as a student how would you stay positive on the new normal way of learning using the different​


Answer 1


hi how are you wanna be my friend


Related Questions

Write an essay about
"What makes a person beautiful?'. Essay must be 100-120 words.



the thing that make person bueatiful is herself/himself cuz the most beautiful thing is how the person treasure himself but today world there is nothing like have to became different from other that call you the most bueatiful person . everything is not about look how you look from face you have to had a clean heart too

What does it mean to be powerful


The meaning of powerful is to be able to control, influence, or force people or an object

For example you can show power over a toy by making it walk. ( having a force on an object ). Or you can force or influence someone to buy a certain ice cream flavor ( verbal power)

I hope this helps, have a good rest of your day!

The meaning of powerful is having control over something or maybe having so people

Which statement best describes how this excerpt contrasts with the main idea in "Do not go gentle into that good night"?





Ephesians 6:1-4. Explain the role of the children and the role of the parents in the family.



The childrens role is to obey their parents while the Parents role is to love and raise the child in the right way.


Ephesians 6:1-4 is explaining how children need to obey their parents, meaning that they should listen and follow the rules their mom or dad has given or put in place for the child to follow. It's also explaining how parents shouldn't provoke and anger their children but love them and bring their children up in the right way. The right way, in this case, would be to take the children to church and show them what's right and what is wrong.

Read both passages and answer the question.

Passage 1: Excerpt of John Muir's "Calypso Borealis"

[1] After earning a few dollars working on my brother-in law's farm near Portage [Wisconsin], I set off on the first of my long lonely excursions, botanising in glorious freedom around the Great Lakes and wandering through innumerable tamarac and arbor-vitae swamps, and forests of maple, basswood, ash, elm, balsam, fir, pine, spruce, hemlock, rejoicing in their bound wealth and strength and beauty, climbing the trees, revelling in their flowers and fruit like bees in beds of goldenrods, glorying in the fresh cool beauty and charm of the bog and meadow heathworts, grasses, carices, ferns, mosses, liverworts displayed in boundless profusion.

[2] The rarest and most beautiful of the flowering plants I discovered on this first grand excursion was Calypso borealis (the Hider of the North). I had been fording streams more and more difficult to cross and wading bogs and swamps that seemed more and more extensive and more difficult to force one's way through. Entering one of these great tamarac and arbor-vitae swamps one morning, holding a general though very crooked course by compass, struggling through tangled drooping branches and over and under broad heaps of fallen trees, I began to fear that I would not be able to reach dry ground before dark, and therefore would have to pass the night in the swamp and began, faint and hungry, to plan a nest of branches on one of the largest trees or windfalls like a monkey's nest, or eagle's, or Indian's in the flooded forests of the Orinoco described by Humboldt.

[3] But when the sun was getting low and everything seemed most bewildering and discouraging, I found beautiful Calypso on the mossy bank of a stream, growing not in the ground but on a bed of yellow mosses in which its small white bulb had found a soft nest and from which its one leaf and one flower sprung. The flower was white and made the impression of the utmost simple purity like a snowflower. No other bloom was near it, for the bog a short distance below the surface was still frozen, and the water was ice cold. It seemed the most spiritual of all the flower people I had ever met. I sat down beside it and fairly cried for joy…

[6] Oftentimes I had to sleep without blankets, and sometimes without supper, but usually I had no great difficulty in finding a loaf of bread here and there at the houses of the farmer settlers in the widely scattered clearings. With one of these large backwoods loaves I was able to wander many a long wild fertile mile in the forests and bogs, free as the winds, gathering plants, and glorying in God's abounding inexhaustible spiritual beauty bread. Storms, thunderclouds, winds in the woods—were welcomed as friends.

Passage 2: William Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

[1]I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
[5]Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
[10]Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
[15]A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
[20]In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Both passages use the word "lonely" in their first sentence. In a paragraph of 4-6 sentences, explain how each author feels about his loneliness and how nature takes away their loneliness. Use evidence from both texts to support your answer.



