Entries Write three journal entries as if you were living during the Great Depression. Each entry must be 3 full paragraphs and be sure to include the emotions the people were feeling talk about how people live during the dust bowl and stuff like that. ​


Answer 1


Journal Entry 1: October 29, 1929

Today was a day that will go down in history. The stock market crashed and with it, all of our hopes and dreams for a prosperous future. The news spread like wildfire and panic set in. The value of stocks and bonds plummeted, and many people lost everything they had invested. My family and I were fortunate enough to not have invested in the market, but we still feel the effects of the crash. People are losing their jobs left and right and businesses are closing their doors. It's hard to imagine how we will survive this economic catastrophe.

To make matters worse, we are also living through the dust bowl. The skies are constantly dark with dust and the wind is relentless. The dust gets in everything - our clothes, our food, our lungs. It's hard to breathe and even harder to work. Farmers are struggling to grow crops and many are forced to abandon their farms. My family is lucky to have a small plot of land where we can grow some of our own food, but it's not enough to sustain us. We're doing our best to stay strong and hopeful, but it's becoming harder and harder every day.

Journal Entry 2: May 15, 1932

It's been three years since the stock market crash and things have only gotten worse. The country is in the grips of the Great Depression and it feels like there is no end in sight. Unemployment rates are at an all-time high and people are struggling to make ends meet. I've seen people begging on the streets and standing in long lines for soup kitchens. It's heart-wrenching to see the desperation in their eyes.

The dust bowl is still raging on and it's taking a toll on everyone. The soil is so dry and brittle that it's almost impossible to grow anything. We've had to resort to eating things we never thought we would, like cactus and tumbleweeds. The dust storms are getting worse and it feels like we're constantly fighting a losing battle against nature. But we're determined to survive. We're doing everything we can to keep our heads above water and help our neighbors do the same. It's a tough road, but we're not giving up.

Journal Entry 3: December 7, 1941

Today, our country was attacked by the Japanese. It's a day that will live in infamy. It's hard to believe that things could get any worse, but they have. The war has plunged us deeper into the Great Depression, as resources are diverted to the war effort. Rationing is now a way of life and everything from food to gasoline is in short supply. It's a struggle to make do with what we have, but we're making it work.

The dust bowl seems like a distant memory now, but we still bear the scars. The land is slowly recovering, but it will never be the same. We've learned to adapt to the changing conditions and to appreciate the little things in life. We've come a long way since the stock market crash of 1929, but we still have a long way to go. The future is uncertain, but we're hopeful that we can build a better world for ourselves and for future generations.

Answer 2

The three journal entries of the Great Depression period are given below:

The Journal Entries

Journal Entry 1: August 1, 1932

Today, I woke up feeling heavy-hearted. It's been years since the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began, but it seems like things keep getting worse. My family and I have been struggling to make ends meet. We've had to cut back on everything, and some days, we don't even have enough to eat. We've had to make do with what we have, and that's not much. The dust bowl hasn't helped things either. Every day, it seems like the dust gets worse. It's hard to breathe, and it's even harder to grow crops. Many farmers have lost everything. I can't help but feel hopeless sometimes, but I try to stay positive. I know that we'll get through this somehow. We have to.

Journal Entry 2: October 10, 1934

Things are getting worse. The dust storms are relentless. They come in waves, one after another, suffocating us and destroying what little we have left. It's hard to imagine life without them. The dust has taken over everything, and it's hard to remember what the world looked like before. The economy is still struggling too. Jobs are scarce, and even when you can find work, the pay is barely enough to survive. My family and I have had to move from place to place, searching for any kind of stability. It's a hard life, but we're not alone. Everyone is in the same boat. We all share the same struggles, the same fears, and the same hopes. We try to help each other out when we can, but there's only so much we can do. We're all just trying to make it through the day.

Journal Entry 3: May 5, 1938

It's been almost a decade since the Great Depression began, and things are finally starting to look up. The dust bowl has mostly passed, and the economy is slowly starting to recover. Jobs are starting to become available again, and people are beginning to feel hopeful about the future. My family and I have managed to hold on through the tough times, and we're starting to see some rewards for our perseverance. We've learned to be resourceful, to make do with what we have, and to be grateful for the little things. The Great Depression has taught us many lessons, and I hope that we don't forget them when times get better. I know that we still have a long way to go, but I feel hopeful that we'll get there. We've come a long way, and we can't give up now.

