Detemine 2 models where the only x-intercepts are at: x=-4,-2,1, and 3 and the y-intercept is at f(0)=5. help....


Answer 1

Answer: There are many possible models that could fit these x-intercepts and y-intercept constraints, but two common models are:

A polynomial function of degree 4:

f(x) = a(x + 4)(x + 2)(x - 1)(x - 3) + 5

where a is a constant determined by the specific requirements of the model. This function has x-intercepts at -4, -2, 1, and 3, and the y-intercept is at f(0) = 5.

A piecewise function:

f(x) =

5, if x < -4

5 + b(x + 4), if -4 <= x < -2

5 + b(x + 4) + c(x + 2), if -2 <= x < 1

5 + b(x + 4) + c(x + 2) + d(x - 1), if 1 <= x < 3

5 + b(x + 4) + c(x + 2) + d(x - 1) + e(x - 3), if x >= 3

where b, c, d, and e are constants determined by the specific requirements of the model. This function has x-intercepts at -4, -2, 1, and 3, and the y-intercept is at f(0) = 5.

These are just two examples of possible models that fit the x-intercepts and y-intercept constraints. Other models could also work, depending on the specific requirements of the problem.

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How is including or featuring Latinx Contemporary artists in the art canon breaking the rules of the history of photography?


Including or featuring Latinx contemporary artists in the art canon doesn't necessarily "break the rules" of the history of photography, but it does challenge and expand traditional narratives and perspectives within the field. The art canon is typically determined by a small group of individuals with certain biases and opinions about what is considered "great" or "important" art. By including more diverse artists and perspectives, such as those of Latinx contemporary photographers, the canon becomes more inclusive and representative of a wider range of cultural experiences and perspectives.

In the past, the history of photography was often written from a Eurocentric perspective, neglecting the contributions and perspectives of photographers from other cultural backgrounds. By including Latinx contemporary artists, we can broaden and diversify the narrative, recognize the unique perspectives and experiences they bring, and challenge the homogenized view of the art world that has often been perpetuated.

It's important to note that the art canon is not fixed or set in stone, but rather is constantly evolving and changing as new artists and perspectives are recognized and celebrated. The inclusion of Latinx contemporary artists in the canon is a step towards a more inclusive and diverse art history that better represents the complexity and diversity of our world.

Adding Latinx contemporary artists to the art canon does not automatically go against the history of photography . Instead, it questions and broadens the traditional art collection, which has usually been controlled by art created by white males.

What is the photography

The story of photography, similar to other art styles, has often been unfair and focused mainly on Europe. It has frequently left out the contributions of marginalized communities, like Latinx artists, women, people of color, and others. This exclusion has made people not understand the full range of how artists express themselves in photography.

Art historians and curators want to fix historical bias by including Latinx contemporary artists in the art canon. They hope to show a more complete and accurate picture of the different voices and viewpoints in the art world.

Read more about photography here:


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One way in which conservatism in the period circa 1750-1900 resisted social change in Russia and Japan was through the maintenance of traditional social hierarchies.

In Russia, the conservative Tsarist regime resisted social change by maintaining the serfdom system, which kept peasants tied to the land and under the control of the nobility. Despite some attempts at reform, such as the Emancipation Reform of 1861, the Tsarist regime continued to resist any significant social change that would threaten the traditional social order.

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Overall, conservatism in both Russia and Japan during this period sought to maintain traditional social hierarchies and resist any social change that would threaten the established order.

Learn more about conservatism at:


What is this author’s insight?

What are two things you like about this personal statement?

Imagine you are an admissions counselor, what would you say about this candidate? What kind of school would they be a good fit for?

Please be specific and be detailed. Explain why. I’m giving out brainliest.


1) The author's insight is that independence and self-reliance are important, but it's also important to know when to ask for help.

The things I like about this personal statement are:

I like the author's ability to reflect on their experiences and growth.I appreciate the author's openness about their struggles and their relationship with their mother.

2) As an admissions counselor, I would say this candidate is self-aware and reflective, and has a strong work ethic. They would be a good fit for a school that values personal growth and emphasizes the importance of balancing independence and community.

The candidate is strong-willed, disciplined and has the capacity to handle difficult situations. A school that values resilience and a good support system would be ideal for this candidate.

What is a Personal statement?

An admissions or application essay, also known as a personal statement or a statement of purpose, is a written statement or essay submitted by an applicant, most typically a prospective student applying to a college, university, or graduate school.

A personal statement serves as your introduction to a hiring committee. It decides whether or not you are invited to interview, and if you are chosen as a finalist, the interview questions will be based on this information. It is crucial to your application.

Learn more about Personal Statement:

For each graph, describe two general patterns or trends you see with the data. For each of the patterns, describe why you think the trend/pattern exists. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST


The given graph is describing the general pattern of industrialization of minerals, which is showing the highest percentage of boost in the coal industrialization.

