Bismarcks idea of state control over the church violated the principle of liberty known as


Answer 1



Answer 2

Answer: it was known as Kulturkampf


Related Questions

What were Lenin's reforms?


Lenin's Sovnarkom, which ruled by decree, enacted numerous reforms, including land confiscation for redistribution among the citizens, allowing independent declarations of non-Russian countries, enhancing labor rights, and expanding access to education.

What is Lenin's contribution?

In the 1917 Russian Revolution, he was a crucial figure. implementing extensive land changes. Lenin was credited with the Bolsheviks' triumph during the Russian Civil War, which lasted from 1917 to 1922.

                     The New Economic Policy, which he introduced, was a synthesis of many economic systems with the state playing a decisive role.

What is the abbreviation for Russian Revolution?

When the Russian working class and peasants rose up in 1917 to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II's administration, it is known as the Russian Revolution.

                 Vladimir Lenin, along with a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks, served as their leader. The Soviet Union was a nation founded by the new communist regime.

Learn more about Russian Revolution


Who were the leaders in the Crimean War?


The Crimean war was fought from 1853 to 1856, was between Russians against an allied force of Britain, France, and the Ottoman empire.

The Czar Nicholas I was the one who started the Crimean war. Nicolas's foreign policies made him an enemy of different European countries. He wanted to expand his territory, wanted to annex Turkey. For this, he wants to annex two territories, Moldavia and Wallachia. This started the Crimean war.

Napoleon III, Emperor of France, is another prominent figure. In 1854, he joined forces with the British empire condemning the Russian invasion of some parts of the ottoman.

James Brudenell, Seventh Earl of Cardigan. He was the one that led the British troops during the war.

Florence Nightingale, who was a nurse, learning about the unsanitary conditions and inadequate supplies, voluntarily went to work in the base hospital in Istanbul. She took over the hospital operations and helped in decreasing the death rate from 42% to 2.2%. She was called the "Lady with the lamp".

For further details regarding the Crimean war, kindly refer


The three causes that resulted in WW II were failure of __________ , failure of ______________ and the ______________.



The major causes of World War II were numerous. They include the impact of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI, the worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, the rise of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the failure of the League of Nations.

how did the antislavery movment give rise to a new understanging of citzenship and the rights it afforded


Abolitionists promoted the idea that everybody born in the US should be eligible for citizenship and that all citizens should have complete equality throughout the anti-slavery campaign. Abolitionists of color present the concept of color-blind citizenship.

In the early nineteenth century, one of the most well-known abolitionist groups in the United States of America was the American Anti-Slavery Society.

Activities that were undertaken in the 1800s to abolish slavery are known as the Abolition movement. Activities against slavery in the United States started during the colonial era. There wasn't a national movement in America until William Lloyd Garrison launched his crusade in the early 1830s, despite the fact that Pennsylvanian Quakers had opposed slavery from the start and emphasized the value of stopping evil customs and maintaining the activities God desired in society.

At first, abolitionists concentrated their efforts on clergy and members of the church. The sentiments of White Americans would undoubtedly alter if the idea of abolishing slavery could be hammered home from the pulpits. Garrison was not a skilled politician who sought a settlement on the subject of slavery. He urged giving black people the same political and economic rights that were solely provided to White people in addition to advocating for the emancipation of slaves.

While abolitionists fought to modify White Northerners' opinions in the North, no comparable attempts were made in the South, and as abolitionists decreased in number in the South as they increased in the North. Antislavery literature was prohibited by Southern state legislatures. Southern hospitality for abolitionists consisted of a whip or a rope with a noose.

Abolitionists supported the Union once the Civil War broke out in 1861. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, abolitionizing slavery over much of the South. Slavery was outlawed in the United States in 1865 according to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

To know more about Abolition Movement


Why was food in short supply during the war?


The war put stress on agriculture and food delivery, while naval economic sanctions decreased food imports.

Due to the necessity to shift supplies to the war effort, items including canned milk, butter, sugar, and gasoline were rationed. Trade was hampered by war, which reduced the supply of several items.

In times of scarcity, rationing was a way to make sure that food and other necessities were distributed fairly.

