
Explain how random assignment would help establish cause and effect in this experiment.

Edgar is a psychologist interested in the effects of the presence of self-checkout counters on customer satisfaction. He convinces a large clothing company to consider adding self-checkout

counters to some of its stores. Edgar's hypothesis is that if self-checkout counters are introduced, customers will be more satisfied. He is proposing an experimental study to examine this belief


Answer 1

The only way to be certain about cause and effect is through an experimental research using random assignment. For instance, in a random assignment research, the experimental group is given the drug while the control group is not, in order to determine if a treatment results in patient cures.

Using randomization, such as by chance (e.g., flipping a coin) or a random number generator, random assignment or random placement is an experimental strategy for allocating human participants or animal subjects to various groups in an experiment (e.g., a treatment group against a control group).

By doing this, it is made sure that each participant or topic has a fair chance of being assigned to a group. By assigning participants at random, it is possible to prevent systematic disparities between and within groups from existing at the commencement of the experiment. As a result, it is safer to ascribe any differences between groups that are noted at the end of the trial to the methods or treatments used.

Learn more about random assignment to visit this link



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in january, a 57-year-old man with life-threatening heart disease received the first successful transplant of a ’s heart into a human being, a groundbreaking procedure that offers hope to hundreds of thousands of patients with failing organs.


In January, a 57-year-old man with life-threatening heart disease received the first successful transplant of a pig’s heart into a human being, a groundbreaking procedure that offers hope to hundreds of thousands of patients with failing organs.

In a groundbreaking procedure that gives hope to hundreds of thousands of patients with failing organs, a 57-year-old man with life-threatening heart disease received a heart from a genetically modified pig. It is the first successful human heart transplant from a pig.

After the death in March of a 57-year-old man with terminal heart disease who became the first person to receive a genetically modified pig heart at the University of Maryland, the experiments were made public.

To learn more about heart disease here



What is the primary goal of a triage system used by the nurse with patients presenting to the emergency department


The primary goal of a triage method utilized by nurses with patients arriving to the emergency department is to identify the severity of the client's condition in order to establish priority of care.

In the emergency room, "triage" refers to the procedures used to quickly assess patients' degree of injury or sickness, assign priority, and move each patient to a right facility for care. ED prioritization is a systematic method of sorting and categorizing patients based on the severity of their sickness or damage.

The major purpose of the triage method is to assist the ED nurse in prioritising care based on the acuity of the patient, with clients with more serious illnesses or injuries examined first. The core survey includes questions on the airway, breathing, and circulation. The primary purpose is not to determine response during the disability stage of the primary survey. Triage does not aim to evaluate the ED's resources.

To know more about the Emergency Department, here



The nurse is using the pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale to assess a child's level of consciousness. What would the nurse assess


The nurse would assess Grade 5 for verbal response if the child says​ "no" to all questions.

The Glasgow Coma Scale is a clinical scale that is used to accurately assess a person's degree of consciousness following a brain injury. The GCS evaluates a person's ability to execute eye movements, communicate, and move their body. These three behaviours comprise three scale elements: visual, verbal, and motor.

The Glasgow Coma Scale is presented as a cumulative score (ranging from 3 to 15) as well as the results of each test (E for eye, V for Verbal, and M for Motor). The value of each test should be based on the best response that the individual being tested can offer. Some studies have criticised the GCS, citing the scale's low inter-rater reliability and lack of predictive usefulness.

To learn more about Glasgow Coma Scale, here



30. When applying towels around the incision a. It is important that the skin be dry b. Drape the area nearest you first c. Walk to the opposite side of the patient to place the last towel d. All of the above


When applying towels around the incision option d. All of the above is correct, as it it is important to have dry skin, nearest area is to be draped first and last towel should be placed on opposite side.

An incision is a cut through the skin that's made during surgery. It's also called a surgical crack. Some lacerations are small, others are long. The size of the gash depends on the kind of surgery you had.

Dry skin accompanies most surgical procedures as a result of the temporary towel swelling that takes place with any operation. This temporary stretch causes the skin to produce have further of the external skin than it needs and once the lump resolves, this skin sloughs off.