What is industrialization?

Industrialization is the process of shifting a country's or region's economy away from agriculture and toward manufacturing. Mechanized mass production methods are an essential component of this transition.

A trend is the overall direction of a price over time. A pattern is a collection of data that follows a recognizable pattern, which analysts try to find in the current data.

The graph depicts the general pattern of mineral industrialization, with coal showing the highest percentage of boost.

It also shows a decline in certain minerals, such as firewood.

Thus, this can be concluded regarding the given graph.

For more details regarding industrialization, visit:


As a country becomes more affluent how does its diet change? What affect(s) does this have on the environment?


Answer: As a country becomes more affluent, its diet typically changes towards a more Western-style diet, which is often high in meat, dairy, and processed foods. This shift is due to increased purchasing power and changing cultural attitudes towards food.

This change in diet has significant impacts on the environment. For example, the production of meat, particularly beef and pork, requires large amounts of feed, water, and land, and contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. The production of dairy and other animal-based products also has a significant environmental impact, as it requires large amounts of feed, water, and land and contributes to deforestation, water pollution, and soil degradation.

In addition, the increased consumption of processed foods and high-calorie snacks contributes to deforestation, as the production of these foods often requires large amounts of palm oil, which is associated with deforestation and the loss of habitat for wildlife. The production of these foods also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as the production of palm oil and other ingredients often involves the use of fossil fuels.

Moreover, the rise in meat and dairy consumption also puts pressure on global resources, including land, water, and crops, which could limit the availability of these resources for future generations. The over-exploitation of these resources could lead to a decline in biodiversity and the loss of important ecosystem services, such as pollination and pest control.

Therefore, as a country becomes more affluent, the shift in its diet towards a more Western-style diet has significant impacts on the environment, including increased greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and resource depletion, and it highlights the importance of sustainable food production and consumption practices.

Based on the listed characteristics, which item would be classified as a shape?

1Two-dimensional, three coordinates, rectilinear

2A plane, curved boundary lines, depth

3A plane, two coordinates, an identifiable boundary

4Three-dimensional and straight, angular lines


Answer:Based on the listed characteristics, item 3 would be classified as a shape: "A plane, two coordinates, an identifiable boundary".

what was Mary Kenner’s Childhood Like?


Kenner's childhood, as she would describe it, was filled with looking for ways to improve on existing things. When she was twelve her family moved to Washington, D.C., where she would sometimes visit the US Patent Office wondering if other people had had the same ideas she did. She was a good enough student to enroll at Howard University but could not finish because of insufficient money. Moreover, Mary Kenner is remembered as the woman who invented a sanitary belt for women, gaining a patent for her invention in 1957. She patented several other things as well, including a carrying basket for people requiring walkers.

Beginning in 2005, many nations around the world began to phase out incandescent lightbulbs in favor of newer and more energy-efficient lightbulbs. A 60-watt incandescent lightbulb provides about 800 lumens(a measure of brightness) of light while a comparably bright LED bulb uses 9 watts.

a. Calculate the percent change in energy use for switching to LEDs.

b. Incandescent light bulbs are 90% inefficient. If an incandescent light bulb is used for 8 hours everyday, and we assume all inefficiencies are converted to heat, calculate how much energy will be lost as heat from a single bulb in one year. (1 watt=1joule/sec)

c. LEDs last about 50,000 hours, while the traditional incandescent bulbs they replace last about 1,000 hours. If the average cost for an incandescent light bulb is $0.70, calculate the price an LED bulb would need to be to match the price per hour of an incandescent.

Calculate the potential reduction in petroleum consumption (in gallons of gasoline per ear) that could be achieved in the United States by large-scale adoption of electric vehicles under the following assumptions:
-The average fuel economy of sedan is 25.5 miles per gallon of gasoline.
-The average car in the US is driven 13,500 miles per year. - There are 260 million passenger cars in the US
- An additional 7% of the US passenger car fleet is projected to be electric in 2030​




To calculate the percent change in energy use for switching to LEDs, we can use the following formula:

percent change = (initial value - final value) / initial value * 100%

The initial value is the energy used by a 60-watt incandescent bulb, which is 60 watts. The final value is the energy used by a comparable LED bulb, which is 9 watts. So we have:

percent change = (60 - 9) / 60 * 100%

percent change = 85%

So switching to an LED bulb reduces energy use by 85%.


