Describe how plants and animals each contribute to the survival?


Answer 1

Animals breathe in oxygen and emit carbon dioxide. Plants remove oxygen from the atmosphere while absorbing carbon dioxide. Animals can find food and refuge in plants.

A biotic community, or biota, made up of various plants, animals, and microbes coexists and is interconnected throughout the forest. There is direct or indirect interdependence between plants and animals. For instance, rodents eat plants and grains, and after being devoured by snakes, rats serve as a diet for eagles. Since the beginning of time, animals and plants have coexisted in a symbiotic connection. Just as plants provided the habitat for animals to thrive on land, animals also assisted plants in surviving by giving fertiliser through faeces and animal decomposition. Animals help pollinate plants and contribute carbon dioxide, which plants use as a source of energy. All these significant effects take place as a result of the interdependence of the plants and animals in the food chain.

To learn more about plants click on the given link:


Related Questions

Recreate the sequence that occurs in the carbon cycle beginning with carbon dioxide gas.


Our atmosphere also contains it as carbon dioxide, or CO2. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium ions are released as the acid dissolves the rocks, a process known as chemical weathering.

What carbon cycle beginning with carbon dioxide gas?

As carbon dioxide, or CO2, it is also present in our atmosphere. Rain starts the transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the rocks, or lithosphere. Rain is a result of the weak acid, carbonic acid, which is created when atmospheric carbon and water interact.

Therefore, When animals perish, volcanoes erupt, fires burn, fossil fuels are consumed, among other processes, carbon is released back into the atmosphere.

Learn more about carbon cycle here:


There is growing evidence that mitochondrial Complexes I, II, III, and IV are part of a larger supercomplex. What might be the advantage of having all four complexes within a supercomplex


A supercomplex containing all four complexes may provide several advantages, such as increased efficiency in the electron transport chain.

By having all four complexes within the supercomplex, electrons can be transferred more quickly and efficiently throughout the chain. In addition, the supercomplex may help protect the proteins of the individual complexes against damage and denaturation.

The supercomplex may also allow the complexes to interact more cooperatively, allowing them to better coordinate the transfer of electrons throughout the chain.

Furthermore, having the complexes in a supercomplex allows them to be closer together and more accessible, which may help increase the rate of ATP production. Ultimately, having the four complexes in a supercomplex may result in greater efficiency of the electron transport chain, increased ATP production, and better protection of the proteins.

To learn more about ATP production visit:


A clump of cells in someone's intestine is genetically different from cells elsewhere in his body. These intestine cells have a _______ mutation


A clump of cells in someone's intestine is genetically different from cells elsewhere in his body. These intestine cells have a somatic mutation.

Any mutation that occurs in a cell other than a gamete, germ cell, or gametocyte is called a somatic mutation. This includes any change in the DNA sequence of a somatic cell of a multicellular organism with dedicated reproductive cells.

Somatic mutations are not typically passed on to offspring in the same way that germline mutations can. Plants, which don't have a distinct germline, and animals that can reproduce asexually via mechanisms like budding, like the cnidarians of the genus Hydra, blur this distinction.

Even though somatic mutations are not passed on to the next generation, they can be found in any cell that divides from the original somatic cell. Accumulated somatic mutations are the root cause of many forms of cancer.

Want to know more about somatic mutation visit the link which is given below;


An investigator wishes to use animals in an experiment that involves category B, C, and D activities performed on the same animal. How should the animal be categorized?A. Categories B, C, and D. B. Category B. C. Category C. D. Category D


When doing activities that fall under USDA pain categories B, C, or D on the same animal, the animals utilized in the experiment should be placed in USDA category D.

The level of pain that an animal employed in testing and research may experience is categorized using the USDA pain categories. These are the categories:

USDA B: The animal won't experience any type of suffering.

USDA C: The animal may experience sporadic little pain.

USDA D: Excruciating processes that medication will lessen.

USDA E: Excruciating processes that cannot be eased.

According to Category B, the animal won't experience pain. These animals are frequently utilized for breeding, which is a natural procedure that doesn't harm the animals.