To learn more about incision here



The drug development process involves many milestones. To be approved, potential drugs must demonstrate a positive patient outcome with minimization of harm. This is called ________.


To be approved, potential drugs must demonstrate a positive patient outcome with minimization of harm. This process of examine is simply called Clinical trials.

Recently, significant public investments in health care to find the medical treatments with the highest value have been sparked by the increase in health care expenses in the United States. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 specifically allocated $1.1 billion for "comparative effectiveness" research to assess "...clinical outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of items, services, and procedures that are used to prevent, diagnose, or treat diseases, disorders, and other health conditions." 1 Despite the fact that a variety of study designs can achieve these objectives, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), in particular, continue to serve as the gold standard for comparing disease therapies. Clinical trial execution, however, requires a meticulous strategy based on scientific, statistical, moral, and legal considerations.

To learn more about " Clinical trials" Click on below link



As part of your health promotion education for a new patient, you explain that the risk factors for skin cancer include:



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As part of your health promotion education for a new patient, you explain that the risk factors for skin cancer include:

1. Exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation: Prolonged exposure to UV radiation from the sun or artificial sources, such as tanning beds, increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Unprotected and excessive sun exposure over time can damage the DNA in skin cells, leading to mutations and the development of cancerous cells.

2. Fair Skin and Light Eye/Hair Color: People with fair skin, light-colored eyes (such as blue or green), and light-colored hair (such as blonde or red) have less melanin, the pigment that provides some protection against UV radiation. As a result, they are more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV radiation and have a higher risk of developing skin cancer.

3. History of Sunburns: Experiencing multiple severe sunburns, especially during childhood or adolescence, increases the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. Sunburns indicate overexposure to UV radiation, which can lead to DNA damage and an increased likelihood of cancer formation.

4. Family History: Having a family history of skin cancer, particularly melanoma, increases the risk of developing the disease. Genetic factors can contribute to a person's susceptibility to skin cancer, so it is important to be aware of any family history of the disease.

5. Personal History of Skin Cancer: Individuals who have previously been diagnosed with skin cancer have an increased risk of developing new skin cancers. It is important for individuals with a history of skin cancer to have regular check-ups and follow-up appointments to monitor for any new or recurring lesions.

6. Weakened Immune System: A weakened immune system, such as in individuals with organ transplants, certain autoimmune conditions, or HIV/AIDS, can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. A properly functioning immune system helps detect and eliminate cancerous cells, so a weakened immune response can allow cancer to develop more easily.

To know more about education here



What are the main criteria for deciding whether a drug should be sold over the counter (OTC) or by prescription


Drugs being sold over the counter are more accessible allowing almost anyone to get them and taking them for the wrong thing can cause something bad to happen

Given by prescription allows the doctor/go to give you the recommended and best drugs/medication that suits your needs/ illness

During a discussion of concern about approaches used with aggressive patients in the Emergency Department, several staff members express concern for their safety. As a leader, the nurse manager should:


As a leader, the nurse manager must directly talk to the speakers and acknowledge their problems which means option A is correct.

A nurse manager is responsible for the safety of the staff and that they live in healthy environment where they are safe from external aggression which may hurt them mentally or physically. She must look into the matter directly from the people who have faced it or been an eye witness to it. Leadership includes listening patiently to the problems and then coming to a solution which encourages welfarism of both staff and patients who are not able to control their anger. This will boost the effective functioning of the staff in the hospital.

Learn more about nurse manager at:



To refer to complete question, see below:

During a discussion of concern about approaches used with aggressive patients in the Emergency Department, several staff members express concern for their safety. As a leader, the nurse manager should:

a. Look directly at speakers and acknowledge their comments.

b. Promise to implement each suggestion that is made.

c. Implement the idea that receives the most discussion.

d. Listen but implement the plan that she had in mind before the discussion began.

which medication is beneficial for reducing presurgery anxiety and decreasing the patient's ability to remmber an uncomfortable medical procedure


Midazolam is the medication that can reduce the  pre-surgery anxiety and decrease the patient's ability to remember an uncomfortable medical procedure.

