Drag each tile to the correct box.
Place the events into chronological order.
The earliest humans
arrive in Oklahoma.
The Caddoan culture
builds mounds at Spiro.
The Wichitas occupy
The Forager culture
Tribes such as the Apache

Drag Each Tile To The Correct Box.Place The Events Into Chronological Order.The Earliest Humansarrive


Answer 1

The correct order is 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 as per the counting given in the question placing events into chronological order.

What do you mean by culture?

A population's institutions, ideas, and way of life that are passed down from parent to child make up what is known as its culture. "The manner of life for an entire society" has been said about culture. As a result, it contains norms for conduct, dress, language, religion, and ceremonies.

Is it simple to describe culture?

A culture or multiple cultures entail so many layers of meaning that it is difficult to define, which is why attempts at definition by itemizing the components have been made. Other reasons for this difficulty include the fact that "culture" can be a countable or uncountable noun.

To know more about Culture visit:



Related Questions

In democratic nations, controlling public opinion was part of “total war” and entailed censorship of the press, literature, movies, and the arts. True or False?


True. In democratic nations, control of public opinion was part of "total warfare" and involved censorship of the press, literature, film and art.

Why do we need democracies?

Democracy respects human rights and fundamental freedoms and provides an environment in which people can exercise their free will. People have a voice and can hold decision makers accountable.

What is a democratic nation?

A democratic country has a system of government in which people have the power to participate in decision making. Every democracy is unique and works in different ways. In some democracies, citizens contribute directly to decision-making by voting on laws and policy proposals (direct democracy). Switzerland is a rare example of a country that has adopted direct democracy.

To learn more about democracy visit:



5. The map below shows the territories France, Great Britain, and Spain once controlled in parts of North America. According to the map legend, what color represents the territories of France?
A) purple
B) blue
C) green


A) purple color represents the territories of France.

What more is purple color used for ?

The color purple is used in the map legend to represent the territories of France in parts of North America.

According to a tale, the color purple was used to designate the areas under French rule. Other hues, such as blue, green, and brown, could be used to symbolize the lands of other nations or empires, such as Spain and Great Britain, respectively.

It's important to note that this information is based on the map legend provided and the color codes used by the map creator, so one should always check the legend before interpreting a map.

To know more about territories visit:



The entrance of The U.S made the war a __________ ______________.



the eventual defeat of Germany possible


The entry of the United States was the turning point of the war, because it made the eventual defeat of Germany possible. It had been foreseen in 1916 that if the United States went to war, the Allies' military effort against Germany would be upheld by U.S. supplies and by enormous extensions of credit.

What was the real impact of the 14th Amendment?


The Amendment liberated the African Americans. The Amendment made it possible for anyone who is born and naturalized in the United States is recognized as a citizen. This citizen's rights will be protected just like any other American citizen.

The impact this brought was after the slaves started being freed. They did not have to go through tedious processes just to attain their right of citizenship. Before the 14th Amendment came about, the slaves would be free but still get recaptured by other slave owners and enslaved again. The Amendment not only gave African American citizenship but ensured them that the government through the justice system will protect their rights as they would do to a white American

Consider reading more about the 14th amendment here:



Why did the garment workers' union grow after the Triangle Shirtwaist factory
A. The government ordered unions to be set up.
B. Business owners formed unions to show their sympathy.
C. Consumers pressured businesses by boycotting nonunion goods.
D. Workers refused to return to work without there being a union.


The garment employees union grew after triangle shirtwaist manufacturing unit fireplace because consumers pressured groups via way of boycotting non union foods.

What took place after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

In its aftermath, the Triangle hearth inspired a terrific marketing campaign of place of work reform. About thirty separate legal guidelines had been passed, which include those regulating the minimal wage and working conditions.

The blaze, the Fire Marshal would later determine, was once in all likelihood brought about by way of a smoldering cigarette butt or in shape that had fallen into a bin full of cloth scraps and tissue paper. Smoking used to be forbidden in the factory, however the employees had been acknowledged to sneak cigarettes.

