Declare an ArrayList of Strings. Add eight names to the collection. Output the Strings onto the console using the enhanced for loop. Sort the ArrayList using the method Collections.sort. Output the sorted List. Shuffle the list, and output the shuffled list. Note that Collections (with an s) is a class, while Collection is an interface. The Collections class has many useful static methods for processing interfaces, including the sort method. Search for a name in the list that exists; output the location where it was found. Search for a name that is not in the list. What location is reported? Convert the list to an array using toArray. Output the elements of the array. Convert the array back into a list using asList. Output the elements of the list.


Answer 1




Related Questions

Write a program that removes all non-alpha characters from the given input. Ex: If the input is: -Hello, 1 world$! the output is: Helloworld

Also, this needs to be answered by 11:59 tonight.




The following code is written in Python. It is a function that takes in a string as a parameter, loops through the string and checks if each character is an alpha char. If it is, then it adds it to an output variable and when it is done looping it prints the output variable. A test case has been provided and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def checkLetters(str):

   output = ''

   for char in str:

       if char.isalpha() == True:

           output += char

   return output

9.19 LAB: Sort an array Write a program that gets a list of integers from input, and outputs the integers in ascending order (lowest to highest). The first integer indicates how many numbers are in the list. Assume that the list will always contain less than 20 integers. Ex: If the input is:



i hope you understand

mark me brainlist



#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void vector_sort(vector<int> &vec) {

int i, j, temp;

for (i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {

for (j = 0; j < vec.size() - 1; ++j) {

if (vec[j] > vec[j + 1]) {

temp = vec[j];

vec[j] = vec[j + 1];

vec[j + 1] = temp;





int main() {

int size, n;

vector<int> v;

cin >> size;

for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

cin >> n;




for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

cout << v[i] << " ";


cout << endl;

return 0;


vacuum tubes produced a large amount of


Answer: suck



You work in an office that uses Linux and Windows servers. The network uses the IP protocol. You are sitting at a Windows workstation. An application you are using is unable to connect to a Windows server named FileSrv2. Which command can you use to determine whether your computer can still contact the server?





To check if there's still connectivity between the computer and server, I would use the ping command.

The ping command is primarily a TCP/IP command. What this command does is to troubleshoot shoot. It troubleshoots connection and reachability. This command also does the work of testing the name of the computer and also its IP address.

1. Write the CSS for an id with the following characteristics: fixed position, light grey background color, bold font weight, and 10 pixels of padding





position: fixed;

background-color: RGBA(211, 211, 211, 1);

font-weight: bold;

padding: 10px;  


Complete the AscendingAndDescending application so that it asks a user to enter three integers. Display them in ascending and descending order.An example of the program is shown below:Enter an integer... 1 And another... 2 And just one more... 3 Ascending: 1 2 3 Descending: 3 2 1GradingWrite your Java code in the area on the right. Use the Run button to compile and run the code. Clicking the Run Checks button will run pre-configured tests against your code to calculate a grade.Once you are happy with your results, click the Submit button to record your score.



Following are the solution to the given question:

import java.util.Scanner;//import package

public class AscendingAndDescending//defining a class AscendingAndDescending  


   public static void main(String[] args) //main method


       int n1,n2,n3,min,max,m;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object

       System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");//print message

       n1 = in.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.print("And another: ");//print message

       n2 = in.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.print("And just one more: ");//print message

       n3 = in.nextInt();//input value

       min = n1; //use min variable that holds value

       max = n1; //use mix variable that holds value

       if (n2 > max) max = n2;//use if to compare value and hols value in max variable

       if (n3 > max) max = n3;//use if to compare value and hols value in max variable

       if (n2 < min) min = n2;//use if to compare value and hols value in min variable

       if (n3 < min) min = n3;//use if to compare value and hols value in min variable

       m = (n1 + n2 + n3) - (min + max);//defining m variable that arrange value

       System.out.println("Ascending: " + min + " " + m + " " + max);//print Ascending order value

       System.out.println("Descending: " + max + " " + m + " " + min);//print Descending order value




Enter an integer: 8

And another: 9

And just one more: 7

Ascending: 7 8 9

Descending: 9 8 7


In this program inside the main method three integer variable "n1,n2, and n3" is declared that inputs value from the user end and also defines three variable "min, max, and m" that uses the conditional statement that checks inputs value and assigns value according to the ascending and descending order and prints its values.