In contrast to animals in category E, animals in category D undergo unpleasant or stressful operations and are given anaesthetics and other pharmacological agents to lessen or totally relieve the discomfort.

There is a rigid rule for these categories. Because the experiment will include USDA B, C, and D procedures, the animals must be classified according to the USDA category that will involve the most painful technique.

To know more about  categories


what is the volume of the graduated cylinder?



The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V=Bh or V=πr2h . The radius of the cylinder is 8 cm and the height is 15 cm. Substitute 8 for r and 15 for h in the formula V=πr2h .

Don't search write in your own words please I have a lot of different work​


Mullerian mimicry is a type of mimicry found in nature in which two or more species of animals have evolved to share similar warning signals to potential predators.

What is mimicry?

Mimicry is a behavior in which an animal or person imitates the behavior or appearance of another animal or person. Mimicry can be used for protection, deception, or to attract members of the same species. Examples of mimicry include a bird imitating the call of another species, or a person imitating the behavior of someone else to fit in.

This type of mimicry is named after the German biologist Johann Friedrich Theodor Muller who first described it in 1878. The purpose of this type of mimicry is to increase the effectiveness of the warning signal by making it more likely that predators will recognize it and avoid the mimicking species.

Chemical toxins

Chemical toxins are chemical substances that are toxic to living organisms. They can be naturally occurring, such as toxic metals or plant toxins, or artificially created, such as pesticides or industrial chemicals. Chemical toxins can have a variety of effects on organisms, ranging from mild irritation to death.

To know more about mimicry,


How do you get the macromolecules in your body?





Food provides the body with the nutrients it needs to survive. Many of these critical nutrients are biological macromolecules, or large molecules, necessary for life. These macromolecules (polymers) are built from different combinations of smaller organic molecules (monomers).



According to the cell theory, cells make up every biological entity; they are the basic building block of life, and all life originates from earlier forms of life.

What are the three tenets of the theory of cells?

1) Cells make up all living things. 2) All of the existing cells were created by other live cells. 3) The simplest form of life is the cell.

Who coined the term "cell theory" and what is it?

Theodor Schwann put forth the classic cell theory in 1839. This theory consists of three components. Including the first section, cells make up all organisms. The basic building blocks of life are cells, according to the second section.

To know more about cell theory visit:


Explain the application of biology epecially the role of microbiology and biotechnology for the growing public and global health need


Biology is a field of study that examines living things and their functions. Botany, Biotechnology, genetic, marine science, medical, Microbiology, cell genetics  are just a few of the many disciplines that make up biology.

Applications of Microbiology:

The advancement of microbial agents for bioremediation of plant and animal pests, changes made of both plant and animal pathogens for lowered virulence, and development of new industrial equipment are just a few of the advances that microbial biotechnology, made possible by genome studies, will bring about. Other advances include better vaccines and better disease-diagnosis tools.

Applications of biotechnology:

Therapeutics, diagnostics, GM food, processed food, biotransformation, sewage disposal, and energy generation are only a few examples of the uses of biotechnology. The creation of biofuels is one of the most significant biotechnology applications. This alternate source of energy is said to be good for the environment. From waste materials, biotechnology can produce biofuels.

Learn more about Biotechnology here:


3. Write the number of the correct definition in front of each ecological terms:
1. All of the non-living components of an ecosystem.
2. A consumer that eats only plants.
3. A consumer that does not hunt and eats the flesh of dead animals.
4. The environment where plants, animals and micro-organisms live together and interact
with the non-living parts of their environment.
5. Organisms that break down dead plants and animals as their source of energy.
6. All the living components of an ecosystem.
Biotic Components


The number of each ecological term's right definition is as follows: Ecosystem (4, Biotic Components (6), Decomposer (5). These are the terms that are defined in the query.

What instances of omnivores are there?

Omnivores are several types of animals that consume both plants and other animals. They regularly eat a variety of substances, including plants, animals, algae, and fungi. They have the animal kingdom's most adaptable diet. Humans and crows are two examples of omnivorous creatures.

Which animal doesn't consume corpses?

Eagle, owl, and kingfishers hunt for their prey rather than eating dead animals. As scavengers, crows, vultures, and kites consume dead animals. Animals known as scavengers eat rotting and dead vegetation and animals.