It represented thousands of heaps of apparel enterprise workers, most of them women. Two successful strikes in 1909 and 1910 received electricity for the union. Members and their allies pushed for new legal guidelines to guard geared up labor. They won broad assist after the devastating Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in 1911.

Learn more about garment workers here:



Answer: consumers pressured by boycotting nonunion goods


You are in a group of students protesting against the war in Iraq. You are peaceful,
only chanting slogans and singing songs. The police arrive and order you to leave. You do not leave, and are arrested. Is that OK?


No, it is not OK to be arrested for peacefully protesting. Everyone has the right to peacefully protest and express their views, and this should not be met with arrest and punishment.

What is peacefully protest?

Peacefully protesting is a way to make a statement or show opposition to something without resorting to violence. It is a form of civil disobedience that can be used to express grievances, stand up for rights, or bring attention to an issue. Peaceful protests are often organized marches, rallies, or sit-ins that are held in public spaces such as parks, streets, or even government buildings. Participants of peaceful protests often display banners, signs, and chants to make their voices heard. They also may use strategies such as civil disobedience, boycotts, and strikes. Peaceful protests are a way to peacefully and respectfully express opinions and seek change without resorting to violence.

To learn more about peacefully protest visit:



What does the physical structure of Cape Coast under the British, including it’s dungeons, tell us about the Atlantic slave trade


Originally constructed as trading centres for timber and gold, the Cape Coast castles would become strategic trading points in the Triangle Trade. This route was used to transport goods to the West African coast, slaves to the Americas, and raw materials to Europe.

What is the Cape Coast?

Cape Coast is the capital of Ghana's Central Region in the south. It is well-known for its involvement in the transatlantic slave trade. Cape Coast Castle, which overlooks the Gulf of Guinea, is a large whitewashed fort built by the Swedish in the 17th century.

The British later used the Cape Coast as a slave holding prison. The Castle Museum's interior features exhibits on pre-colonial local history, the slave trade, and traditional crafts.

Therefore, the physical structure of Cape Coast under the British, including it’s dungeons, tell us about the Atlantic slave trade.

To learn more about Cape Coast, click here:



4 Historical Event: Mary and her husband, William of Orange, were offered the throne.

Resulting Action or Document:

Effect on Democracy:


In accordance with the new British Bill of Rights, Mary, the deposed king's daughter, and William of Orange, her husband, are recognized as joint sovereigns of Great Britain following Britain's bloodless Glorious Revolution.

What accomplished the Glorious Revolution?In England, from 1688 to 1689, there was a period of time known as the Glorious Revolution, also known as "The Revolution of 1688" and "The Bloodless Revolution." James II, a Catholic, was overthrown, and his Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange, a prince from the Netherlands, took his place.

Why was England called the Glorious Revolution?Because it was a peaceful transfer of power (at least in England) and maintained governmental customs, the reign of James II of England was succeeded by William III, and this transition of power was referred to as a "glorious" revolution.

To know more about Glorious Revolution, visit:



How have the major causes of death changed from 1900 to now?


Tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, and diphtheria were the leading causes of death in 1900, but cases have seen a large reduction in mortality and this has made these diseases no longer the leading cause of death in the United States. However, heart disease and cancer have increased mortality.

About mortality ratio

Mortality ratio is a measure of the average death of the population in a certain area or area. In simple terms, mortality is the number of deaths from certain diseases or natural deaths. Mortality is an important component in population. Population growth is determined one way or another by mortality

The object of mortality is all humans at all types of ages wherever and whenever. Mortality is an important piece of information for the government and the private sector in the field of economy and health. The problem of mortality covers the economic, social, customary, and environmental health sectors. The improvement of the people's welfare by the central government and local government can be known through the mortality indicator.

The combination of information in the form of maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, child mortality rate, as well as the prevalence of malnutrition and age life expectancy, is representative of the level of welfare of the population. In addition, the amount of mortality determines the development direction of a country.

The calculation of mortality consists of several types, such as: infant mortality rate, crude mortality rate, and death rate by age group.

Mortality is different from morbidity which refers to the number of individuals who have the disease during a certain period of time.

