dancing through sports in the 24st century world


Answer 1


dancing through sports in the 24st century world.

Related Questions

How did the burial of a wealthy person differ from that of an enslaved person? Choose two answers.

The wealthy had a more complex process.
The wealthy were wrapped in their clothes.
The wealthy had a ceremony.
The wealthy had perfumes in their bodies.



The wealthy had a ceremony.

The wealthy were wrapped in their clothes.


The burial of a wealthy person differed from that of an enslaved person because the wealthy person typically had more resources and social status, which allowed for a more elaborate and costly burial process. This often included a ceremony or ritual to honor the deceased, as well as the use of fine clothing and perfumes to prepare the body for burial. In contrast, the burial of an enslaved person was often more basic and simple, with little attention given to the details of the process. Enslaved individuals may not have had access to the same resources or social status as wealthy individuals, and therefore may not have received the same level of burial rites.


Answer: A & D


the guy on top of me was WRONG

eastern and west immigration characteristics


Eastern immigration refers to the influx of people from countries in Eastern Europe and Asia to the United States. Some of the characteristics of Eastern immigration include:

.Many Eastern European immigrants came to the United States to escape poverty, persecution, and political upheaval in their home countries.

.Many Eastern European immigrants were members of minority groups, such as Jews, Poles, and Czechs, and often faced discrimination upon arrival in the United States.

.Many Eastern European immigrants were skilled workers, such as miners, factory workers, and farmers, and often took jobs in heavy industry or agriculture.

.Eastern European immigrants often formed tight-knit communities in the United States, preserving their cultural traditions and languages.

Western immigration refers to the influx of people from countries in Western Europe, Canada, and Mexico to the United States. Some of the characteristics of Western immigration include:

.Many Western European immigrants came to the United States for economic opportunities and to escape poverty in their home countries.

.Western European immigrants were often better educated and skilled than Eastern European immigrants and often took jobs in professional and white-collar occupations.

.Western European immigrants often assimilated more quickly into American society and were less likely to form tight-knit ethnic communities.

.Western European immigrants were less likely to face the same level of discrimination and hostility that Eastern European immigrants often encountered.

It is worth noting that this are general characteristics and there are many exception, some Eastern European immigrants were well-educated and came to the United States for other reasons. Also some Mexican immigrants were skilled workers and some Western European immigrants formed ethnic communities.

Complete question :-

What are the characteristics of eastern and west immigration?

To learn more about immigration :-


How did the encomienda and hacienda systems promote the exploration of Native Americans?



The encomienda and hacienda systems were both forms of labor organization and land tenure that were used in the Spanish colonial empire, including in the Americas. The encomienda system was a grant of the right to collect tribute and labor from a group of Native Americans in exchange for their protection and conversion to Christianity. The hacienda system was a large estate or plantation that was worked by Native Americans and other laborers, often under conditions of coercion and abuse.

Both the encomienda and hacienda systems were used to extract labor and resources from Native American communities, and they often involved the exploitation, coercion, and abuse of Native American workers. These systems contributed to the expansion of Spanish colonial territories and the exploitation of natural resources, such as gold and silver, in the Americas. However, they also had significant negative impacts on Native American communities, including the loss of land, the disruption of traditional ways of life, and the exploitation and abuse of labor.

Hope This Helps You!

In 2 to 3 paragraphs explain how the election of 1860 and the compromise of 1850 lead to the civil war with 2 events for each



The election of 1860 was a major contributing factor to the Civil War. In the election, Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was elected President of the United States. This victory was seen as a threat to the Southern states, who wished to protect their institution of slavery and their way of life. Lincoln was an abolitionist, and his election was seen as a sign that slavery would be abolished. This caused several Southern states to secede from the Union, beginning the Civil War.

