e. No. I failed to reject H0 f. No. I failed to accept Ha The definition of economics states that it is the study of how _________. A. businesses make decisions and how those decisions impact other firms, the government, and consumers. B. the government determines policies, businesses set prices, and consumers choose how much to buy. C. agents choose to allocate scarce resources and the impact of those choices on society. D. money influences the economy in the short run and the long run. 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