Mortality in detail is defined as the number of specific deaths in a population with the large scale of a population per unit multiplied. Specific mortality expresses the number of death units per 1000 individuals per year.

Learn more about mortality at https://brainly.com/question/15088055.


Question 1 In 1492, explorer Christopher Columbus claimed the island of Hispaniola for the Spanish crown. Columbus kept a journal during his expedition. Read the following passage from the 1492 journals of Christopher Columbus. Then answer the questions based on the readings. All of your answers should be in complete sentences.

Part A: What is Columbus describing in this passage. ​


In this passage, Christopher Columbus is describing his initial encounter with the native people of the island of Hispaniola, which he has claimed for the Spanish crown.

Columbus notes that the native people were friendly, and that they could be easily converted to Christianity through gentle means. He also describes the trade that took place between his crew and the native people, in which they exchanged small trinkets such as red caps and beads for items like parrots and cotton thread.

Columbus also notes in his expedition journal that the native people had no weapons and no iron, and that they had scars on their bodies from defending themselves against attacks from other islands. He concludes by expressing his belief that the native people would make good servants and would readily convert to Christianity, and his intention to bring some of them back to Spain to learn their language. Additionally, He took possession of the island for the King and Queen of Spain and called upon the two Captains and the rest of the crew who landed, as well as the notary of the fleet, to witness and bear testimony of it.

This question should be provided with the passage:

Presently they descried people, n?ked, and the Admiral landed in the boat, which was armed, along with Martin Alonzo Pinzon, and Vincent Yanez his brother, captain of the Nina. . . . The Admiral called upon the two Captains, and the rest of the crew who landed, as also to Rodrigo de Escovedo notary of the fleet, and Rodrigo Sanchez, of Segovia, to bear witness that he before all others took possession (as in fact he did) of that island for the King and Queen his sovereigns, making the requisite declarations, which are more at large set down here in writing. Numbers of the people of the island straightway collected together. Here follow the precise words of the Admiral: "As I saw that they were very friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force, I presented them with some red caps, and strings of beads to wear upon the neck, and many other trifles of small value, wherewith they were much delighted, and became wonderfully attached to us. Afterwards they came swimming to the boats, bringing parrots, balls of cotton thread, javelins, and many other things which they exchanged for articles we gave them, such as glass beads, and hawk's bells; which trade was carried on with the utmost good will. But they seemed on the whole to me, to be a very poor people. . . . Weapons they have none, nor are acquainted with them, for I showed them swords which they grasped by the blades, and cut themselves through ignorance. They have no iron, their javelins being without it, and nothing more than sticks, though some have fish-bones or other things at the ends. They are all of a good size and stature, and handsomely formed. I saw some with scars of wounds upon their bodies, and demanded by signs the of them; they answered me in the same way, that there came people from the other islands in the neighborhood who endeavored to make prisoners of them, and they defended themselves. I thought then, and still believe, that these were from the continent. It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion. They very quickly learn such words as are spoken to them. If it please our Lord, I intend at my return to carry home six of them to your Highnesses, that they may learn our language." These are the words of the Admiral.

Learn more about Christopher Columbus here: brainly.com/question/10813507


To what extent did Barack Obama fulfill his domestic policy goals?​




The Obama Administration stated that its general agenda was to "revive the economy, provide affordable and accessible health care to all, strengthen our public education and social security systems, define a clear path to energy independence and tackle climate change, end the War in Iraq responsibly

To what extent is the urban rural divide still felt


The extent to which the urban-rural divide is still felt can vary depending on the specific context and location. In some cases, the divide may be less pronounced, while in other cases it may be more significant. The urban-rural divide is influenced by a range of factors, including economic development, access to resources, and cultural differences.

what federal government position is most like a states governor ?

The vice president
The speaker of the house
The president
The secretary of state


Option A  The vice president  is The federal office that most closely resembles a state governor. States and the people, who are divided between State and municipal administrations, are the exclusive domain of the Federal government.

How do the state and federal governments compare?