Midazolam is a medicine that can induce amnesia and therefore temporarily reduced the memory of the patient. It also produced the effect of sleepiness or drowsiness. It belongs to the class of benzodiazepines that are known to slow down the brain activity.

Anxiety is the response of the body when under stress. It causes shivering, palpitations, fastening of heart rate and also tiredness. A person feels uneasy during anxiety. Anxiety is normal during stress conditions but may be problematic when person suffers anxiety even in normal situations.

To know more about anxiety, here



which nursing intervention may be particularly beneficial to an African American patient with insomnia


Nursing assistance may be especially useful to an African American patient suffering from sleeplessness due to the low cost of test strips & disposable supplies.

Insomnia is a common problem that can make it difficult to get asleep, difficult to remain asleep, or lead you to wake up early and be unable to sleep again. Because everyone's sleep demands varies, there is no defined amount of sleeping hours required to be diagnosed with insomnia. Adults are generally advised to acquire 7 hours of sleep every night.

The majority of instances of insomnia are caused by poor, sadness, anxiety, a lack of exercise, a chronic ailment, or a specific prescription. Symptoms may include trouble falling or staying asleep, as well as a lack of sleep. Insomnia is the most common problem that really can make it difficult to get asleep, difficult to remain asleep, or lead you to wake up early and be unable to sleep again.

Insomnia treatment includes modifying sleep patterns, behavioural therapy, and recognizing and treating underlying problems. Sleeping medications can also be utilized, but the negative effects should be well watched.

To know more the Insomnia, here



What effect on sodium and chloride ions would a patient with Addison's disease (decrease in aldosterone secretion) experience


A decrease in aldosterone production (e.g., Addison disease) causes increased sodium loss from the kidney and hyponatremia.

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances come from aldosterone deficit, which promotes urine loss of salt, chloride, and water. Addison's disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency, is a rare long-term endocrine illness marked by insufficient synthesis of the steroid hormones cortisol and aldosterone by the two outer layers of the adrenal gland cells, resulting in adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms often appear gradually and insidiously, and may include stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal problems, weakness, and weight loss.

Addison's disease is caused by adrenal gland abnormalities that result in insufficient production of the steroid hormones cortisol and potentially aldosterone. It is a genetically predisposed autoimmune condition in which the body's own immune system has begun to target the adrenal gland. While it can occur after TB, in many adult instances, the cause of the condition is unknown.

To learn more about Addison's disease, here



What communication barriers might exist between patients and healthcare workers?


The communication barriers which might exist between patients and healthcare workers include the following below:

Competing demandsLack of privacyBackground noise

What is Communication?

This is referred to as the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another and it involves the use of various medium and methods such as mass media, talking etc.

In a healthcare facility such as in a hospital, information is usually passed verbally which involves the speaking of words for better understanding as different topics are explained thoroughly.

However, there may be some communication barriers which may hinder a patient or worker from hearing one another such as background noise from other rooms and also lack of privacy.

Read more about Communication barriers here https://brainly.com/question/8588667


The student wants information about a patient's renal function. What test does the healthcare professional tell the student to evaluate


The glomerular filtration rate provides the best estimate of the level of functioning of renal tissue.

Renal function tests (RFT) are a collection of tests used to measure kidney (renal) function. The tests assess the amounts of numerous components in the blood, such as minerals, electrolytes, proteins, or glucose (sugar), to identify the present state of the kidneys.

When the kidneys aren't working correctly, waste products build up in the blood and fluid levels rise to hazardous levels, causing harm to the body or even a potentially life-threatening condition. A variety of disorders and diseases can cause kidney injury. Diabetes and hypertension are the most frequent causes and risk factors for renal disease. The most feasible clinical tests to measure renal function are to determine the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and also to look for proteinuria (albuminuria).

To know more about the Renal function tests, here



A nurse is performing eye irrigation for a client who has been exposed to smoke and ash. Which action should the nurse take?
a. Hold the irrigator 1.25 cm (0.5 in) above the eye.
b. Direct the irrigation solution upward toward the upper eyelid.
c. Exert pressure on the bony prominences when holding the eyelids open.
d. Direct the irrigation from the outer canthus to the inner canthus of the eye.