After the commencement of World War II, it started with gasoline and then expanded to encompass other products including butter, sugar, and bacon.

With the exception of fruit and vegetables, the rationing system eventually included the majority of goods.

Because everyone was only allowed to purchase a specific number of things, rationing helped transform mindsets and fostered cooperation and sharing in Britain.

It was acknowledged that the government was more concerned with the welfare and diet of its citizens.

To know more about World War II, visit:


Who were the Axis Powers in ww2 ?


Answer: Germany, Japan, Italy, The Soviet Union

Explanation: While Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy were the main Axis powers targeted. The Soviet Union had a Peace treaty with the nazi party that made the USSR part of the axis power for a little while. Till adolf hitler broke the treaty and the USSR helped the Allies till WW2 ended in 1945.

Which article and section of louisiana’s state constitution of 1898 is considered the literacy test section?


Article 14, Section 17 of Louisiana's State Constitution of 1898 is considered the literacy test section.

Article 14, Section 17 of Louisiana's State Constitution of 1898, commonly referred to as the literacy test section, was a provision that aimed to restrict the right to vote for certain individuals. It stated that anyone who could not read or write English or understand the duties and obligations of citizenship would be denied the right to vote. The literacy test was a tool that was widely used in the Southern states, including Louisiana, to discriminate against African American voters and prevent them from participating in the political process. The literacy test was abolished in the 1960s as part of the Civil Rights Movement.

To learn more about Civil Rights Movement visit:


Write a short paragraph explaining how Confucius influenced history and answering the questions "can one person make a difference?" and "did Confucius make a difference?" Be sure to include three supporting details



Explanation:  Confucianism is the cornerstone of ancient Chinese culture, as well as a comprehensive ideological framework developed by Confucius and based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties. Confucius was a Spring and Autumn period Chinese philosopher and statesman who is regarded as the paragon of Chinese sages.

    Confucius has controlled a feudal society that has essentially lasted 2000 years, and as a result, its effect on  social structure, Chinese history, and people cannot be underestimated. He has shown to be the most powerful effect on the Chinese character. Apart from being a brilliant educator, thinker, and failed politician, he was first and foremost a genius with a high moral. Throughout his life, he desired truth, kindness, and perfection, and his success and failure were mostly attributable to his character, which had an eternal powerfulness on Chinese intelligence.

Hope this helps any

why would the south begin to look to the land to the west of the borders of the u.s., in what was then part of mexico?


The Missouri Compromise limited the territory into which slavery could be spread. As a result, the number of new states that would become slave states in the future would be limited. If acquired in the future, many of the Spanish possessions would fall below the established line between free and slave.

In order to maintain the national equilibrium between free and slave states, this legislation simultaneously admitted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state. Slavery was also illegal in the rest of the Louisiana Territory above the 36o 30' latitude line. The long-standing equilibrium between the number of free states and slave states would shift with the purchase of the Louisiana Territory and Missouri's application for statehood. Slavery was the subject of debate within Congress. In order to maintain a level playing field between free and slave states in the nation, Congress passed this legislation and simultaneously admitted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state. Slavery would also be outlawed in the rest of the Louisiana Territory above the 36o 30' latitude line, according to the Missouri Compromise. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 nullified this provision after 34 years. In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case in 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that the Missouri Compromise violated the Constitution.

To know more about Missouri Compromise visit




In "Prince of Persia" (1992) game, the protagonist is forced to jump through this mirror upon which his doppelganger emerges from the other side, draining the protagonist's health to one.

Prince of Persia is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Ubisoft. It is a reimagining of the 1989 classic of the same name, and follows the story of an unnamed prince from the kingdom of Persia who must prevent the treacherous Vizier from unleashing the Sands of Time, a powerful artifact that can control time.

The game features fast-paced platforming and combat, as well as an array of puzzles and traps that the player must navigate in order to progress. Players can also choose to play cooperatively with a friend, allowing them to work together to solve puzzles and defeat enemies.

To know more about game, click here.


Define the following academic vocabulary word from this lesson BEHALF This is from world history WW1


Syllabus is the word and answer

How can we bridge the political, cultural, social differences that divide us?