To learn more about ecology visit:


What is the formula for total risk?


The total risk can be calculated by the sum of market risk with diversifiable risk. By managing a portfolio's risk, an investor can increase profits from a portfolio over a certain length of time and reduce the negative consequences.

Market risk plus diversifiable risk equals total risk. By managing a portfolio's risk, an investor can increase profits from a portfolio over a certain length of time and reduce the negative consequences of unforeseeable future occurrences on the business or investment. Market risk and diversifiable risk are added to determine total risk. When examining the potential risks connected with a securities portfolio, systematic risk, sometimes referred to as market risk, can be distinguished from unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is the intrinsic risk of the portfolio. By evaluating the standard deviation of the volatility of the portfolio's actual returns over time, the risk associated with the portfolio is identified. The relationship between return volatility and portfolio risk is linear. By computing the Standard Deviation of this variability, this risk can be quantified.

To learn more about total risk please click on the given link:


The respiratory system delivers clean, moist air into close contact with the blood. How is the system structured to accomplish this efficiently


The respiratory system is structured to efficiently deliver clean, moist air into close contact with the blood with the help of alveoli.

Alveoli are tiny air sacs that are found at the ends of bronchioles, and they are responsible for the gas exchange that occurs between the air and the blood. They increase the total surface area and contact between the air we breathe and the blood. Their presence is important for the efficiency of the respiratory system.

The system is also designed to filter and remove any foreign particles present in the inhaled air. This is done through the presence of cilia, mucus, and other mechanisms that help keep the airways clean, the humidification of the air, and the warmth of the air.

Learn more about respiratory system:

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy is never created or destroyed but only changed from one form to another. Based on the equation of photosynthesis, where do you hypothesize the energy from the Sun is now stored?


Because sunlight energy is required for the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen during photosynthesis, the rule of conservation of energy is related to this process.

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

The term "conservation" refers to a physical quantity or parameter's entire value (such as energy, mass, linear or angular momentum).

Therefore, every new glucose molecule contains a small amount of the energy the sun provides. In the presence of sunshine, a series of chemical reactions called photosynthesis transforms carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

To learn more about the Law of Conservation of Energy, refer to the link:


Is there a difference in diversity between the two sites if you looked at only the number of species


The difference in diversity of species which are present in two different sites cannot be determined just be looking at the number of species.

The diversity of species or species diversity can be defined as the number of different species which are present in an ecosystem and also the abundance of those species. Species diversity changes with change in location.

There are several factors which determine the species diversity. These factors include competition amongst the species, genetic diversity, diversity in habitat etc. These factors can help us determine the difference in species diversity of different locations. We cannot conclude regarding diversity just by looking at the number of species.

To learn more about species diversity here


Which is an example of a recent development used to address food shortages in urban areas?


Option - B  is an example of a recent development used to address food shortages in urban areas.

What leads to food insecurity in cities?

The primary causes of food insecurity in urban environments

They may not have social or extended family support, especially if they are recent migrants to the city, so they must hire substitute childcare, which adds to their family's financial burden.

Opening temporary, low-cost fruit and vegetable markets in underserved areas. Studying initiatives like community food hubs or farmers' markets nutrition vouchers that have helped other communities fight food insecurity

By providing wholesome and plentiful alternatives to purchased food, urban agriculture enhances food security, particularly for low-income households.

To know more about urban areas visit:


Do you think observation of anatomical similarities should be used alone to group organisms, or should DNA and/or amino acid comparisons also be taken into account? Which method do you think is more effective at establishing evolutionary relationships? Explain your answer


No, Observation of anatomical similarities should not be used alone to group organisms, and DNA and/or amino acid comparisons should also be taken into account when establishing evolutionary relationships. Molecular biology, especially DNA and protein sequence analysis, are considered to be the most effective methods for establishing evolutionary relationships.

DNA and amino acid comparisons, on the other hand, provide information about the genetic makeup and molecular structure of organisms, which can be used to infer evolutionary relationships. For example, the more similar the DNA sequences of two organisms are, the more closely related they are likely to be. Similarly, the more similar the amino acid sequences of proteins in two organisms are, the more closely related they are likely to be.