To calculate the amount of energy lost as heat from a single 60-watt incandescent bulb in one year, we first need to calculate the amount of energy used by the bulb in one year. We know that a watt is equal to a joule per second, so we can calculate the amount of energy used by the bulb in one second:

60 watts = 60 joules per second

In one hour, the bulb will use:

60 joules per second x 3600 seconds per hour = 216,000 joules per hour

In one day (assuming 24 hours), the bulb will use:

216,000 joules per hour x 24 hours = 5,184,000 joules per day

In one year (assuming 365 days), the bulb will use:

5,184,000 joules per day x 365 days = 1,891,360,000 joules per year

However, we also know that incandescent bulbs are 90% inefficient, meaning that 90% of the energy is lost as heat. So, we can calculate the amount of energy lost as heat:

1,891,360,000 joules per year x 0.9 = 1,702,224,000 joules per year

Finally, we can convert this to kilojoules:

1,702,224,000 joules per year ÷ 1000 = 1,702,224 kilojoules per year = 157.68 kJ per year

Therefore, the amount of energy lost as heat from a single 60-watt incandescent bulb in one year is 157.68 kJ.


To calculate the price an LED bulb would need to be to match the price per hour of an incandescent, we can use the following formula:

price per hour = cost / lifespan

The cost of an incandescent bulb is $0.70 and its lifespan is 1,000 hours, so the price per hour is:

price per hour = $0.70 / 1,000 hours

price per hour = $0.0007/hour

To match this price per hour, the price of an LED bulb would need to be:

50,000 * x = 1,000 * $ 0.70

x = 1000 * 0.70 / 50000

x = $ 0.014

So an LED bulb would need to cost $0.014 to match the price per hour of an incandescent bulb.


The part 137,647.06 million gallons per year represents the petrol consumption by gasoline vehicles.

And, we have to calculate the reduction in the consumption of petroleum (in gallons of gasoline per year) that could be achieved in the United States by large-scale adoption of electric vehicles, so we have to take the 7% of the per year petroleum consumption since 7% of the US passenger car fleet is projected to be electric in 2030.

Hence the correct answer would be 7% of 137,647.06 which is equal to 9,635.30 million gallons per year will be saved.

How has the knowledge and perception of the universe changed over the past century?



We know that their are other planets and we know more on our solar system and kepler-19 and other places.


from Hidden Figures
History Writing by Margot Lee Shetterly

Paragraph 13:

When the managers couldn't satisfy the demand with only white employees, the government decided to hire African Americans. A civil rights leader named A. Philip Randolph encouraged President desegregation of the federal government and defense industry and created the Fair Employment Practices Committee. This executive order opened up new and exciting opportunities for African Americans, allowing them to work side-by-side with white people during the war.

In paragraph 13, sentence 1, mark both the cause and effect. What does this cause-and effect relationship explain African American women as mathematicians at Langley?


Answer: The cause in the sentence is "the managers couldn't satisfy the demand with only white employees." The effect is "the government decided to hire African Americans."

This cause-and-effect relationship explains that due to the inability of the managers to meet the demand for labor with only white employees, the government decided to hire African Americans. However, the relationship does not specifically explain African American women as mathematicians at Langley.

2, 10, 50, 250, 1250

Write the explicit form of the sequence above.


Answer: [tex]a_{n}=2[/tex] × [tex](5)^{n-1}[/tex]

The explicit formula for the given sequence is [tex]a_{n[/tex] = 2 x [tex](5)^{n-1}[/tex]and this can be determined by using the formula of the nth term of the geometric progression.

Given :

Sequence  ---  2, 10, 50, 250, 1250, …

The following steps can be used in order to determine the explicit formula for the given sequence:

Step 1 - Write the given sequence.

2, 10, 50, 250, 1250, …

Step 2 - The given sequence is in geometric progression.

Step 3 - The geometric ratio is calculated as:

r = 10/2 = 5

Step 4 - The nth term formula in the geometric progression is given below:

[tex]a_{n} = ar^{n-1}[/tex]

where 'a' is the first term and 'r' is the geometric ratio.

Step 5 - Now, substitute the values of the known terms in the above formula.

[tex]a_{n} = 2[/tex] × [tex](5)^{n-1}[/tex]

Gallup conducted a nation-wide poll to determine the proportions of Americans who would be in support of term limits on members in Congress. They reported that 65% of Americans say "yes" and announce a 95% confidence with a margin of error of 2%. Which of the following is a correct interpretation of the 95% confidence level in this setting?


The data in a standard Typical circulation with the end goal that 95% of the scores are not exactly that distance from 0.

What is a nationwide poll?

Something cross-country alludes to or covers the entire country. Testing or assortment of conclusions regarding a matter, taken from either a chosen or an irregular gathering of people, concerning the motivation behind examination.

95% of all Gallup Survey tests like this one give replies inside ±3% of the valid populace esteem. The right translation of a 95% certainty stretch is that "we are 95% sure that the populace boundary with respect to congress.

Learn more about the nationwide poll, here:


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