Read more about the Great Depression here:



Related Questions

Thomas Jefferson tended to emphasize the importance of industrial development when forecasting the future of the United Statestrue or false


The statement "Thomas Jefferson tended to emphasize the importance of industrial development when forecasting the future of the United State" is FALSE because Jefferson was somewhat skeptical of industrialization and believed that America's future lay in an agrarian economy.

Jefferson believed that the ideal society was one of small farmers who owned their own land and worked independently. Jefferson believed that such a society would foster the virtues of independence, self-reliance, and civic virtue.

In his vision of the future, Jefferson saw the United States as an agricultural nation that would produce enough food and other agricultural products to meet the needs of its citizens and to trade with other countries.

He saw manufacturing as a necessary evil that should be kept to a minimum, as he believed that it would lead to the growth of cities, the concentration of wealth, and the corruption of civic virtue. Instead, he believed that the economy should be based on the production of raw materials, such as cotton, tobacco, and lumber, that could be sold to other countries in exchange for finished goods.

Learn more about industrial development here:



who did the shawnee side with during the american revolution?



they sided with the British


The most important element in Rome’s strong economy was
a. agriculture
b. glassmaking
c. metalworking
d. pottery


The most important element in Rome’s strong economy was  A) agriculture.

The Roman Empire's economy was fueled by agriculture, and it was the foundation of the empire's wealth. The Roman economy was primarily based on A) agriculture, as was the case in most ancient civilizations. Rome's prosperity was founded on its agricultural resources, which were significant because they offered food for the populace and contributed to the empire's wealth.

Agriculture was the primary source of income for the Roman Empire. It was the foundation of the empire's wealth, as well as the primary source of income for the state treasury. Romans were well-known for their skills in constructing an irrigation system to transport water throughout the arid land.

In the Roman Empire, there was a lot of land that was perfect for agriculture. They produced crops such as wheat, corn, and barley, and livestock such as cattle, goats, and sheep. The majority of the crops were utilized to feed the Roman population, with a small percentage being exported to other nations.

The wealth that Rome generated from agriculture was used to fund its military campaigns, construct public buildings, and maintain public works like aqueducts and roads. Agriculture was the primary source of the empire's wealth, as well as the primary source of income for the state treasury. As a result, it is safe to say that Rome's agricultural sector was the backbone of its economy, and without it, the empire would not have been able to achieve such a high degree of wealth and success.

For similar questions on "Agriculture" :



Which three statements show how members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma with different from the National Socialist Party


These are the three statements that illustrate the differences between members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma and the National Socialist Party.

Members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma advocate for workers' rights, universal healthcare, and public education, while the National Socialist Party promoted the superiority of the Aryan race and sought to eliminate minority groups.

Members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma believe in collective ownership of property and resources, while the National Socialist Party believed in private property ownership and promoted a capitalist system.

Members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma support democratic governance and free speech, while the National Socialist Party sought to establish a totalitarian regime and suppress dissenting opinions.

To know more about Socialist Party click here:



1 ptAt the end of Act III, what does Juliet decide to do?plead with the Prince to lift the decree of Romeo's banishmenttell her parents the truth about her marriagesend a message to Romeo telling him it is not safe to remain in Veronavisit Friar Lawrence to seek his advice



1 ptAt the end of Act III, what does Juliet decide to do?plead with the Prince to lift the decree of Romeo's banishmenttell her parents the truth about her marriagesend a message to Romeo telling him it is not safe to remain in Veronavisit Friar Lawrence to seek his advice


At the end of Act III, Juliet decides to send a message to Romeo telling him it is not safe to remain in Verona. This decision is made after she learns from the Nurse that Romeo has killed Tybalt and has been banished from Verona. She is heartbroken and torn between her loyalty to her family and her love for Romeo. Ultimately, she decides to send a message to Romeo through the Nurse, urging him to come to her so they can spend one more night together before he leaves Verona.

the compromise of 1850 removed the slavery question from congressional debate. yet, the new fugitive slave act made further controversy inevitable. which of the following provisions of the fugitive slave act proved controversial?


Federal commissions now decided the fate of fugitive slaves who have been arrested in the North, independent of state and local regulations.

Which were the main tenets of the 1850 Compromise?

The laws set a boundary with Tex and the The Us, abolished the slave market in Washington, DC, that revised this same Fugitive Slave Act in addition to calling for the entrance of California as just a "free state" and territory governments for both New Mexico and Utah.