In today's society, it is clear that the political, cultural, and social differences between us can be vast. From the language we speak to the religion we practice, it can be easy to feel like we have nothing in common. Despite this, it is possible to bridge these differences and create a more unified society. Through education, communication, and understanding, we can come together and recognize our commonalities to create a more unified world.

The first step in bridging these differences is education. We must learn about the different cultures, beliefs, and customs of those around us. We should seek to understand why certain people hold different views and acknowledge their right to do so. This will help us to recognize the humanity in each other, and be more tolerant of one another's differences. Education can also help us to find common ground on which to build our bridges, and understand how our differences can be strengths when we work together.

The second step is communication. We should take the time to really listen to each other and understand one another. We must be open and honest when discussing our differences and be willing to accept and respect the opinions of others. We should also strive to communicate without passing judgement or making assumptions. This will create an environment of trust and understanding, allowing us to form meaningful connections with each other.

Finally, we must remember that there is more that unites us than divides us. We must recognize our shared humanity and the fact that we are all part of the same global community. We should celebrate our differences and come together to find solutions to our common challenges. We must be willing to learn from each other and use our diversity to create a better, more unified world.

By taking the time to educate ourselves, communicate with respect, and recognize our shared humanity, we can bridge the political, cultural, and social differences that divide us. Through our efforts, we can create a more unified society and a brighter future for us all.


Explain how the naturalization process has impacted our society, government and our political process. Include in your answer the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the broadest civil rights law Congress had ever enacted. It contained a comprehensive set of measures to put an end to Jim Crow segregation and racial discrimination.

In June 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 became law as a result of years of activist lobbying for comprehensive civil rights legislation. Prior to the March on Washington, President John F. Kennedy sent the civil rights bill to Congress, but it stalled in the Judiciary Committee because of the slow-moving Southern segregationist senators like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland. superscript 1 at the beginning and end President Lyndon Baines Johnson gave the bill top priority after President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal to discriminate against or segregate people in the workplace, in housing, in schools, and in public places. In order to help local communities with civil rights issues and to assure equitable employment procedures, it formed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the federal Community Relations Service. The statute also empowered the US Office of Education to support towns fighting to desegregate public schools financially.

To know more about Civil Rights Act of 1964 visit


Rome is centrally located along which major body of water?
Mediterranean Sea
Aegean Sea
Adriatic Sea
Black Sea


Answer is the Mediterranean Sea

Rome (Italy) is located along the Mediterranean Sea

What were three main causes of the Russian Revolution ?


The main reasons behind the Russian Revolution are as follows:

(A) The authoritarian rule of the Tsars.

(B) Farmer Situation

(C) The current situation of industries.

What was the Russian revolution?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 resulted in the Bolsheviks becoming the new ruling party and the imperial government being overthrown.

Rising public corruption, Tsar Nicholas II's regressive policies, and Russia's tragic defeat in World War I all contributed to widespread anger and economic despair.

The Russian Revolution was successful.

The goals of the Bolshevik revolutionaries, which included overturning the prior form of government, killing Czar Nicholas II and his family, and establishing communist rule in Russia, were all accomplished.

The following are the primary causes of the Russian Revolution:

(A) The Tsars' authoritarian rule.

(B) The situation of farmers.

(C) The state of industries is.

Therefore, the main reasons behind the Russian Revolution are as follows:

(A) The authoritarian rule of the Tsars.

(B) Farmer Situation

(C) The current situation of industries.

Know more about the Russian revolution here:


What effect did postwar suspicions about possible communism influence in the united states have on American culture in the 1950's? Do you think we have similar cultural influences today? Explain.


The post war suspicions about possible communism has definitely influenced the American culture in many ways.

In the 1950s, postwar suspicions about the possible spread of communism in the United States had a significant influence on American culture.

During this time, the United States was engaged in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and there was widespread fear among Americans that the Soviet Union was attempting to spread communism around the world, including within the United States.

This fear was fueled in part by the perceived threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union, as well as by a series of high-profile espionage cases in which Americans were accused of being Soviet spies.

As a result of these suspicions, there was a widespread "red scare" in the United States in the 1950s, and many Americans became deeply suspicious of anyone who seemed to be sympathetic to communist ideas or who was perceived as being unpatriotic.