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state governments are all fashioned after the federal government. All States must uphold a "republican form" of government, while the three-branch system is not essential, according to the U.S. Constitution. Every state has a governor who is appointed to lead the Executive Branch and is chosen by popular vote. Other members of the executive branch who are directly elected in the majority of states include the lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, auditors, and commissioners. States are free to assemble in any way, hence their executive structures can differ greatly. County, also known as borough in Alaska and parish in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns, are the two main layers of local administration. Townships are used to split counties in several states. According to state constitutions, municipalities can be arranged in a variety of ways and go by a variety of names, including townships, villages, boroughs, cities, and towns. Outside of counties or municipalities, several districts, such education districts or fire protection districts, perform local government duties.

Learn more about judicial  from here;



What caused the metal shortage in the US during ww2?


Metals were required for military uses during World War II. Priority was given to military equipment such as ships, aeroplanes, jeeps, guns, ration tins, and helmets.

Following its entry into the war in December 1941, the United States had severe shortages of copper, zinc, and tin as it ramped up production of everything ranging from ships and planes to tanks and artillery ammunition.

The US's ability to supply necessities including food, footwear, metal, paper, and rubber was severely hampered by World War II.

In addition to the nation's efforts to support its allies abroad, the Army and Navy were expanding. These materials were still required by the general populace for consumption items.

To know more about World War II, visit:



Review the video featuring author Eric Foner. How did the idea of free speech evolve between World War I and the 1920s


The Supreme Court began reversing convictions of persons for just expressing their opinion in the 1920s. The Supreme Court restricted free expression during World War I, but in the 1920s it began to reexamine these guidelines and protect the Bill of Rights.

Speech suppression during World War I

Congress started to worry about internal dissension, especially with regard to people they suspected of having German or Russian sympathies. The Espionage Act of 1917, which has been called a "overt attack upon First Amendment freedoms," was passed by this government.

1918 Sedition Act (1918) The Sedition Act of 1918 limited American citizens' freedom of expression during a time of war. The Espionage Act of 1917's Title I was amended on May 16, 1918, by a law that broadened and included new restrictions on speech.

To know more about free speech, visit,



What caused the US to enter WWII ?


The argument about American involvement in both the Pacific and European theatres of World War II was put to rest by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

With just one vote against it, Congress declared war on Imperial Japan the day following the attack.

Japan aggressively expanded its control of territory in east Asia by invading Manchuria in 1931 and China in 1937, while the Nazis seized over Germany and prepared for war in Europe.

The United States had remained neutral during the conflict, but in response to Japan's aggression in Asia, it imposed economic sanctions that led to a serious lack of the natural resources that Japan required to win the war. On December 7, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the US naval base in Hawaii, in an effort to stop American involvement in the Pacific War.

To know more about World War II, click here:



In ridding the military of its Old Regime vestiges, the republican revolutionaries of 1792 sought to rebuild the military's career structure by:


In ridding the military of its Old System remnants, the conservative progressives of 1792 tried to revamp the tactical's profession structure by Keeping up with the utilization of a prevalent power, for example, a clergyman, superior, or examination board in making official choices.

France's frantic military circumstance implied that these men were immediately enlisted into the military. One justification for the outcome of the French Progressive Armed force is the "mixture" (amalgam) methodology coordinated by military tactician Lazare Carnot, later Napoleon's Priest of War.

Having committed their skirmishers and cannonaded the adversary lines, leaders would shape the infantry into at least one segment to send off the attack. Weighty cavalry would be held for possible later use to convey the final blow, and this would be trailed by light rangers, which were answerable for pursuit.

Learn more about Old Regime vestiges:



Step 2: Write 3-5 complete sentences for each reflection question. discuss one Improvement from 2000 or later that has promoted unification in your own society
year improvement was made:


Answer: The changes that  help unify or connect people in a country is peace.


The improvement within the last 10 years that has promoted unification in in my own society is the people within it.

Durable Goods
Nondurable Goods
Capital Goods
Consumer Goods


Scarcity refers to the most basic economic problem: the gap between limited—that is, scarce—resources and theoretically limitless wants.


scarcity "refers to the basic fact of life that there exists only a finite amount of human and nonhuman resources which the best technical knowledge is capable of using to produce only limited maximum amounts of each economic good.