Eye irrigation is method of cleaning of the conjunctiva sac by a stream of liquid.

The following solution can be used:

1. Plain water to clean the eye should be used.

2. Normal saline also known as (sodium chloride).

3. Boric acid 2%, as a sanitized.

4. Silver nitrate 1%, is as an sanitizes.

Here are the general instructions.

1. Maintain aseptic technique throughout the procedure to safe introduction of infection into eye.

2. Use only sterile articles and result for eye irrigation.

3. Never ever touch eye with irrigator.

4. Test temperature of the answer at the inner surface of the wrist.

5. Move of the fluid should be from inner canthus to the outer canthus to prevent forcing the infection into the nasolacrimal duct.

To know more about Nurse:



Which code would be supported as a medical necessity for a male patient with a diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia


80061 code would be supported as a medical necessity for a male patient with a diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia

What exactly is hyperlipidemia?

Your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, is excessively high, which is a lipid condition known as hypercholesterolemia. Your risk of heart attack and stroke increases as a result of the accumulation of fat in your arteries (atherosclerosis). Cardiovascular disease, which accounts for more fatalities globally than any other condition, is mostly brought on by atherosclerosis.

What is regarded as having high cholesterol?

Depending on your other cardiovascular disease risk factors, your doctor may define hypercholesterolemia differently.

Learn more about hypercholesterolemia here:



Which of the following is the best definition of communication?
Exchanging messages
Texting someone
Persuading someone of your viewpoint
Simplifying information for a lay audience
Read Question



Simplifying information for a lay audience


texting someone is non verbal communication same goes for exchanging messages

I think the fourth one would be the best definition of communication

Which of the following is an explanation for why therapeutic misconception might happen in a phase I trial of a cancer medication


Patients may not understand the risks associated with a phase I trial, leading them to mistakenly believe the trial is intended to provide direct therapeutic benefit.

What is phase I trial of a cancer medication?A phase I trial of a cancer medication is the first step in testing a new drug or treatment for cancer. This type of clinical trial is designed to test the safety of a drug or therapy and to determine the best dosage to give patients. During the trial, a small group of individuals will be given the drug or therapy and monitored closely to evaluate any side effects or other safety concerns.The trial will also assess how the body absorbs the new drug or therapy, how it is metabolized, and what the maximum tolerated dose is. This information is used to determine the best dosage for future trials. If a drug or therapy passes the phase I trial, it will then be tested in larger groups of people in phase II trials.Phase I trials can be a critical step in developing new treatments for cancer. The information obtained from the trial can help researchers understand how a drug or therapy works in the body and how it should be used in the future. It can also provide the basis for larger clinical trials that may result in more effective therapies.

To learn more about cancer medication refer to:



explain the differences between cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. What is the function of intervertebral discs? What is a slipped disc?


The vertebrae are those bones that will form the vertebral column and that will give protection to the spinal cord.

What will be the differences between the vertebrae?

The vertebrae will have differences depending on the sector in which they are. The cervical vertebrae will have a more elongated shape at their ends, the thoracic vertebrae will be more rounded and will have faces to fit with the ribs, the lumbar vertebrae will be much more voluminous in the part of the body since they will have to support the weight of the body.

As for the intervertebral discs, they are those that will allow the spine to have flexibility and cushion the blows and pressures that exist between them. When these discs have a weakness in any of their parts due to an injury, a herniated disc can be generated that will cause a part of the disc to protrude and compress nearby nerves or the spinal cord.

To learn more about vertebrae visit: https://brainly.com/question/29661394


Select the correct answer. When beginning an exercise program, it is important to gradually increase intensity and duration. A. True B. False





just did it

A physician assistant (PA) must be legally authorized and licensed by the state to furnish services, have graduated from an accredited physician assistant educational program, and have passed the national certification examination of the __________.


A physician assistant (PA) must be legally authorized and licensed by the state to furnish services, have graduated from an accredited physician assistant educational program, and have passed the national certification examination of the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA).

A physician assistant (PA) is a healthcare professional who is trained to provide medical services under the supervision of a licensed physician. To legally furnish services, a PA must be authorized and licensed by the state in which they practice. This authorization is typically in the form of a license or certification and is required for the PA to practice legally.