Why did Wilmot object to slavery being introduced to the new lands?

Wilmot opposed the expansion of slavery into in the Mexican Cession and not just because he cared about African Americans but rather because he thought that slavery was bad for white labor and that lands should not be ceded to slaves. The government should use its newly acquired resources to strengthen the situation of white seasonal workers and small farms.

To know more about fugitive visit:



What are some major events of the Cold Harbor Battle in chronological order?


Ulysses S. Grant directed numerous assaults against steadfast Confederate defenses from May 31 to June 3, which culminated in a terribly brutal defeat on June 3.

What significant actions took place during the Cold Harbor Battle, in what order?

Between 1861 and 1865, the United States Civil War saw numerous major and small engagements and military operations. The First Battle of Bull Run, the Battle of Shiloh, the Battle of Antietam, the Battle of Gettysburg, and the Vicksburg Campaign were among the most important.

General Robert E. Lee's Confederate forces were now encamped at Cold Harbor, about 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Richmond, when Grant issued the order for a frontal infantry assault. The outcome was a massacre for the Union army and Lee's final significant victory of the war. The two Cold Harbor taverns (Old and New), which both located close to the contentious crossroads in 1864, gave the region of Cold Harbor, Virginia, its name.

Learn more about Cold Harbor Battle:



NATO was created in 1949. The alliance that the Soviet Union created several years later was called what?


The alliance that the Soviet Union created several years later was called Warsaw Pact, together with seven other Central and Eastern European satellite governments, a collective defense pact: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania (Albania withdrew in 1968).

The Warsaw Pact, also known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, was a collective defense pact that the Soviet Union and seven other communist nations of the Eastern Bloc in Central and Eastern Europe signed in May 1955 in Warsaw, Poland. The term "Warsaw Pact" typically refers to the Warsaw Treaty Organization (WTO) as well as the defense alliance that resulted from the treaty. The Eastern and Central European Military Group (ECMG) provided military support to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon), the Eastern Bloc's regional economic organization countries in Europe.

As a balance of power against the Western Bloc and NATO, the Warsaw Pact, which was dominated by the Soviet Union, was established.

To know more about Treaty of Friendship, click here:



What did the New Deal do in the 1930s?


In 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was intended to accelerate economic recovery through federal action and get Americans back to work.

The new federal agency sought to control agricultural production, stabilize wages and prices, and create a massive public works program for the unemployed.

When the Great Depression ended her 1920s prosperity, the Pacific Northwest, like the rest of the country, suffered an economic disaster.

In the West, Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps work in national forests, national parks, and Indian reservations to tackle natural resource projects and the legacy of Pacific Northwest buildings, roads, bridges, and trails. Workers were deployed in large numbers. Bringing many of these projects.

Many New Deal-era government agencies sponsored photography projects. In addition, many institutions are tasked with providing verbal and photographic documentation of the projects they have implemented. 

Know more about New Deal here:



What are the answers to both examples?


1) Musical elements used to create a varied arrangement of "Baby Love" by the Supremes include catchy rhythms, upbeat tempos.

2) In "Respect" by Aretha Franklin, the background vocals create more intensity as the song develops.

What is musical elements?

Musical elements are the basic components of any musical composition, including melody, rhythm, harmony, structure, and texture. Melody is the most prominent element in music, and consists of a series of pitches that form a recognizable tune. Rhythm is the pattern of beats and pauses that give music its pulse.

Harmony is the use of two or more notes sounding together to create a pleasing effect. Structure describes the way musical elements are organized within a piece, such as verse, chorus, and bridge. Lastly, texture is the way musical elements are combined to create a unique sound. All of these elements combine to create a unique musical experience for the listener.

To learn more about musical elements



In lines 38-43, Scipio, the Roman commander, reflects on the history of great cities and empires. In your own words, what does he state? Can you think of any other examples to support his claim?


Scipio, the Roman commander, displays on the history of exquisite cities and empires

What was the magnitude of Scipio Africanus in the Punic Wars?