The Compromise of 1850 was also a major contributing factor to the Civil War. The Compromise was an effort to save the Union by addressing the issue of slavery in the territories. It included the Fugitive Slave Act, which required that escaped slaves be returned to their owners, and the admission of California as a free state. The Compromise of 1850 ultimately failed, as it created more divisions between North and South, and did not adequately address the issue of slavery in the territories. This led to further tensions and the eventual secession of Southern states, sparking the Civil War.


The election of 1860 was a significant turning point leading up to the Civil War. One event that contributed to the increasing tension was the emergence of the Republican Party, which opposed the expansion of slavery into the western territories. Their candidate, Abraham Lincoln, won the presidency despite only receiving a minority of the popular vote. This upset many Southern Democrats, who believed that their way of life was being threatened by the abolition of slavery.

Another event that contributed to the impending conflict was the formation of the Constitutional Union Party, which was made up of moderate politicians who wanted to avoid the issue of slavery altogether. However, their efforts were unsuccessful as the country was already deeply divided on the issue.

The Compromise of 1850 was another key event leading up to the Civil War. One aspect of the compromise was the Fugitive Slave Act, which required Northern states to return escaped slaves to their Southern owners. This angered many abolitionists and led to increased resistance and violence against the act. Another event that contributed to the conflict was the admission of California as a free state, which upset Southern Democrats who believed it was a violation of the Missouri Compromise. These events further exacerbated the tensions between the North and South and ultimately led to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Which of the following was a criminal justice reform that allowed nonviolent offenders to petition for their sentences to be ended?



clemency, which is a power that is held by the President of the United States and many state governors to grant forgiveness or mercy to individuals who have been convicted of a crime. Clemency can take the form of a pardon, which completely absolves an individual of their crime, or a commutation, which reduces an individual's sentence but does not absolve them of their crime. In some cases, clemency may be granted to individuals who have been convicted of nonviolent offenses and are deemed to have reformed or are unlikely to pose a threat to society.


What are the major resources of Mt Denali



Air Quality.



Dall's Sheep.


Golden Eagles.




Air Quality.



Dall's Sheep.


Golden Eagles.



3. Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the United States.
(a) Define "entitlement program," and explain what the primary source of revenue for the Social Security program is.
(b) Describe one demographic trend that threatens the future of the Social Security program and explain why.

4. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects a number of rights of American citizens, including their religious liberty, which is contained within two clauses in the amendment.
(a) Identify the First Amendment clause upon which the United States Supreme Court based its decision in Engel v. Vitale (1962), the school prayer case.
(b) Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in Engel v. Vitale.
(c) Identify the First Amendment clause upon which the United States Supreme Court based its decision in Oregon v. Smith (1990), the religious use of peyote case.
(d) Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in Oregon v. Smith.


It is TRUE to state that Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the United States. See the following definitions are as follows:

(a) An entitlement program is a government program that offers specific benefits to qualified people and is regarded as a legal right. Payroll taxes are the principal source of revenue for the Social Security program.

(a) The aging population is one demographic trend that threatens the Social Security program's future since fewer workers will pay into the system to support a rising number of retirees.

(a) The Establishment Clause is the First Amendment provision upon which the United States Supreme Court based its ruling in Engel v. Vitale.

(b) In Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court decided that reciting a state-written prayer in public schools violated the First Amendment's Establishment Clause.

(c) The Free Exercise Clause is the First Amendment provision on which the United States Supreme Court based its conclusion in Oregon v. Smith.

(d) In Oregon v. Smith, the Supreme Court found that a person dismissed for consuming peyote, a hallucinogenic drug, as part of a religious ritual may be denied unemployment benefits because the state's interest in forbidding drug use exceeded the individual's right to free expression of religion.

What is Social Security?

The United States Social Security Administration is an autonomous federal organization that administers Social Security, a social insurance program that includes retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.

The earnings from Social Security benefits taxes are becoming an increasingly important source of income for both Social Security and Medicare. The income generated by taxing up to 50% of Social Security benefits goes to the two Social Security trust funds.