This fear of communism manifested in a number of ways in American culture, including the blacklisting of alleged communist sympathizers in Hollywood, the investigation of government employees and others by the House Un-American Activities Committee, and the widespread use of loyalty oaths and other measures to root out alleged communists.

It is difficult to say whether we have similar cultural influences today, as cultural influences can vary significantly over time and are influenced by a wide range of factors.

However, it is certainly true that fear and suspicion of certain ideas and groups have continued to play a role in American culture and politics in more recent years.

To find out more about the Cold War:-

Who was the 4 president



James Maddison


james madison was americas 4th president (1809-1817)

What does social contract mean ?


Laws are examples of explicit social contracts while raising your hand in class to speak is an example of an implicit social contract. One specific illustration of the social compact in America is sometimes given as the U.S. Constitution.

The social contract is an unwritten, inherited agreement that outlines what the government can and cannot do. The social contract, in political philosophy, is a real or fictitious compact, or agreement, between the ruled or between the ruled and their rulers, defining the rights and duties of each. In exchange, we are expected to uphold laws and certain moral standards, and in return, we receive the benefits of our society, including security, survival, education, and other necessities needed to live.

Learn more about  philosophy from


How does Claudius feel in Act 3?


Despite passingly acknowledging his guilt, Claudius' genuine concern for his sick nephew is evident. Claudius progressively reveals the depth of his criminality by demonstrating his frailty as a human being, all the while evoking sympathy for the paradox of evil.

What are Claudius feelings?The main antagonist in the play and Hamlet's uncle, the King of Denmark. Claudius, the play's antagonist, is a cunning, ambitious politician who is motivated by his thirst for power and his sexual appetites, but he also occasionally demonstrates human emotion and guilt; his love for Gertrude, for example, seems genuine.

What is Claudius attitude Act 3 Scene 4?Claudius declares that he won't experience happiness until he is certain of Hamlet's demise. Claudius admits that he really does want to kill Hamlet, but he will do it in a cowardly way so that he won't be held responsible.

To know more about Claudius, visit:


people who received Nobel prize in South Africa


The four recipients of the Nobel  Prize—Albert Luthuli, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, and Frederik Willem de Klerk—are profiled in this article.

17 Black people received Nobel Prizes as of November 2022, out of the 954 recipients. The rapid changes in the lives of black South Africans are illustrated through the telling of these Nobel laureates' stories through the language of their speeches. Soon after apartheid was abolished, remarkable new legal organizations and court procedures, such the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, were established.

The Nobel Prize is an annual, international award given for contributions to physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. It was originally given out in 1901. Since 1969, a related prize in economics has been given out.

Learn more about Nobel prize

Which of the following supplanted scientific management as the dominant approach to management during the 1930s


The human relations era supplanted scientific management as the dominant approach to management during the 1930s.

The Hawthorne studies gave rise to the human relations movement. The studies first concentrated on how physical variables, such as lighting, affected employees' productivity, but they discovered that one of the most important aspects impacting employees' performance was if they were being watched by others. In other words, management and employee interactions have an impact on how well employees perform.

The foundations of the human relations era have served as a major guide for human interactions in the workplace. It is crucial that businesses use the human relations movement's tenets while managing their workforce. The human relations movement has several main applications that can be utilised to boost employee engagement and enhance performance.

Know more about human relations era here


What was life like for children in Japanese internment camps?


The Japanese American migration program had critical outcomes. Camp occupants lost some $400 million in the property during their imprisonment. Congress gave $38 million in restitution in 1948 and after forty years paid an extra $20,000 to each enduring person who had been kept in the camps.

Inside the camps, Japanese Americans got through dehumanizing conditions including unfortunate lodging and food, an absence of security, insufficient clinical consideration, and inadequate training.

Numerous Americans stressed that residents of the Japanese family lines would go about as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government. Dread — not proof — drove the U.S. to put north of 127,000 Japanese-Americans in death camps however long WWII might last.

Learn more about Japanese internment camps:


A steady increase in price is called an ________.




it is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.