Durable Goods

Durable goods or durables are goods such as televisions or cars which are expected to last a long time, and are bought infrequently.

Nondurable Goods

Nondurable goods are items generally with a normal life expectancy of less than three years.

Capital Goods

Capital goods are man-made, durable items that businesses use to produce goods and services. Tools, machinery, buildings, vehicles, computers, and construction equipment are types of capital goods. Capital goods are one of the four leading economic factors.

Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are products bought for consumption by the average consumer. Also called final goods, consumer goods are the end result of production.

Learn more about Scarcity at:



How did the United States exert its influence in Cuba? Was it direct or indirect


Answer: Indirectly

Explanation: The United States, however, has also indirectly controlled the Caribbean country using Cuban native elitists as politicians through the Cuban government, while working for the United States. In the years of 1880-1930, Cuba demands the right to reform and revolutionize its country as it gains independence from the United States.

Excerpt from Harry Hansen. "Some Meditations on the Radio. " The Nation, March 25, 1925.

There it is, up in the air, absolutely free, waiting for you to pull it down with the aid of electricity. Opera and symphonic music, jazz, twenty minutes of good reading, how to cook by Aunty Jane, tales for the kiddies and prayers set to music, even "Now I lay me down to sleep"; sermons and exhortations not to drink, gamble, and blaspheme, with music by the white-robed choir; advice on how to spread your income by investment brokers; advice on how to make your shoes last longer by shoe salesmen; talks by the mayor on civic duty, on "Your Boy" by the master of the Boy Scouts; on the right sort of


The radio is like a great, open-air market of ideas and opinions, of music, stories, and prayers. It is a medium through which people from all walks of life can come together and share their ideas, cultures, and faiths.

What is open-air market?

Open-air market, also known as flea market, is an outdoor market where vendors display and sell a variety of goods such as food, clothing, furniture, toys, and other items. Open-air markets are usually held in large public spaces, such as parking lots, squares, or parks. They can be found all over the world, often held in a specific area on a regular basis.

It is a powerful force for both education and entertainment. It has the potential to bring people together, to help build bridges between cultures, and to foster understanding and appreciation of diversity.

To learn more about open-air market visit :



To what extent did George W. Bush fulfill his domestic policy goals?​


for tuck -f freeGeorge Washington bush fufill his domestic policy goal


terrro tuppi lekh

Why was Lenin so successful?


Lenin's revolutionary talent was not limited to his capacity for dividing his foes; rather, it was more significant that he was adept at securing allies and supporters for Russia's demanding proletariat. He first secured the proletariat's support among the Russian peasants.

What was it that Lenin excelled at?

In addition to nationalizing banks and big business, Lenin's administration redistributed land among the farmers. Through the Communist International, it supported global revolution and withdrew from the First World War by agreeing to a pact that ceded land to the Central Powers.

Why was Lenin such a good leader?

Lenin was a superb orator who had little trouble influencing audiences and winning his followers. When he ruled the nation like a dictator, the economy improved.

                     He was in charge of modernizing Russia and ridding it of a corrupt leader who was no longer serving the interests of the populace.

Learn more about Lenin



Why penicillin was called the miracle drug when it was used in 1940s?


Penicillin has saved so many lives by curing a variety of bacterial diseases that were once fatal that it is simple to see why it was originally referred to as a "wonder medication."

What was penicillin used for in the 1940s?

As soon as this discovery was made, pharmaceutical corporations began producing penicillin for sale. During World War II, it was frequently employed to heal soldiers and treat pneumonia and wound infections from the battlefield. It was generally accessible to the general population by the mid- to late 1940s.

How was the discovery of penicillin speeded up by the Second World War?

The first efficient antibiotic was produced in large quantities as a result of a pressing need to create infection-preventing medications for the injured. Due to the large number of soldiers who suffered injuries and the government's willingness to support research and production, the need for penicillin during World War 2 emerged as the most important factor in its development.

To know more about World War II visit:              brainly.com/question/1039997


How did Lenin contribute to the Russian revolution?