A combination of anatomical, DNA and amino acid comparisons can provide a more comprehensive understanding of evolutionary relationships among organisms. However, molecular biology, especially DNA and protein sequence analysis, have become the most powerful and accurate method for determining evolutionary relationships. The reason for this is that these molecular data are passed down from one generation to another and are less subject to change than morphological features. This allows for a more direct comparison of evolutionary relationships, particularly at the level of phylogeny.

To know more about  molecular biology muscle click below:


in details the steps for blood clotting in response to an injury


The process of blood clotting, also known as coagulation, is a complex series of steps that the body undergoes in response to an injury in order to stop bleeding and begin the process of healing. Here are the steps involved in blood clotting:

Vasoconstriction: When an injury occurs, the blood vessels in the affected area constrict, or narrow, to decrease blood flow and reduce bleeding.
Platelet activation: Platelets, which are small, disk-shaped cells found in the blood, become activated and begin to stick to the walls of the damaged blood vessels.
Platelet aggregation: Activated platelets release chemicals that attract more platelets to the site of the injury. These platelets then stick together, or aggregate, to form a plug that helps to stop the bleeding.
Formation of the fibrin mesh: The activated platelets release chemicals that stimulate the production of a protein called fibrin. Fibrin forms a mesh-like structure that helps to hold the platelet plug in place and strengthen the blood clot.
Blood clotting: The combination of the platelet plug and the fibrin mesh forms a blood clot that seals off the damaged blood vessel and stops the bleeding. Clot retraction: Once the blood clot has formed, the platelets in the clot contract, or shrink, to help pull the edges of the damaged blood vessel together and further seal the wound.
Clot dissolution: After the injury has healed, the body begins to dissolve the blood clot. This is done through the action of enzymes called plasminogen activators, which break down the fibrin in the clot.

Researchers have proposed a model of chloroplast evolution. According to the model, chloroplasts evolved from a small prokaryotic organism that was engulfed by an ancestral eukaryote. The engulfed prokaryote then formed an endosymbiotic relationship with the eukaryotic host.Which of the following observations best supports the model?A.Chloroplasts are separated from other subcellular compartments by semipermeable membranes.B.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms both acquire nutrients from the surrounding environment.C.Eukaryotes evolved after prokaryotes and have more complex structures.D.Chloroplasts and some prokaryotes share similar photosynthetic reactions.


Chloroplasts and some prokaryotes share similar photosynthetic reactions supports the model.

Mostly found in plant and algal cells, plastids—a type of membrane-bound organelle—known as chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis. While releasing oxygen from water in the cells, the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight, transforms it, and stores it in the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH.

A single-celled organism known as a prokaryote is devoid of a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotes were categorized within the empire Prokaryota in the two-empire scheme. On the other hand, prokaryotes are split into two domains in the three-domain method, which is based on molecular analysis.

Some prokaryotes and chloroplasts both undergo similar photosynthesis processes. Only a small subset of species, including cyanobacteria, algae, and plants, are capable of photosynthesis.

To learn more about Chloroplast :


A snake has scaly skin to keep from drying out in the desert. A cactus has sharp spines and a thick stem that keep water in. Which term describes such traits that help organisms survive


A snake has scaly skin to keep from drying out in the desert. A cactus has sharp spines and a thick stem that keep water in .Adaptations term describes such traits that help organisms survive.

In biology, there are three related definitions of adaptation. First, natural selection, a dynamic evolutionary process, adapts organisms to their environments, improving their evolutionary fitness. Second, it is a state that the populace has attained along that process. Thirdly, it is a phenotypic characteristic or adaptive trait that has been preserved and has evolved via natural selection and has a functional purpose in each individual organism.

History has recorded descriptions of adaptation going back to the time of the ancient Greek philosophers Empedocles and Aristotle. Natural theology of the 18th and 19th centuries saw adaptation as proof of the presence of a deity. Charles Darwin suggested that natural selection should be used as the explanation instead.