Often regarded as one of the first-class military commanders and strategists of all time, his greatest navy fulfillment was the defeat of Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in 202 BC. This victory in Africa earned him the epithet Africanus, actually which means "the African," but supposed to be understood as a conqueror of Africa

Hannibal deployed his troops facing northwest, whilst Scipio deployed his troops in the front of the Carthaginian military facing southeast. Hannibal's navy consisted of 36,000 infantry, 4,000 cavalry and eighty fighting elephants, whilst Scipio had a complete of 29,000 infantry and 6,100

learn more about  Roman empire here:


The Catechism for the filipino states that God wants us to enhance develop and protect our life and the lifes of others.As a Grade 5 student what will you do to promote enhancement development and protection of life.




As a Grade 5 student, there are several things I can do to promote the enhancement, development, and protection of life, as stated in the Catechism for the Filipino. Here are some ideas:

Respect and value life: I will show respect and value for life by being kind to everyone and treating people the way I want to be treated. I will also learn to appreciate diversity and differences among people and embrace them.

Practice good habits for health: I will develop healthy habits such as eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep. I will also practice regular exercise and hygiene to keep myself and others healthy.

Be a responsible citizen: I will participate in activities that promote the welfare of my community and environment. For example, I can join clean-up drives, tree planting, and other initiatives that help keep our surroundings clean and healthy.

Learn and share knowledge: I will read and learn about important issues and concerns that affect life, such as environmental protection, health, and safety. I will also share my learnings with others and encourage them to do the same.

Advocate for the rights of others: I will stand up for the rights of others, especially those who are vulnerable and marginalized. I will promote fairness, justice, and equality, and speak out against discrimination and abuse.

By doing these things, I believe that I can contribute to the enhancement, development, and protection of life, as God wants us to do.

The stance taken by France and England about German aggression towards Czechoslovakia
became known as?
Policy of Self-determination
Line in the Sand Policy
Policy of Armed Neutrality
Policy of Appeasement



The stance taken by France and England about German aggression towards Czechoslovakia became known as the "Policy of Appeasement".


Political parties are not mentioned in the U. S. Constitution, but they play a key role in government because they


Political parties are not mentioned in the U. S. Constitution, but they play a key role in government because they were seen as a threat to good government and public order.

When American political parties were first established, they were not intended to last forever. With the first amendment, the constitution helped to mold them in that direction. Thomas Jefferson, a founding member of the democratic party, also spoke out against them in his farewell address together with George Washington. According to the United States Constitution as originally ratified, the vice president would be the person who received the second-most votes in the presidential election. But, this didn't change until the Twelfth Amendment was enacted in 1804. The second-place vote-getter in the presidential election would hold the position of vice president, according to the United States Constitution as originally ratified. This changed only when the Twelfth Amendment was ratified in 1804, though.

As restrictions were lifted over the years, more and more adult citizens were given the ability to vote. The subsequent growth and expansion of political parties was directly related to the expansion of voting rights.

To know more about George Washington, click here,



Which one of the following was a term used for a sailor in the Royal Navy during the era of the British Empire? John Barleycorn; Silas Marner; Jacob Marley


Option-A: The term for a sailor in the Royal Navy during the era of the British Empire was John Barleycorn.

This was a nickname given to a sailor in the Royal Navy who had spent a long time at sea. The term originated from a song which was popular during the 18th century and spoke of the hardships and perils of life at sea. It was often used as a term of endearment for an experienced sailor.

During the era of the British Empire, a sailor in the Royal Navy was known as a "Jack Tar." In 1850, Queen Victoria's Navy was the world's largest naval force. By the 1800s, the word "Jack" was used in reference to a sailor, and "Tar" was added to signify the substance used to seal the ship's planks. The Royal Navy continued to use the term "Jack Tar" well into the 20th century to refer to their sailors. The word "Jack" appears in several idiomatic expressions, including "Jack of all trades," which refers to a person who can perform a variety of tasks competently. The phrase "Union Jack" also refers to the British flag.Thus the correct answer is option-A

For such more questions on Royal Navy :



Bakit may history? Explain what is history and its significance.



History is the knowledge of and study of the past. It is the story of the past and a form of collective memory. History is the story of who we are, where we come from, and can potentially reveal where we are headed.


History is the systematic study and documentation of human activity.

History Builds Empathy Through Studying the Lives and Struggles of Others. Studying the diversity of human experience helps us appreciate cultures, ideas, and traditions that are not our own – and to recognize them as meaningful products of specific times and places.

Hope it helps

how did the use of machine guns in world war I contribute to stalemate?


The use of machine guns in World War I contributed to stalemate by creating a powerful defensive weapon that made it difficult for attacking forces to advance. Machine guns were also used by both sides, which made it difficult for either side to gain a significant advantage over the other.