Not all taxpayers must pay federal income taxes on Social Security payments. Individuals who have a large income in addition to their Social Security payments are often obligated to pay federal income taxes on their Social Security benefits.

Learn more about Social Security:

Which statement best analyzes a key difference between European expansion in the Western and Eastern Hemispheres?



European expansion in the Western Hemisphere was largely driven by the search for resources and new markets, while European expansion in the Eastern Hemisphere was largely driven by the desire to spread Christianity and gain political control.


Final answer:

European expansion differed in Western and Eastern Hemispheres. In the West, it involved the colonization and domination over indigenous people, often with devastating effects. In the East, the European powers focused more on developing trade relations, setting up trading posts without massive disruption to local populations.


The European expansion in the Western Hemisphere, primarily into the Americas, was driven largely by the quest for new resources, territory, and for the establishment of trade routes. The expansion led to the colonization of regions and created a dominance of Europeans over indigenous people, who were conquered, enslaved, or killed.

In contrast, the European expansion in the Eastern Hemisphere was more about establishing trade relations with already developed nations and civilizations like China and India instead of outright colonization. Here, the Europeans mainly built trading posts without displacing indigenous populations on a scale seen in the Western Hemisphere.

Learn more about European expansion here:



1. How did geography impact the conflicts that developed in North America?



It encouraged other lifestyles.

Explanation: Geography Conflicts that developed changed lifestyles, a lot of people got really into it.

how did the competition for land affect the french?



Because they lost the French and indian war and that cost them a lot


Corn plants and milkweed plants grow in the same area. Over several years, the milkweed plants have taken over the field and the corn plants no longer have space to grow.

This best demonstrates which type of an interaction between the plants?



The best description of the type of interaction between the plants of corn plants and milkweed is d. competition

What is competition in nature ?

More broadly, competition can be described as the direct or indirect contact of organisms that results in a change in fitness when the organisms share a resource. Competition is most commonly thought of as the interaction of individuals that compete for a common resource that is in limited supply. The weaker competitors frequently suffer as a result of the outcome.

The three main types of competition are as follows. Real competition is defined as two of them: interference competition and exploitation competition. Evident competition, a third form, is not. Competition between persons happens directly in interference, whereas it happens indirectly in exploitation and perceived competition.

Therefore, competition is the ideal word to describe the type of interaction between milkweed and maize plants.

Find out more on competition at https://brainly.com/question/15525466


A Theory of Justice by John Rawls

It may be good to create public schools so that everyone can go to a good school and have a good start in life. But if you tax people to create these schools against their will, then surely you are stealing from them! How would Rawls respond to this objection (use text evidence to support your response)?


The way that Rawls would have to respond to this would be by saying that the taxation would be creating a system of unfairness because the tax burden has to be created to go equal among everyone.

What Rawl says about the tax burden

John Rawls, in his book "A Theory of Justice," argues that a just society is one in which the basic rights and freedoms of all citizens are protected, and in which social and economic inequalities are arranged to benefit the least advantaged members of society. He argues that a just society is one in which the distribution of resources and opportunities is determined by a "principle of fairness," which he calls the "difference principle."

In response to the objection that taxing people to create public schools against their will is stealing from them, Rawls would likely argue that the creation of public schools is necessary for the protection of the basic rights and freedoms of all citizens, and that it is in the best interest of the least advantaged members of society. He would argue that the taxes used to fund public schools are not stealing, but rather a fair and just way of ensuring that all citizens have access to a good education and a fair start in life.

Read more on taxation here: https://brainly.com/question/1133253


Which quote is pro imperialism and against imperialism?


The Quotes and there distributions

A) is pro imperialism

B) is against imperialism

C) is pro imperialism

D) is pro imperialism

What is pro-imperialism?

Generally, Pro-imperialism is a stance or belief in favor of the expansion of a country's territory or influence, often through colonization or military conquest. This may involve the belief that it is beneficial for the country and/or the people being conquered or colonized. Some argue that it brings civilization and modernization to "uncivilized" or "backward" peoples and that it is a natural and necessary aspect of a country's growth and development.