Learn more about adaptation to visit this link


Full Question: A snake has scaly skin to keep from drying out in the desert. A cactus has sharp spines and a thick stem that keep water in. Which term describes such traits that help organisms survive ?

Recessive traits




What is the genotype of individual II 2?


When two alleles in a genotype are the same, the genotype is said to be homozygous; when the two alleles are different, the genotype is said to be heterozygous. Genotyping is the term for the process of identifying a genotype.

A person's genotype is made up of all the alleles they have for a certain gene. The sum of a person's attributes or observable characteristics is their phenotype. The phenotype of an organism is only impacted by its genotype, which is directly inherited from its parents. It is possible for a child to have genotype "ii" because parents with type B will have either BB or Bi. A father with type "O" can have a child with genotype "ii" because type "O" is determined by allele I.

Learn more about genotype here:-


Each of the following would cause an increase in blood pressure except __________.
a. increase in aldosterone
b. increase in peripheral resistance
c. an inhibitor of angiotensin II
d. increase in blood volume


Each of the following would cause an increase in blood pressure except inhibitor of angiotensin II. So option c is correct.

Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor, which means it causes the walls of the arteries to narrow, leading to an increase in blood pressure. Inhibitors of this hormone, such as ACE inhibitors and ARBs, work by blocking its action and preventing it from constricting the arteries, leading to a decrease in blood pressure.

Blood pressure is a measure of the amount of force exerted against the walls of the arteries as blood flows through them. It is an important indicator of cardiovascular health as it can affect the function of various organs in the body. The most common causes of an increase in blood pressure include an increase in aldosterone, increase in peripheral resistance, inhibition of angiotensin II, and increase in blood volume.

One of the factors that would cause an increase in blood pressure is an increase in aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps regulate the balance of fluids in the body. It acts on the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of sodium and the excretion of potassium. This causes an increase in blood volume, which in turn leads to an increase in blood pressure, specifically in the systolic pressure.

Learn more about angiotensin II at :


Why is the e-waste harmful?



the components used to make devices such as laptops, cell phones, and televisions, contain metals and chemicals known to harm human health


Which of the following can be examined with an ordinary bright-field microscope?
A. Wet mounts
B. Heat-fixed specimens
C. Chemical-fixed specimens
D. All of the choices are correct.


Answer: Option (D) will be the answer.

(Please correct me if I am wrong.)

it should be D

almost all specimens can be examined though an ordinary bright-field microscope

The Lygaeus mode of sex determination is the ________. A. XY/XX scheme B. hermaphroditic scheme C. XX/XO scheme D. scheme based on single translocations in the X chromosome E. XO/YY scheme


The Lygaeus mode of sex determination is the A. XY/XX scheme that is determined by the scheme.

The common mode of sex determination: XX/XY. Although the X chromosome is bigger than the Y chromosome and incorporates over 1300 genes, there have to be the presence of a Y chromosome so as for the male phenotype to be expressed. X chromatin in its inactivated shape is gift as a mass towards the nuclear membrane in girls is referred to as Barr frame because it became first named via way of means of Barr and Bertem (1949). These Barr our bodies are found in 40% of girls who're taken into consideration as chromatin wonderful and absent in men who're taken into consideration as chromatin negative.

Thus, the correct option is A.

To learn more about sex determination check the link below:


Notch is a receptor protein displayed on the surface of certain cells in developing fruit fly embryos. Notch’s ligand is a membrane-bound protein called Delta that is displayed on the surface of adjacent cells. When Notch is activated by its ligand, the intracellular tail of the Notch protein becomes separated from the rest of the protein. This allows the intracellular tail to move to the cell’s nucleus and alter the expression of specific genes.
Which of the following statements best explains Delta’s role in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway?

A. Delta transmits a chemical signal to all the cells of a developing embryo.
B. Delta allows the cells of a developing embryo to communicate without making direct contact.
C. Delta restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo.
D. Delta determines which cells in a developing embryo express the gene that encodes the Notch protein.


If Delta is displayed on the surface of adjacent cells, and when Notch is activated by its ligand, the intracellular tail of the Notch protein becomes separated from the rest of the protein and allows the intracellular tail to move to the cell’s nucleus and alter the expression of specific genes, then  C. Delta restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo best explains Delta’s role in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway.