Machine guns were firearms that could fire rapidly and continuously, making them extremely deadly. They could fire hundreds of rounds per minute, and they were capable of mowing down large numbers of enemy troops in a matter of seconds.

Machine guns made it very difficult for attacking forces to advance. This is because the machine guns were often placed in strategic locations, such as on hilltops or at the top of trenches, where they had a clear line of sight and could easily mow down approaching enemy troops.

This meant that attacking forces had to advance slowly and cautiously, taking cover wherever possible and trying to advance in small groups to avoid being cut down by machine gun fire.

For more such questions on machine guns, click on:



True or False Robert Duncan won his state Senate seat in a special election.


Answer: It is true

Explanation: Vernon, Texas, U.S. Lubbock, Texas, U.S. Duncan served in the Texas State Senate from the 28th district, centered about Lubbock, from 1996, when he won a special election, until his resignation in July 2014, when he was named chancellor of the Texas Tech system.

True or False, in katz v. united states (1967), the u.s. supreme court determined that the government needs a court order to intrude where a reasonable person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.


True, in Katz v. United States (1967), the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the government needs a court order to intrude where a reasonable person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

What was the Katz v. United States case about?Katz v. United States (1967) was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the reasonable expectation of privacy principle. This legal theory, which was first recognized in Katz v. United States, argues that the Fourth Amendment protects people's privacy, rather than just their personal property. Katz v. United States, in particular, involved Charles Katz, who had been convicted of transmitting wagering information by telephone across state lines, which is a federal crime. Katz contended that the evidence used against him was acquired unlawfully, since the government placed a listening device on a public telephone booth, and he had a "reasonable expectation of privacy" in the telephone booth.

For more such questions on U.S. Supreme Court



what problem faced many cities after the revolution and what was the cause?


Russia was plunged into a revolution that lasted for several years, and the economy was in shambles. As a result, many cities faced food shortages, high inflation, and a lack of basic necessities.

In the early 1900s, Russia was plunged into a revolution that had a major effect on its economy. With high inflation, food shortages, and a lack of basic necessities, cities all across the country were affected. This period of instability lasted for several years, with no end in sight.

However, in recent years the economy has slowly recovered, allowing the people of Russia to get back on their feet and enjoy a better quality of life. It is a testament to their strength and resilience that they were able to overcome the many obstacles in their path and come out stronger in the end.

To know more about revolution , click here.



Pinkney is in favor of which of the following? a. Three-fifths Compromise b. Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise c. Presidential Election Compromise d. The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)


Pinkney supports the Three-Fifths Compromise in Response A.

The Three-Fifths Compromise was backed by which state?

James Madison finally offered a 5-to-3 ratio as a compromise. Except for New Hampshire as well as Rhode Island, every state supported this advice. However, the idea was rejected since the Constitutional Articles required unanimous consent.

Who gained more from the agreement?

Although both sides benefited, it seemed that the north benefited the most. Although California frequently sided with south on numerous issues in the 1850s, the Senate today favors the free states. The Fugitive Slave Statute was the key win for the south. With in end, the north opposed enforcing it.

To know more about  Three-fifths visit:



17) The Allied leaders hoped to prevent which of the following by organizing the Bretton
Woods Conference:
OA) Another world war
QB) A worldwide depression
OC) A nuclear arms race
OD) The failure of the United Nations


Option (b), The Bretton Woods Conference was convened in an effort by the leaders of the Allies to avert a global slump.

What was the rationale behind calling the Bretton Woods Conference?

Their objective was to agree on a framework of international cooperation and economic order that would support long-term global progress while helping countries rebuild from the devastation of the war.

Before the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, what noteworthy event occurred?

The Bretton Woods Conference, also known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, took place in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1 to 22, 1944. Its purpose was to establish financial plans for the postwar era after Germany and Japan were expected to lose the war.

The main objective of the Bretton Woods Conference was what?

In order to oversee the post-war reconstruction, two financial organizations were established by the Bretton Woods conference. The International Monetary Fund, or IMF, was in charge of overseeing the surpluses and deficits of its member nations' external balances.

Learn more about Bretton Woods Conference: https://brainly.com/question/26442808


what are two ways that texas changed because of the discovery of oil?


The massive production of oil throughout the state has changed the state's main industry, boosted the wealth of individuals and businesses, and globalized the Texas economy.