The manager of the Super Supermarket would like to be able to compute the unit price for products sold there. To do this, the program should input the name and price of an item per pound and its weight in pounds and ounces. Then it should determine and display the unit price (the price per ounce) of that item and the total cost of the amount purchased. You will need the following variables: ItemName Pounds Ounces PoundPrice TotalPrice UnitPriceYou will need the following formulas: UnitPrice = PoundPrice/16 TotalPrice = PoundPrice * (Pounds + Ounces/16)



The program in Python is as follows:

name = input("Name of item: ")

PoundPrice = int(input("Pound Price: "))

Pounds = int(input("Weight (pounds): "))

Ounces = int(input("Weight (ounce): "))

UnitPrice = PoundPrice/16

TotalPrice = PoundPrice * (Pounds + Ounces/16)

print("Unit Price:",UnitPrice)

print("Total Price:",TotalPrice)


This gets the name of the item

name = input("Name of item: ")

This gets the pound price

PoundPrice = int(input("Pound Price: "))

This gets the weight in pounds

Pounds = int(input("Weight (pounds): "))

This gets the weight in ounces

Ounces = int(input("Weight (ounce): "))

This calculates the unit price

UnitPrice = PoundPrice/16

This calculates the total price

TotalPrice = PoundPrice * (Pounds + Ounces/16)

This prints the unit price

print("Unit Price:",UnitPrice)

This prints the total price

print("Total Price:",TotalPrice)

write a script to check command arguments. Display the argument one by one (use a for loop). If there is no argument provided, remind users about the mistake.


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript programming language, to write this script we define a function that checks for empty variables with if...else statements and then uses a for loop to loop through all arguments passed to the function's parameters and print them out to the console.

function Check_Arguments(a,b,c){

var ourArguments= [];



else( console.log("no argument for a"); )



else( console.log("no argument for b"); )



else( console.log("no argument for c"); )

for(var i=0; i<ourArguments.length; i++){




Print the two-dimensional list mult_table by row and column. Hint: Use nested loops.
Sample output with input: '1 2 3,2 4 6,3 6 9':
1 | 2 | 3
2 | 4 | 6
3 | 6 | 9
How can I delete that whitespace?



The program is as follows:

[tex]mult\_table = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 6, 9]][/tex]

count = 1

for row in mult_table:

   for item in row:

       if count < len(row):





   count = 1


This initializes the 2D list

[tex]mult\_table = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 6, 9]][/tex]

This initializes the count of print-outs to 1

count = 1

This iterates through each rows

for row in mult_table:

This iterates through each element of the rows

   for item in row:

If the number of print-outs is less than the number of rows

       if count < len(row):

This prints the row element followed by |; then count is incremented by 1



If otherwise


This prints the row element only


This resets count to 1, after printing each row

   count = 1

To delete the whitespace, you have to print each element as:            print(item,end="|")

See that there is no space after "/"


count = 1

for row in mult_table:

  for item in row:

      if count < len(row):


          print(item,end=" | ")



  count = 1

Explanation: Other answers didnt have the spacing correct

When a database stores the majority of data in RAM rather than in hard disks, it is referred to as a(n) _____ database.





A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

In this context, data management is a type of infrastructure service that avails businesses (companies) the ability to store and manage corporate data while providing capabilities for analyzing these data.

Hence, a database management system (DBMS) is a system that enables an organization or business firm to centralize data, manage the data efficiently while providing authorized users a significant level of access to the stored data.

Radom Access Memory (RAM) can be defined as the main memory of a computer system which allow users to store commands and data temporarily.

Generally, the Radom Access Memory (RAM) is a volatile memory and as such can only retain data temporarily.

All software applications temporarily stores and retrieves data from a Radom Access Memory (RAM) in computer, this is to ensure that informations are quickly accessible, therefore it supports read and write of files.

Generally, when a database stores the majority of data in random access memory (RAM) rather than in hard disks, it is referred to as an in-memory database (IMDB).

An in-memory database (IMDB) is designed to primarily to store data in the main memory of a computer system rather than on a hard-disk drive, so as to enhance a quicker response time for the database management system (DBMS).

write short note on the following: Digital computer, Analog Computer and hybrid computer​



Hybrid Computer has features of both analogue and digital computer. It is fast like analogue computer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers. It can process both continuous and discrete data. So it is widely used in specialized applications where both analogue and digital data is processed.