To become authorized and licensed, a PA must have graduated from an accredited physician assistant educational program. Accreditation is a process that ensures that educational programs meet certain standards of quality and that graduates are prepared to provide safe and effective care. The accreditation for PA programs is provided by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

To know more about  physician assistant (PA) click below:



Marissa consumes 2,000 Calories a day. Per the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, how many Calories should come from protein


Marissa consumes 2,000 Calories a day. Per the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, 50g - 175g Calories should come from protein.

A 2,000-calorie diet consisting of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. In this case, your recommended daily carbohydrate consumption would be 200 grams, 150 grams of protein, and 67 grams of fat.

Calories are energy units produced by your body when it digests or absorbs food. The higher a food's calorie count, the more energy it may provide to the human body. When someone consumes more calories than their body needs, the extra calories are stored as fat. Even fat-free meals might contain a lot of calories.

The macronutrients are carbohydrates, fat, and protein. They are indeed the nutrients that humans consume the most of. "Macronutrients are the nutritional components of food that the body requires for energy and to sustain the body's structure and processes".

To know more about the Calories, here



Which of the following would be most effective in implementing the findings of a new clinical treatment for problems associated with bowel motility for the staff nurses


Effective implementation would involve staff education and ongoing support, as well as clear communication and guidelines.

Staff education: Nurses should be provided with comprehensive education on the new treatment, including how it works, how to administer it, and any potential side effects.

Ongoing support: Nurses should have access to ongoing support and guidance as they begin to use the new treatment in practice.

Clear communication and guidelines: The new treatment should be clearly communicated and guidelines should be established for the nurses to follow.

Encourage feedback: Nurses should be encouraged to provide feedback on their experiences with the new treatment and share any challenges or successes they encounter.

Regular monitoring and evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation of the treatment should be done to ensure that it is safe and effective for patients.

It is important to keep in mind that the implementation of new treatments may require a cultural change within the organization, so it's important to involve all stakeholders, including nurses, physicians, and administrators, in the implementation process. Clear communication and ongoing support will be crucial to the success of the implementation and the adoption of the new treatment by the staff nurses.

To know more about Regular monitoring click below:



which form of treatment is used to promote the healing process by dilating blood vessels which allows for more circulation to occur in the affected area.


The treatment used to promote healing by dilating blood vessels and increasing circulation is vasodilation.

What are the benefits of increased blood circulation to an injured area? Increased blood circulation to an injured area can bring a variety of benefits. Firstly, increased blood flow can help to reduce inflammation and swelling. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the area and helps to flush away waste products, which can help speed up recovery time. Secondly, increased blood flow can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This means that the body can more quickly rebuild and repair damaged tissue. Finally, increased blood circulation to the injured area can help to reduce pain. This is due to the release of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.Overall, increased blood circulation to an injured area can help to reduce inflammation, stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, and reduce pain. This makes it a vital part of the healing process and can help to speed up recovery and reduce the severity of symptoms.

To learn more about treatment refer to:



Should you Hold or Restrain a Person Having a Seizure?


It is not recommended to hold or restrain a person having a seizure.

It is generally not advised to hold or restrain a person having a seizure as it can be dangerous for both the person having the seizure and the person trying to restrain them. Instead, it is important to keep the person safe by removing any nearby hazards such as sharp objects or hard surfaces. Additionally, cushioning the person's head with something soft can help prevent injury. Stay with the person until the seizure is over, and make sure to time the seizure and note any unusual symptoms, if possible. If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes or the person has difficulty breathing, call your local emergency services immediately.

To know more about seizure click below:



Choose the correct answer:-
regarding endometriosis which is false:
1. occurring through the pelvic vaginal scares, vagina, bladder, lungs may be involved
2. may result from retrograde menstruation
3. more distant foci result from lymphatic or blood born spread
4. retrograde menstruation is always associated with endometriosis


Regarding endometriosis the false statement is that retrograde menstruation is always associated with endometriosis and is therefore denoted as option 4.

What is Endometriosis?

This is referred to as a medical disorder in which the cells similar to the lining of the uterus, or endometrium, grow outside the uterus.