How does Texas' economy fare?Texas' economy, measured by GDP, is the second largest in the US, behind California's. As of 2022, its gross domestic output was $2.4 trillion. Texas had 53 Fortune 500 firms in total, which was the highest in the country in 2022. Texas has the ninth-largest economy in the world, surpassing countries like Canada, Korea, Russia, and Australia. GDP for 2021, IMF In the third quarter of 2022, Texas' GDP expanded by an astounding 8.2%, significantly more than the national average. United States Bureau of Economic Analysis. In case you weren't aware, Texas is oil country. It is the top producer in the country and contributes more than 40% of the total output, which has been great for the state's economy. among its key industries, employment in oil and gas has experienced the fastest rise.

To learn more about Texas economy, refer to:


What was the main cause of the process of urbanization that occurred in 19th-century Britain and elsewhere in western Europe?
a. poor crop yields
b. industrialization
c. improved living conditions in cities
d. more efficient transportation systems


Option-B: The main cause of the process of urbanization that occurred in 19th-century Britain and elsewhere in western Europe was industrialization.

 Urbanization is a term that describes the movement of people from rural to urban areas. Urbanization refers to the process of population migration from rural areas to cities in search of better living standards, job opportunities, and modern amenities. In the early nineteenth century, urbanization began in Great Britain, and it spread across Europe and North America over the next century.The main cause of the process of urbanization that occurred in 19th-century Britain and elsewhere in western Europe was industrialization.

The Industrial Revolution in Britain in the 18th century and the following developments led to a significant change in the nature of cities and towns. Urbanization, like industrialization, began in Great Britain and then spread to other parts of Europe.The transition from a pre-industrial to an industrial economy led to a massive population movement from rural to urban areas in search of employment opportunities. Cities became centers of industry, trade, and commerce, and rural regions became more reliant on the urban economy. Thus,the correct answer is option-B.

For such more questions on urbanization :



three-leafed shamrock were believed to be used by saint patrick to explain what?


The three-leafed shamrock was believed to be used by Saint Patrick to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.

The three-leafed shamrock is a symbol of Saint Patrick's Day. It is a symbol of Ireland and the Irish, and is synonymous with Saint Patrick. The shamrock is a small plant that has three leaves, and it is said that Saint Patrick used the plant to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.

The Holy Trinity is the Christian doctrine that states that there is only one God, but that God exists in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a difficult concept to understand, but Saint Patrick is said to have used the three-leafed shamrock to help explain it to his followers.

According to legend, Saint Patrick was walking through the countryside when he came across a patch of shamrocks. He picked one up and used it to illustrate how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate but also one entity. This story has become a part of the folklore of Ireland and is still celebrated today with the symbol of the three-leafed shamrock.

Therefore, Saint Patrick is believed to have used the three-leafed shamrock to illustrate the idea of the Holy Trinity.

To know more about Saint Patrick click here:



Which events in the post-World War I period helped Adolf Hitler rise to power?

Select all correct answers.


Germany was forced to pay reparations to the victorious allied powers.

German American immigrants threatened to invade Germany.

Germany's ally, the Ottoman Empire, collapse.

The Treaty of Versailles was seen as a humiliation by most Germans.


A and C

Since the Germans had to pay reparations to the allies because of the treaty of Versailles, their economy was very bad and people wanted to fight back, so when hitler came to power and told the germans that he can help them, he basically put gasoline on a already lit fire. the germans supported him a lot and hoping he can help Germany be the country it used to be before the allies made it what it was. (hope this makes sense and was not too late)

As the chief executive, the president of the United States has the power to:a. ​make secret agreements with other countries.b. ​grant reprieves, pardons, and amnesties.c. ​call special sessions of Congress.d. ​make pacts with other heads of state, without Senate approval.e. ​veto a bill passed by Congress.



e. veto a bill passed by congress


who invented the steam-powered rolling mills, which allowed for the production of iron in any shape or form?


The steam-powered rolling mills were invented by Henry Cort, who allowed for the production of iron in any shape or form. In 1783, Cort took out a patent for his puddling process, which was a major development in the production of iron.The steam-powered rolling mills, which allowed for the production of iron in any shape or form, were invented by Henry Cort.