In the October phase of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Lenin was the leader of the radical socialist Bolshevik Party, afterwards renamed the Communist Party. Lenin served as the leader of the newly established Soviet government in Russia after the revolution. When the USSR was established in 1922, he was elected as its president.

What is Lenin's contribution?

In the 1917 Russian Revolution, he was a crucial figure. implementing extensive land changes. Lenin was credited with the Bolsheviks' triumph during the Russian Civil War, which lasted from 1917 to 1922.

                     The New Economic Policy, which he introduced, was a synthesis of many economic systems with the state playing a decisive role.

What is the abbreviation for Russian Revolution?

When the Russian working class and peasants rose up in 1917 to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II's administration, it is known as the Russian Revolution.

            Vladimir Lenin, along with a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks, served as their leader. The Soviet Union was a nation founded by the new communist regime.

Learn more about Russian Revolution



How did Egypt's main crops of papyrus and cereals best contribute to the development of the civilization?
• They were difficult to grow in this region, SO they were in high demand.
• They were crucial materials needed for creating other products.
O They had many uses at home and could be traded for other goods.
• They could not be stored for long periods of time, so they were very valuable.


Egypt's main crops of papyrus and cereals best contribute to the development of the civilization as they had many uses at home and could be traded for other goods.

Option C is correct.

What was the significance of papyrus to the ancient Egyptians?

The most important use of the papyrus plant was probably as a writing surface, which was made by layering strip of the pith inside the stalk and drying them under pressure. This was rolled into sheets that could be cut into sheets or left as-is; Codices were also used later.

What impact did the rise of agriculture have on Egypt?

Agriculture was used for more than just food production in Egypt. Plants were used in a variety of creative ways by these people, including in the production of clothing, religious practices, and as a form of medicine.

What advances did the Egyptians use to work on their cultivating?

The basin irrigation method of water management was developed and utilized by Egyptians. They were able to control the river's rise and fall in accordance with their agricultural requirements thanks to this practice. In a crop field that would be flooded by the river, a network of earthen walls that ran in circles was constructed.

Learn more about Egypt civilisation:



Answer: C)They had many uses at home and could be traded for other goods.

Explanation:This is the right answer on edge ik cuz i just took the quiz and got 100% thx to the person above..........Hope this helps! :D

The coastal district north of Jewish Palestine was called: Phoenicia Antioch Greece Cyprus


Phoenicia was the name of the coastal region to the north of Jewish Palestine. As a result, choice (A) is the best.

What is Phoenicia?

Phoenicia was a thalassocratic culture that developed in the ancient Levant region of the eastern Mediterranean, particularly in present-day Lebanon.  Throughout their history, the Phoenician city-states' borders expanded and contracted, and they controlled various enclaves like Arwad and Tell Sukas (modern Syria). From Tripoli and Byblos in northern Lebanon to Mount Carmel in contemporary Israel, the Phoenician culture's core territory was where it grew and flourished.

From the mouth of the Orontes River to Ashkelon, the Phoenician territories in the Eastern Mediterranean reached at their greatest extent. The Phoenician culture reached the Mediterranean from Cyprus to the Iberian Peninsula outside of its home region.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about Phoenicia, from:



Why was William Lloyd Garrison considered to be on the "cutting edge of social change'


William Lloyd Garrison was considered to be on the "cutting edge of social change" because of his radical and uncompromising views on the abolition of slavery.

What were his views on the abolition of slavery ?He rejected gradualism and colonization - the idea that enslaved people would be freed and sent to Africa or another colony instead of being integrated in the United States.Garrison was recognized for being an outspoken supporter of radical change since he also fought for the equality of African Americans, women, and the poor, which was not a common or popular belief at the time. He also advocated for the instant abolishment of slavery rather than the gradual or compensated eradication of slavery.Additionally, he was instrumental in the establishment of the American Anti-Slavery Society and assisted in planning and directing anti-slavery protests and conferences.

To know more about William Lloyd Garrison , check out :



Write about a time when your parents have delegated authority to you and list your responsibilities. This report needs to be at least five sentences in length.