However, this perspective is highly controversial and criticized, as it has been used to justify the exploitation and oppression of colonized peoples and the theft of their land and resources.

Read more about pro imperialism




Which quote is pro imperialism and against imperialism?

A) God has not been preparing the English- aking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-admiration. No....He has made us adept in government that we may administer government among savage and senile peoples....He has marked the American people as His chosen nation to finally lead in the redemption of the world."

B) "A self-governing state cannot accept sovereignty over an unwilling people. The United States cannot act upon the ancient heresy that might makes right."

C) "Thus...duty and interest alike, duty of the highest kind and interest of the highest and best kind, impose upon us the retention of the Philippines, the development of the islands, and the expansion of dur Eastern commerce."

D) "The two great needs of mankind, that all men may be lifted into the light of the highest Christian civilization, are, first, a pure, spiritual Christianity, and, second, civil liberty.... It follows then, that the Anglo-Saxon, as the great representative of these two ideas, the depository of these two great blessings, sustains peculiar relations to the

world's future, is divinely commissioned to be, in a peculiar sense, his brother's keeper.

Sectionalism became prevalent not only between the North and South, but the West as well. Explain how the purchase of the Louisiana Territory and western expansion contributed to increased sectionalism in the United States. Do we still have sectionalism in the US today? Give examples and explain your answer.

Be sure to answer both questions!

Rubric to grade by:

Sectionalism is explained; information shows a clear understanding of what sectionalism is: 10 points
Opinion on the impact of the Louisiana Purchase on sectionalism is clearly defined: 7 points
Opinion on the impact of sectionalism on modern society is well defined; historical evidence is included to support opinion: 7 points
Spelling/grammar: 1 point


Yes,  we still do have sectionalism in the US today. And this is seen in different sectors of the economy.

What is the issue of Sectionalism  about?

Sectionalism refers to the division of a country or society into different regions or sections, each with distinct political, economic, or cultural characteristics.

In the United States, sectionalism emerged in the early 19th century, primarily between the North and the South, but also between the West. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory and western expansion contributed to increased sectionalism in the United States.

The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, which doubled the size of the United States, brought a vast amount of new land under U.S. control. The acquisition of this territory opened up opportunities for westward expansion, but it also created tensions between the different regions of the country.

Therefore,  North and the South had different economic systems and different attitudes towards slavery, and the addition of new territory created new opportunities for conflict.

Learn more about Sectionalism from



What was it like to be a soldier in the Continental Army?



Life in the Continental Army was difficult. It was mundane and monotonous. Generally, when not engaged in combat, soldiers in the Continental Army served three duties: fatigue or manual labor, such as digging vaults (latrines), clearing fields, or erecting fortifications.

Which was Peter the Great responsible for?



Modernized Russia

Russia made incredible progress in the development of its economy and trade, education, science and culture, and foreign policy.


Why are primary sources important when studying historical events?


Because we learn to recognize a standpoint and bias affect evidence, contradictions as well as more limitations that exist within a given source. AND to know what extent sources are reliable. :)

The U.S. population changed in the early to mid-19th century because:
A. large numbers of settlers in the West moved to Mexico.
B. huge numbers of immigrants came to the country.
C. the population of enslaved people declined rapidly.
D. families began to have far fewer children.
SUBMIT please help



B. huge numbers of immigrants came to the country

What happened to nationalism throughout the world following World War II?
O It became culturally unacceptable due to the horrors that German hyper-nationalism committed.
O It intensified throughout much of the world, leading to widespread independence movements.
O It increased in Europe but all but disappeared in Africa and Southeast Asia.
O It led to a third wave of imperialism and the creation of new overseas empires.


the idea of nationalism became more nuanced, with many countries seeking to balance national interests with global cooperation and shared values.

What is brief history?