How would you type the word floor



f l o o r


Write a program that uses a stack to test input strings to determine whether they are palindromes. A palindrome is a sequence of characters that reads the same as the sequence in reverse; for example, noon.



Here the code is given as follows,


def isPalindrome(x):

   stack = []

   #for strings with even length

   if len(x)%2==0:

       for i in range(0,len(x)):

           if i<int(len(x)/2):


           elif stack.pop()!=x[i]:

               return False

       if len(stack)>0:

           return false

       return True

   #for strings with odd length    


       for i in range(0,len(x)):

           if i==int(len(x)/2):


           elif i<int(len(x)/2):


           elif stack.pop()!=x[i]:

               return False

       if len(stack)>0:

           return false

       return True  

def main():  

   while True:  

       string = input("Enter a string or Return to quit: ")  

       if string == "":  


       elif isPalindrome(string):  

           print("It's a palindrome")  


           print("It's not a palindrome")  

if __name__ == '__main__':  


To connect several computers together, one generally needs to be running a(n) ____ operating system
a. Network
b. Stand-alone
c. Embedded
d. Internet


Answer. Network


g 1-4 Which piece of network hardware breaks a network up into separate collision domains within a single broadcast domain



A switch


A local area network (LAN) refers to a group of personal computers (PCs) or terminals that are located within the same general area and connected by a common network cable (communication circuit), so that they can exchange information from one node of the network to another. A local area network (LAN) is typically used in small or limited areas such as a set of rooms, a single building, school, hospital, or a set of well-connected buildings. Some of the network devices or equipments used in a local area network (LAN) includes an access point, personal computers, a hub, a router, printer, a switch, etc.

In computer networking, a switch is a network hardware (device) that breaks up a network into separate collision domains within a single broadcast domain. Thus, it's commonly configured with virtual local area network (VLAN) to break up and interconnect multiple networks.

If we have a book object but we do not give it a "subtitle" property, the following code will return undefined. bar len = book.subtitle.length;
a) true
b) false



The answer is "Option a"


In the given question, this statement is true because in this bar len as a reference is declared that creates a book class object that calls the subtitle length method, that's why it is true.

You have a shared folder named Reports. Members of the Managers group have been given Write access to the shared folder. Mark Mangum is a member of the Managers group. He needs access to the files in the Reports folder, but he should not have any access to the Confidential.xls file. What should you do



Following are the solution to the given question:


The common folder called Report has also been shared. Writing access to a shared folder was given to management group members. Mark is a member of a group of managers. We can access the files within your reporting directory, but you really should not access the Confidential.xls file. We want to add Mark Mangum to our ACL files using Deny permissions on Confidential.xls.

Provide the EXACT C++ line of code necessary to return the heap-dynamic variable ptr to the operating system.


Full question:

Provide the EXACT C++ line of code necessary to return the heap-dynamic variable ptr to the operating system.

Pokemon *ptr;

ptr = new Pokemon[6];


delete ptr;


The command in the answer above deallocates memory(preventing memory leaks) and returns control to the operating system.

The command in the question dynamically allocates memory to the the heap(dynamically allocated memory is called heap) while the program is running(different from statically allocated memory that allocates before program compiles). When the variable is no longer needed, deallocation occurs using the command in our answer where the variable is deleted using the pointer(keeps track of dynamic variables).

CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes consist of 3-4 numbers representing a unique service. True False


this is in fact false to my knowledge

Please help urgently


Whats your question

Complete the implementation of the following methods:__init__hasNext()next()getFirstToken()getNextToken()nextChar()skipWhiteSpace()getInteger()


From method names, I am compelled to believe you are creating some sort of a Lexer object. Generally you implement Lexer with stratified design. First consumption of characters, then tokens (made out of characters), then optionally constructs made out of tokens.

Hope this helps.

The conversion rate would be the highest for keyword searches classified as Group of answer choices buyers grazers researchers browsers





Search engine optimization (SEO) can be defined as a strategic process which typically involves improving and maximizing the quantity and quality of the number of visitors (website traffics) to a particular website by making it appear topmost among the list of results from a search engine such as Goo-gle, Bing, Yah-oo etc.

This ultimately implies that, search engine optimization (SEO) helps individuals and business firms to maximize the amount of traffic generated by their website i.e strategically placing their website at the top of the results returned by a search engine through the use of algorithms, keywords and phrases, hierarchy, website updates etc.

Hence, search engine optimization (SEO) is focused on improving the ranking in user searches by simply increasing the probability (chances) of a specific website emerging at the top of a web search.