Due to it's asking about YOUR parents, you need to answer the question yourself, because nobody knows anything about you or your parents


This story isn’t mine and it’s not from the internet because I came up with it

One time when my parents delegated authority to me was when they asked me to take care of my younger sister while they were out of town for the weekend. My responsibilities included making sure she got to and from school on time, preparing meals for her, and making sure she completed her homework. I also had to be responsible for her safety and well-being, and make sure she followed the rules and regulations set by my parents. Additionally, I had to keep the house clean and tidy and take care of any other household chores that needed to be done. Overall, it was a challenging but rewarding experience, as I was able to prove to my parents that I was capable of taking on more responsibility and handling a leadership role.

1. Why did John A. MacDonald want to attend the Charlottetown Conference?

2. Describe how the Charlottetown conference was part of something larger for confederation?

3. How were women indirectly influencing the conference?

4. List the needs/wants that came out of the Quebec Conference per region/province?

5. Provide a description of what the federal government would look like in Canada after Confederation?

6. What was the outcome of the Quebec Conference?

7. Summarize what happened at the London Conference?

8. What were the effects of the Queen’s proclamation on July 1, 1967?

9. Whose voices do you think were missing in the decisions around the Confederation of Canada?


John A. Macdonald of Upper Canada (Ontario) in Charlottetown Conference favored a legislative union, which held that only one central government and legislature should have the authority to make all significant decisions.

What action did the Charlottetown Conference take?

Representatives from British North American colonies gathered in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, for the Charlottetown Conference to talk about Canadian Confederation. From September 1 until September 9, 1864, the meeting was held.

At the Charlottetown Conference, representatives from Prince Edward Island, the Province of Canada (Ontario and Quebec), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick established connections and reached an agreement on the fundamentals of a federal union of the colonies.

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How do oxygen and carbon dioxide play different roles in the ocean? What are the factors that influence you to engage pre marital sex? What describes the meeting of organisms that have different homozygous alleles for a single trait? External or Internal : Rise of industry A particle traveled a distance of 9. 0 x 1012 meters at a rate of 1. 8 x 105 meters per second. If distance = rate x time, how many seconds did it take the particle to travel the specified distance? Concept mapping---an instructional strategy to identify, graphically display and link key concepts---is an example of a critical-thinking approach to care planning T/F Consider your construction of pentagon ABCED. What segments, if any, are perpendicular? Explain how you made your determination HELP ASAP PLS. USING ALL MY POINTS & WILL GIVE BRAINIESTWrite a review of chapter one from Fast Food Nation. Why does Marks question whether Columbus and de Gama's voyages marked the emergence of the modern world or a continuation of what was already happening Given P(A) = 0.32, P(B) = 0.2 and P(AU B) = 0.366, find the value ofP(An B), rounding to the nearest thousandth, if necessary. Socrates stated that "the unexamined life is not worth living." discuss a time when reflection, prayer, or introspection led to clarity or understanding of an issue that is important to you. NEED THIS ASAP!(picture below)is it ABC or D ?(this is Fractions and Whole Numbers)(100 Points) In the challenge of obtaining energy, ALL organisms must consume and digest food in order to create energy. True or False? Assuming that birthdays are distributed equally throughout the week, what is the probability that two people that have never met passing each other on the street were both born on a Friday is1/7 2/7 1/49 2/49 4/49 Solve for 0. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree. Sin 0=0.85 What continents is 25 degrees south and 140 degrees east surplus, unsold foods grown and raised on u.s. farms are used to provide for the____ What literary devices are used in I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud? Mike is a 22 y/o male who comes to your clinic with a 5-day history of cough without sputum production. He states that his cough is worse in the morning and he has some hoarseness, post-nasal drip, and a low-grade fever. Mike has otherwise been healthy. Differentials for Mike might include which of the following Which sentence is correct?I got good grades in my Algebra, Biology, and English classes.I got good grades in my algebra, biology, and English classes.I got good grades in my algebra, biology, and english classes.I got Good Grades in my algebra, biology, and English classes.