Following World War II, nationalism intensified throughout much of the world, leading to widespread independence movements. Many countries that were once colonies of European powers sought to establish their own national identities and assert their sovereignty.

This was particularly evident in Africa and Southeast Asia, where many countries gained independence from European colonial powers in the decades following World War II. However, the horrors of German hyper-nationalism during the war also contributed to a growing awareness of the dangers of extreme nationalism and the need for international cooperation to prevent future conflicts.

As a result, the idea of nationalism became more nuanced, with many countries seeking to balance national interests with global cooperation and shared values.

To know more about World War related question visit:



Answer: B

It intensified throughout much of the world, leading to widespread independence movements.

Explanation: Took the quiz, got it right <3 good luck!

Which statements describe reasons native-born Americans wanted to restrict immigration to the United States in the late 1800s?


Note that the statements that describe reasons Native-born Americans wanted to restrict immigration to the United States in the late 1800s are:

Many were prejudiced against newcomers who looked different or spoke a foreign language. (Option C)Many were afraid of losing their jobs to immigrants who would work for lower wages. (Option D)

Who were the Native-born Americans?

Paleo-Indians are the first inhabitants in the Americas who lived before 10,000 years ago. Linguistic variables, blood type distribution, and genetic makeup as revealed by scientific data, such as DNA, have all been used to link indigenous peoples of the Americas to Siberian cultures.

Native Americans are genetically connected to East Asians and Ancient North Eurasian peoples. Because they descended from a single Siberian population during the Upper Paleolithic era, Native American genomes contain genetic markers from Western Eurasia.

Learn more about Native-born Americans:


Full Question:

Which statements describe reasons native-born Americans wanted to restrict immigration to the United States in the late 1800s?

Choose all that are correct.

A. Many claimed that the country was full and there wasn't any empty land for newcomers to settle.

b. Many were unwilling to pay higher taxes to cover education and social services for immigrants.

C. Many were prejudiced against newcomers who looked different or spoke a foreign language.


Many were afraid of losing their jobs to immigrants who would work for lower wages.

Please help for all false statements write the corrected statement.


Peasants and aristocrats alike lived under the influence of Christianity during the Middle Ages. The Church and the monasteries, among other religious institutions, amassed riches and power as a result of the state allocating a sizable portion of its budget to religious pursuits.

What impact did Christianity have on mediaeval culture?

Politics, economy, and education in Medieval European civilization were all affected by Christianity. Political connections with Christian kingdoms usually resulted in the conversion of political leaders. Common religious ties across kingdoms helped to strengthen trade partnerships

Numerous depictions of mediaeval Europe, such as robed monks and illuminated Bible manuscripts, highlight the significant cultural impact of Christianity on the culture of the time. But it was part of a process that started almost a thousand years earlier and hundreds of kilometers distant that Christianity developed and expanded throughout Medieval Europe. As a branch of the ancient monotheistic Jewish religion, Christianity initially appeared in the Levant, the area focused on modern-day Israel, in the first century CE. Christianity quickly became a stand-alone religion as it gained popularity throughout the Roman Empire. Christian teachings were spread by traders and travelers all over the empire, and were based on those of Jesus Christ and his disciples.

Learn more about Medieval European from here



project selection helps to ensure that no project affects the status of other


Answer: i ensured my status by helping others

Explanation: ensure yo statuses etc

What views of Africans and Asians are being communicated in each of the illustrations?


The views of Africans and Asians being communicated in each of the illustrations is that both of them are like half demon.

What does it mean when a race is called half demon?

Basically, Half Demons are the progeny of a human and a demon. Half demons retain a fully human appearance and manifest their otherworldly heritage around the ages of twelve to twenty through the powers of their demonic parent; control of the elements, teleportation, levitation, and so on.

The race of Africans and Asians are likened to half demon in the illustration to depict that they have different characters, which are good and bad.

Read more about half demon



1. Was the law authorizing a moment of silence for meditation or voluntary prayer an attempt to
establish a religion?
2. Is a child's First Amendment right to freedom of religion violated if voluntary prayer is allowed
in the school?