Retrograde menstruation is not always associated with endometriosis as the cause is unknown but there are other risk factors such as genetics, started to menstruate later than usual and have used low-dose oral contraceptives which is therefore the reason why it was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Endometriosis here https://brainly.com/question/17143279


A nurse prepares to discharge an older adult patient home from the emergency department (ED). What actions should the nurse take to prevent future ED visits


In order to reduce the need for future ED visits, the nurse should additionally screen older persons for functional evaluation,

cognitive assessment, and fall risk.

What does a  cognitive assessmentinclude?

How does a cognitive test work? Cognitive tests come in a variety of forms. Each entails responding to a series of questions and/or carrying out easy tasks. They are created to aid in measuring mental abilities including memory, language, and the capacity to recognize objects.What are the four types of cognition?

The theory and application of cognitive functions. Carl Jung's theory of cognitive functions serves as the foundation. Among them, he named four as sense, intuition, reasoning, and feeling.

Learn more about  cognitive assessment here:



Collaborating with specialists is an important part of primary care involving patients with neurologic injuries. It isimportant as an APN to know when to refer to a specialist and what the goal of that referral is: furtherinformation, diagnostic testing or treatment recommendations


It is important as an APN to know when to refer to a specialist when a patient has a neurological injury and the purpose of that referral is for diagnostic testing.

What is a neurological injury?

Neurological injury or nerve injury is a disorder that affects parts of the brain and nervous system. There are various types of neurological disorders, namely :

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease thought to be caused by the environment, genetics, and viruses. This disease is usually characterized by a tingling feeling, numbness, or weakness in several limbs.Alzheimer's is a disorder that often occurs in elderly patients and is usually characterized by memory loss in the brain. Parkinson's attacks nerve cells in the middle of the brain which are useful for regulating the movement system in the body.

Learn more about the main symptoms of neurological disorders here :



If phenobarbital has a four day half-life, and a client accidentally took 200 mg of the drug on Tuesday morning, and no intervention occurred, how much medication will remain in the bloodstream of that client on Thursday morning?


Assuming client's metabolism and the other variables remain the constant, approximately 100 mg of the medication that will remain in the bloodstream on the Thursday morning.

Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. During this process, calories from food and drink mix with oxygen to create the energy your body needs. Even at rest, your body needs energy to do anything. Metabolism is the totality of chemical reactions that sustain life in living organisms. The three main functions of metabolism are: Converting energy in food into energy that cellular processes can carry out. Metabolism has two categories for her:Catabolic and anabolic. Catabolism is the breakdown of organic matter, and anabolism uses energy to build cellular components such as proteins and nucleic acids.

To know more about metabolism visit:



45. Recommended scrub methods are: a. The counted stroke scrub b. The anatomic timed scrub c. The surgical hand rub d. All of the above


All of the given methods are recommended for scrubbing: (a) The counted stroke scrub (b) The anatomic timed scrub (c) The surgical hand rub.

Scrubbing is one of the most essential procedure performed before the surgery in order to reduce the risk of contamination during the operation. It involves the decontamination of hands and then wearing a sterile surgical gown and hand gloves.

The anatomic timed scrub is the procedure where the total scrub time is for around 5-6 minutes. Each anatomical area like the fingers, hands or the arms, have a prescribed amount of time for scrub.

To know more about scrubbing, here



Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication?
A) an absence of lochia
B) red-colored lochia for the first 24 hours
C) lochia that is the color of menstrual blood
D) lochia appearing pinkish-brown on the fourth day


An absence of lochia lead nurses to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication. Women should discharge their after giving birth. No flow is abnormal; This indicates dehydration due to infection and fever.

What are the three postpartum periods?

The postpartum period can be divided into three distinct periods; early or acute phase, 8 to 19 hours after birth; the subacute postpartum period, which lasts two to six weeks, and the late postpartum period, which can last up to eight months.

What is the most common cause of postpartum?

After giving birth, a drastic drop in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in your body can contribute to postpartum depression. Other hormones produced by the thyroid gland can also plummet, leaving you feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed. Emotional problem.

To learn more about postpartum visit:



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