Typically, this is achieved through the proper use of descriptive page titles and heading tags with appropriate keywords.

Generally, the conversion rate is mainly designed to be the highest for keyword searches classified as buyers because they're the main source of revenue for a business and by extension profits.

describe the evolution of computers.​



First remove ur mask then am to give you the evolutions

A small company with 100 computers has hired you to install a local area network. All fo the users perform functions like email, browsing and Office software. In addition, 25 of them also do a large number of client/server requests into a database system. Which local area network operating system would you recommend?



Based on the requirements indicated in the question above, the best Local Area Network (LAN) operating system that can be used is

Windows 7 , 8.1 or Windows 10. This is because they all are configured to handle extensive LAN activity and can connect over 200 users.


Generally speaking, Windows 10 packs more improvement over the previous windows.


Your organization has started receiving phishing emails. You suspect that an attacker is attempting to find an employee workstation they can compromise. You know that a workstation can be used as a pivot point to gain access to more sensitive systems. Which of the following is the most important aspect of maintaining network security against this type of attack?
A. Network segmentation.B. Identifying a network baseline.C. Documenting all network assets in your organization.D. Identifying inherent vulnerabilities.E. User education and training.



E). User education and training.


In the context of network security, the most significant aspect of ensuring security from workstation cyberattacks would be 'education, as well as, training of the users.' If the employee users are educated well regarding the probable threats and attacks along with the necessary safety measures to be adopted and trained adequately to use the system appropriately so that the sensitive information cannot be leaked while working on the workstation and no networks could be compromised. Thus, option E is the correct answer.

Fred is a 29 year old golfer, who has been playing for 4 years. He is a 12 handicap. He is considering the Srixon ZX5 or the Mavrik Pro. Talk through major considerations and provide a recommendation that would be well suited for him. Include explanations about forged vs cast features, the look of the club, and overall feel.



oh nice yes good fine I like it

A recursive method may call other methods, including calling itself. A recursive method has:
1. a base case -- a case that returns a value or exits from a method without performing a recursive call.
2. a recursive case -- calling the method again with a smaller case..
Study the recursive method given below.
For example, this call recursiveMethod (5); returns 15:
public static int recursiveMethod (int num) (
if (num == 0)
return 1;
else {
if (numX2!=0)
return num * recursiveMethod (num -1);
return recursiveMethod (num-1);
1 What is the base case?
2. What does the following statement check?
3. What does the method do?



Hence the answer is given as follows,


Base Case:-  

If (num == 0) //This is the base case for the given recursive method  

return 1;  

If(num % 2!=0) checks whether num is odd.  

The above condition is true for all odd numbers and false for even numbers.  

if the remainder is not equal to zero when we divide the number with 2 then it is odd.  

The method:-  

The above recursive method calculates the product of odd numbers up to the given range(that is num)  

For num=5   => 15(5*3*1).  

For num=7   => 105(7*5*3*1).  

For num=10 => 945(9*7*5*3*1).

Program is set of instruction written in programming language.​



Program is set of instruction written in programming language.

 program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task

Write three statements to print the first three elements of vector runTimes. Follow each with a newline. Ex: If runTimes = {800, 775, 790, 805, 808}, print: 800 775 790



Following are the code to the given question:

#include <iostream>//header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


int runTimes[] = {800, 775, 790, 805, 808};//defining array of integer

for(int x=0;x<3;x++)//defining for loop to print three element of array value


printf("%d\n",runTimes[x]);//print array value  


return 0;



Please find the attached file.


In this code, an array integer "runTimes" is declared that holds the given array values, and in the next step, a for loop is declared.

Inside the loop, an integer variable x is declared that starts from 0 and ends when its value less than 3 in which we print the first three array element values.

Write a program that reads in the size of the side of a square and then prints a hollow square of that size out of asterisks and
blanks. Your program should work for squares of all side sizes between 1 and 20. For example, if your program reads a size of 5, it
should print




#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

using std::endl;  

using std::cin;  

int main()


int side, rowPosition, size;

cout << "Enter the square side: ";

cin >> side;

size = side;

while ( side > 0 ) {

rowPosition = size;

 while ( rowPosition > 0 ) {

if ( size == side || side == 1 || rowPosition == 1 ||  

rowPosition == size )

cout << '*';


cout << ' ';



cout << '\n';



cout << endl;

return 0;


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