No, the law authorizing a moment of silence for meditation or voluntary prayer is not an attempt to establish a religion.

What is law authorising?

Law authorising is the process of granting legal permission for a person, organization, or entity to take a certain action. This permission is typically granted by a government body, such as a legislature or court, and is often referred to as a form of delegation of authority. Law authorising can be used to grant permission for a variety of activities, including public works, tax exemptions, and other government-regulated activities. It is an important part of the legal process that ensures that certain activities are properly regulated and that the public is protected.

It is meant to provide a moment of respite and reflection for students and is not intended to coerce or require any kind of religious activity. It is a way of allowing students to be mindful of the moment and to practice self-care, in whatever form they feel is beneficial.

A child's First Amendment right to freedom of religion is not violated if voluntary prayer is allowed in school. The Supreme Court has consistently held that public schools may not compel or coerce students to participate in prayer or other religious activities. However, the court has also recognized that students may engage in voluntary prayer during the moment of silence as long as it does not disrupt the educational process and does not interfere with the rights of other students. Therefore, voluntary prayer is permissible in the school environment as long as it does not violate the rights of others or interfere with school activities.

To know more about law authorizing click-



What was the main event described in the article? What were the causes of this event? Describe each cause by citing specific details from the article and explaining how it contributed to the main event. The history of the 19th amendment newsla. NEED IT TODAY.


Politically unfair treatment of women, financial discrimination against women, and societal rejection of the stereotypical American lady were the main drivers of the women's rights movement between 1940 and 1975.

What was the National Woman Suffrage Association's major objective?

The NWSA advocated a number of measures that intended to make women equal members of society in addition to calling for a constitutional amendment to guarantee women the right to vote.

What does the National Women's Party stand for?

For more than a century, the National Woman's Party (NWP) fought for the rights of women. Members began protesting, marching, and demanding gender equality in 1913; they then used these experiences to continue their efforts.

To Know more about financial discrimination



PROCWrite a procedural essay with media that is 1 1/2-2 pages in length. Clearly state your topic, and include all steps necessary to complete the procedure. You will submit your prewriting and planning documents along with your essay. Before you submit your assignment, make sure you have Used second-person point of view Used transitions Used vocabulary relevant to your topic and defined it, if needed. Used language appropriate for your audience. Used an adjective phrase. Included media that supports or explains your procedure. Review the grading rubric before you submit your paper so you can ensure you are meeting the assignment requirements



Write the essay


Do what you are writing of the topic and use lots of research.

The assembly line was perfected by?
Henry Ford
Charles Dickens
William Blake
Jonas Salk


Henry Ford perfected the assembly line. Henry Ford developed his moving assembly line in 1913 using interchangeable components, segmented labor, and fluid material flow.

Who invented the assembly line, exactly?

Around the turn of the century, Henry Ford perfected the continuously moving assembly line, which made mass production and the consumer society possible but at the expense of making industrial workers work faster than the machines.

Henry Ford constructs the first moving assembly line for the mass manufacturing of an entire vehicle on December 1, 1913. His invention cut the time it took to construct a car in half, from more than 12 hours to little over an hour and a half.

To know more about Henry Ford visit:-



The president and the vice president are elected to _________________-year terms.
Group of answer choices






Answer: Two terms with each being 4 years so in total they can sever 8 years


Which of the following was part of the Byzantine Empire at its height in 565 A.D. (CE)?

The southern shorelines of the Red Sea
Most of Spain


Italy was part of the Byzantine Empire at its height in 565 A.D. (CE). The correct option is a.

What is the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in its eastern provinces during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople. It survived the fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for an additional thousand years until the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

During most of its existence, the empire remained the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe.

Learn more about Empire, here:



Describe an oligopoly



An oligopoly is a market structure with few firms. None of the firms can keep the other firms from having significant influence/higher ranking


hard to word but here u go

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