Cort took out a patent for his puddling process, which was a significant advancement in the production of iron, in 1783. The process entails melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace until it turns into a liquid form, and then stirring it in a puddling furnace to burn off the impurities. The iron would be rolled into bars or sheets after this procedure. The procedure of producing iron with cort's method became the standard until the 19th century when it was replaced by the Bessemer process, which was even more efficient.

For more such questions on Steam power



4. This cause of WWI arose from countries joining together for mutual
O Militarism
O Alliances
O Nationalism


The cause of WWI that arose from countries joining together for mutual security is Alliances.

cause of WWI arose from countries -

In the early 20th century, European nations formed alliances with each other to create a system of mutual defense in case of war. These alliances led to a complicated web of obligations and commitments, where a small conflict between two nations could quickly escalate into a large-scale war involving multiple countries. The most notable alliances were the Triple Entente, consisting of Britain, France, and Russia, and the Central Powers, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Ultimately, the system of alliances contributed to the outbreak of WWI, as one nation's mobilization for war led to a domino effect of mobilization across Europe.

To know more about outbreak of WWI, visit :



What accounted for Russias losses to Germany in the early battles of World War I?

A. Lack of communication and coordination

B. Russian soldiers defecting in large numbers

C. Small numbers of Russian troops

D. Revolution against Russian government

Please Pennfoster students help!!!


Small numbers of Russian troops accounted for Russia's losses to Germany in the early battles of World War I because the small size of the Russian army meant that it was outnumbered and outmatched by the German forces.

The correct option is C.

Russia entered the First World War with a relatively small army than Germany. In 1914, Russia had about 5 million men in its army, while Germany had about 4.5 million. Moreover, Russia was also geographically disadvantaged, as it shared a long and difficult-to-defend border with Germany, which made it difficult for the Russian army to mobilize and concentrate its forces.

Additionally, the Russian army suffered from poor training and outdated equipment, making it difficult to compete with the well-equipped German forces. These factors contributed to Russia's losses in the early battles of the First World War.

The correct option is C.

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A quadrilateral has two angles that measure 235 and 40. The other two angles are in a ratio of 5:12. What are the measures of those two angles? is present when managers know the possible outcomes of a particular course of action and can assign probabilities to them. Select the correct answer. which recent presidential candidate led one of the most successful independent campaigns? a. al gore b. ross perot c. ronald reagan d. walter mondale Can someone please help me with these? Thank You! A particle of charge q is fixed at point P, and a second particle of mass m and the same charge q is initially held a distance r1 from P. The second particle is then released. Determine its speed when it is a distance r2 from P. Let q=3.1 C,m=20 mg,r1=0.90 mm, and r2=2.5 mm. healthy people tend to be happier than unhealthy people. from this kind of information, which of the following (if any) can we conclude? A good exercise session should include which of the following?power liftingpower liftingcool downcool downa TV showa TV showmuscular endurancemuscular endurancecardio-respiratory endurancecardio-respiratory enduranceflexibilityflexibilitysnack breaksnack breakmuscular strengthmuscular strengthwarm-up What type of application can be installed automatically when the user logs on to a computer in the domain? compare the attitudes and practices of folk song collectors like john and alan lomax with those of a calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field which would be needed to balance the weight of (a) an electron, (b) a proton, (c) an oil drop which cellular change is most likely to cause a genetic mutation? What is the medical term for not breathing? What is the pressure in the arteries at the peak of ventricular contraction? 1. Please reread the entry of Saturday, March 11th, 1944 on page 231. What did Anne say would make their time in hiding more tolerable?Having Mr. VanderSchaaff teaching them shorthand.Becoming best friends with Peter.Not sharing the rice with Mr. Kleiman.Eating less beans. Question 7On June 22, 1947, in Holt, Missouri, 12 inches of rain fell in just 42 minutes. What was the averagerainfall per minute rounded to the nearest hundredth of an inch?A1 pQuestion 81 pts which characteristics best describe designs from the deconstructivist movement? select all that apply. a. chaotic layouts b. clean font c. detailed, patterned backgrounds d. faux textures What region did sailors from England explore? (4 points) aAsia bAfrica cEurope dNorth America eSouth America What would the potential of a standard hydrogen (S.H.E.) electrode be if it was under the following conditions?[H+] = 0.77 MPH2 = 1.4 atmT = 298 K When a pilot recognizes a hazardous thought, he or she then should correct it by stating the a corresponding antidote. Which of the following is the antidote for MACHO What is tangent and how do you calculate it from the unit circle?