It’s called inflation

Why was Weimar Republic called ‘November Criminals’?
(a) because they signed armistice agreement and conceded Germany to Allies
(b) because they crushed Spartacists with the help of Free Corps
(c) because they misused Article 48
(d) they secured loans from USA


Weimar Republic called ‘November Criminals’ because they signed armistice agreement and conceded Germany to Allies.

The German generals wanted truce treaties with the Allies as a result of a strong British blockade, fierce resistance by British and French forces, the arrival of the American Army, domestic civil strife and famine, catastrophic economic collapse, and other circumstances.

The German commanders who endorsed the ceasefire on November 11, 1918, were referred to as the "November criminals" by those who opposed the negotiations.

(03. 03 MC) Compare the emergence of advanced civilizations in Meso and South America with the four early river valley civilizations. How did the economies of the Incan Empire and ancient Egypt differ?


"both civilizations (Meso and South America ) arose in regions with water supplies," but it should be highlighted that this was more often the case with the early River Valley Civilizations. Unlike the Egyptians, the Incans collected taxes.

What enduring legacy does the Inca culture have?

The Inca civilization is renowned for building the largest empire ever to exist in the Americas, for their amazing agricultural practices, and for their art and architecture, which merged geometric masonry with the surrounding natural terrain in a singular way. The largest empire in pre-Columbian America was that of the Incas, known to their people as Tawantinsuyu. Cusco served as the imperial government's administrative, political, and military hub. Sometime around the year 1300, the Peruvian highlands gave rise to the Inca civilization.

To know more about Incans visit:


How did the rise of fascism and nazism lead to ww2?


Fascism and nazism lead to ww2 they responded quite poorly they didn't care about fascists like mussolini or the nazi movement under Hitler because they were terrified of starting another war and wanted to stop it at all costs.

Since they were still recuperating from world war one, they embraced appeasement policies, which meant they were willing to give them what they wanted in exchange for preventing more conflicts. Fascism is an extreme right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement that is characterised by a tyrannical ruler, centralised autocracy, militarism, the forcible suppression of opposition.

The subordination of personal interests to the alleged good of the nation and race, and strict regulation of society and the economy. The earliest fascist movements were born in Italy during world war I, and they later spread to other european countries, most notably germany. Outside of europe, fascism has adherents as well. The first world combat was seen by fascists as a revolution that fundamentally changed society, governance, technology, and the nature of war. With the onset of the total war and the vast mobilisation of military forces.

To know more about Nazism visit:


What were the 2 most important New Deal programs?


The 2 most important New Deal programs: Two prominent actions were the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1934 to be a watchdog over the stock market and police dishonest practices.

Purposes of the New Deal Programs

Mostly enacted during the first term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1938, the New Deal was implemented through legislation enacted by Congress and presidential executive orders. The programs addressed what historians call the “3 Rs” of dealing with the depression, Relief, Recovery, and Reform—relief for the poor and jobless, recovery of the economy, and reform of the nation’s financial system to safeguard against future depressions.

The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939, was the largest and most significant economic depression to affect both the United States and all Western countries. The stock market crash on Oct. 29, 1929, is infamously known as Black Tuesday, when stocks fell 13.5%. The next day's drop of 11.7% and a total decline of 55% between 1929 and 1933 made it the worst stock market decline in the history of the United States. Heavy speculation during the rising economy of the 1920s combined with widespread buying on margin (borrowing a large percentage of the cost of investment) were factors in the crash. It marked the beginning of the Great Depression.

Learn more about new deal program at


What is one reason that Stonehenge has been a continuing subject of fascination for architects and historians over the course of centuries


One explanation why Stonehenge has been a proceeding with subject of interest for designers and students of history throughout hundreds of years is A World Legacy Site Along with related landmarks and their related scenes.

They assist us with figuring out Neolithic and Bronze Age stately and morgue rehearses. They exhibit something like 2000 years of persistent use and landmark working between c. 3700 and 1600 BC.

The group of scientists concentrated on Stonehenge, as well as a few other stone developments across the UK, and resolved that Stonehenge was reasonably worked to follow the development of the sun, moon, and stars millennia prior.

Learn more about Stonehenge:


During World War II, the United States helped encourage the public to support
the war effort by creating:
OA. Executive Order 9066.
B. the Double V campaign.
OC. the U.S. Office of War Information.
OD. the United Service Organizations.