What is cell communication in a signaling pathway?

The expression cell communication in a signaling pathway makes reference to the molecular cascade activated by the interaction of biomolecules synthesized by two or more cells

Therefore, with this data, we can see that cell communication in a signaling pathway depends on the biomolecules of the cells.

Learn more about cell communication here:


Why does the presence of homology support the pattern component of the theory of evolution by natural selection


It lends credibility to the theory that all species descended from a common ancestor. The term "homology" refers to the belief that all living things have a common ancestry.

This is because homology asserts that many individuals have the same embryological origin as specific organ structures. This structure is functional in some, but not in others, indicating that it was handed down from a common ancestor to subsequent generations.

Natural selection, as we know, is an evolutionary process in which certain members of a species had characteristics in their bodies that were advantageous to the environment in which they lived.

These organisms survived and passed these structures on to their descendants. For this reason, we can say that the presence of homology supports the standard component of the theory of evolution by natural selection because it supports the hypothesis that species descend from a common ancestor.

These creatures survived and passed on these structures to their offspring. As a result, the presence of homology supports the standard component of natural selection theory since it supports the premise that species descend from a common ancestor.

Learn more about to  Homology


What is a characteristic displayed in an organism?


Answer: All living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing.

Match the descriptions to the correct type of fungi.


Fungi can be incredibly sophisticated multicellular organisms or single-celled critters.

What are Fungi?

They can be found in almost any location, but the majority of them prefer to dwell on land, primarily in soil or on plant matter, as opposed to the sea or fresh water.

The decomposers are a group that thrives in the soil or on dead plant matter and is crucial to the cycling of carbon and other elements. Some are parasites of plants that spread illnesses like canker, rust, scabs, and mildew.

Fungal diseases in crops can cause the farmer to lose a lot of money. A very small percentage of fungi can make animals sick. These include skin conditions that affect humans including athletes foot, ringworm, and thrush.

Therefore, Fungi can be incredibly sophisticated multicellular organisms or single-celled critters.

To learn more about Fungi, refer to the link:


The complete question is :

1.has positive and negative mating strands, 2. has erect fruiting body and 3.the first fungi to evolve, 4.lives in a varied habitat and exhibits all forms of nutrition. A. chytrid---------------------- and B. common mold-----------, C. sac fungi-------------------, D. club fungi------------------

Sediment deposition, earthquakes, and weathering are

similar in that they


In some ways, sediment deposition, earthquakes, and weathering are all comparable in that they may all produce erosion.

The shedding of sediments by wind, water, ice, or gravity is known as sediment deposition. Weathering processes generate sediments, erosion processes degrade them, and sedimentation processes deposit them in new sites. As the wind and water slow down, the silt they were transporting falls to the ground.

Erosion is the movement of soil, silt, and rock debris caused by weathering of geological structures by wind, water, and ice. Subsidence occurs when eroded material transported by water settles out of the surface water column when the flow of water slows.

Erosion and weathering turn rocks and mountains into sediments such as sand and mud. Deposition is a kind of weathering, namely chemical weathering. As a result of the water's mild acidity, the stone progressively wears away during this procedure. These three processes all contribute to the formation of new sedimentary rock sources. Earthquakes and weathering are similar in that they can both result in

soil Erosion .

For more information on Erosion , visit :


Complete question:

Sediment, deposition, earthquakes, and weathering are similar in that they

can all change the surface of the Earth.

are all a result of weathering.

all happen quickly.

all cause erosion

What are silent mutations called?


Silent mutations are also known as missense mutation.

In general, Nucleotide substitutions may lead to no change in the protein sequence which known as silent mutations. so , we can say that a silent mutation is a mutation that occurs within the DNA sequence, but they do not alter the amino acid sequence. These mutations takes place when in an introns, that is spliced before translation.

Hence,  example may include Single nucleotide substitutions they are not involved in changing any of the amino acid sequence so termed as silent  polymorphisms. Mutation in these base pair will also not change the function of the protein.

To learn more about Silent mutations , here


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