The Double V campaign was a slogan and drive to promote the fight for democracy in overseas campaigns and at the home front in the United States for African .

In the Eloise Cobell case, the federal government was accused of fraud against the Native American tribes. What is fraud


Fraud is an act of deliberate dishonesty.

In law, fraud is defined as intentional deceit in order to get unfair or unlawful advantage or to deprive a victim of a legitimate right. Fraud can violate civil law (for example, a fraud victim can sue the perpetrator to avoid the fraud or recover monetary compensation) or criminal law (for example, a fraud perpetrator can be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities), or it can cause no loss of money, property, or legal right but still be a component of another civil or criminal wrong.

Fraud may be committed for monetary gain or other benefits, such as getting a passport, travel document, or driver's licence, or for mortgage fraud, in which the offender attempts to qualify for a mortgage by making false assertions.

A scam is any method of getting you to part with your money. A con or scam artist is not always simple to recognise. Scammers, on the other hand, know how to circumvent our better judgement. They manipulate our emotions or offer large payoffs to entice us to behave. Scammers may even appear as persons, authorities, or businesses that you know and trust.

To learn more about Frauds and scams, here


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In one experiment, they added a piece of magnesium ribbon to 10 milliliters of hydrochloric acid. They observed bubbles being produced and did a variety of tests to identify the escaping gas; it proved to be hydrogen. The reaction is represented by the following equation. A) 0. 250 molesB) 2. 78 molesC) 5. 60 molesD) 11. 2 moles Why might the amount of current and voltage in a circuit need to be juggled?a.Because too little current cannot travel farc.To keep power constantb.To avoid burning out wiresd.In order to get the most power possible from a given voltagePlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD A student is connecting three resistors of various resistances together in a circuit. In one configuration, the resistors are connected in a series. In another configuration, the resistors are connected in parallel. Explain which configuration results in a higher total resistance. Read the excerpt below from the Yung Wing's book My Life in China and America published in 1909.In the fall of 1840, while the Opium War was still going on, my father died, leaving four children on my mother's hands without means of support.Fortunately, three of us were old enough to lend a helping hand. My brother was engaged in fishing, my sister helped in housework, and I took to hawking candy through my own village and the neighboring one. I took hold of the business in good earnest, rising at three o'clock every morning, and I did not come home until six o'clock in the evening. My daily earnings netted twenty-five cents, which I turned over to my mother, and with the help given by my brother, who was the main stay of the family, we managed to keep the wolf away from our door. I was engaged in hawking candy for about five months, and when winter was over, when no candy was made, I changed my occupation and went into the rice fields to glean rice after the reapers. My sister usually accompanied me in such excursions. But unlike Ruth of old, I had no Boaz to help me out when I was short in my gleaning. But my knowledge of English came to my rescue. My sister told the head reaper that I could speak, read and write English. This awakened the curiosity of the reaper. He beckoned me to him and asked me whether I wouldn't talk some "Red Hair Men" talk to him. He said he never heard of such talk in his life. I felt bashful and diffident at first, but my sister encouraged me and said "the reaper may give you a large bundle of rice sheaf to take home." This was said as a kind of prompter. The reaper was shrewd enough to take it up, and told me that if I would talk, he would give me a bundle heavier than I could carry. So I began and repeated the alphabet to him. All the reapers as well as the gleaners stood in vacant silence, with mouths wide open, grinning with evident delight. A few minutes after my maiden speech was delivered in the paddy field with water and mud almost knee deep, I was rewarded with several sheaves, and I had to hurry away in order to get two other boys to carry what my sister and I could not lug. Thus I came home loaded with joy and sheaves of golden rice to my mother, little dreaming that my smattering knowledge of English would serve me such a turn so early in my career. I was then about twelve years old. Even Ruth with her six measures of corn did not fare any better than I did.Yung Wing tells briefly of his father's death. How does this influence how the reader should view the book? He wants the reader to feel sorry for him. He is providing context for the reader as to why everyone was working. His plan is to explain why his father forced him to work at such a young age. He is showing what happens to families when the father runs away. 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