Finding the (maximum) respective prime powers would yield the answer. Also we need not ... Is perfectly divisible by 720^n? ... So we can say that for any positive value of n it not divisible.

Choose the best word to complete each sentence. look for context clues to help you.
in which Montag once lived is totally destroyed in a nuclear attack.
O quarry
O fragmentary
O metropolis
O mannikin


im guessing metropolis

"Montag and the group watch helplessly as bombers fly overhead and annihilate the city with nuclear weapons" (wikipedia)

451 Fahrenheit  is the temperature at which paper burns

tale is a great lesson on the importance of memorization!

please help me!! :>
thank you


near the river= to plant easily

a cave= to have a better shelter

Do I say:
Shaking I sent the text
My hands were shaking as I sent the text

Can someone tell me how do I write that correctly? Like do you have any ideas?


The correct way to phrase this could be:

My hands were shaking as I sent the text

OR another way to say it is:

As I was sending the text, my hands wouldn’t stop shaking.

The first option you provided isn’t grammatically correct.

An author has successfully created a suspenseful sequence of events when the reader asks which question?



The answer is B (What will happen next?).


Which is best example of a plots resolution


Well a resolution is the fix of an ending. A is just information about the main character, C is just a problem he had to fix, and D is a problem that started, while B is how Mike fixed the ending *helped the mall from closing by his fundraiser*

Answer: The resolution is the moment when the goal of a story is accomplished

meaning of audacity?????​



According to Goog.le, it means "a willingness to take bold risks."



Courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shockings or rude

What are some struggles you've faced related to your relationships as a teen! And what is advice you'd give to anyone struggling with that? ( working on writing a teen guidebook and need some help )


Answer: i attached an image of what i need help with below!

Explanation: And in return, I might just try to give some relationship advice even know I never been in one . Here’s one of them, “You should never consider dropping out of college for a romantic relationship, because a bachelor degree will never leave you like that one moron did.” Can’t believe I thought of that in my mind .

1. the reason ........ i can't come is that I have to work late.
A because
B for
C as
D why
2. she cut the cloth with ...... scissors
A a couple of
B a pair of
C two
D a
3. ....... me........
A tell / where are you going
B tell / where you are going
C say / where are you going
D say / where you are going
4. The children ........ play with them
A want that I
B want me for
C want me to
D are wanting that


1. The reason [tex]\sf\purple{why}[/tex] I can't come is that I have to work late.

A. because

B. for

C. as

D. why


2. She cut the cloth with [tex]\sf\orange{a\:pair\:of}[/tex] scissors.

A. a couple of

B. a pair of

C. two

D. a


3. [tex]\sf\green{Tell}[/tex] me [tex]\sf\blue{where\: you \:are \:going}[/tex].

A. tell / where are you going

B. Tell / where you are going

C. say / where are you going

D. say / where you are going


4. The children [tex]\sf\pink{want\: me\: to}[/tex] play with them.

A. want that I

B. want me for

C. want me to

D. are wanting that


[tex]\red{\large\qquad \qquad \underline{ \pmb{{ \mathbb{ \maltese \: \: Mystique35♛}}}}}[/tex]

How does the description "Careless she is with artful care, / Affecting to seen unaffected" characterize the women in the poem?



The description characterizes women as sneaky and malicious beings who act conscientiously to deceive those around them.


The lines presented in the above question are from the poem "Amoret" written by William Congreve, where he makes constant use of paradox to show the difference in how women act and how they really are. According to the poem, women act in a naive, shy, and careless way to convey an image of fragility and enchant those around them, however all these actions are coldly planned in a malicious and sneaky way, as women are the opposite of that.

it’s a question from story


What question for what story...?


true have a lovely day

What are two figure of speech of "He could touch the moon. He plucked a star to pin to his breast



metaphor hyperbole


you cannot pick a star and place it onto yourself

The soldiers were awestruck when they saw the village of the Bishnois, yet they were ready to destruct that peaceful and healthy environment. In what way would they not only damage the environment, but the faith and trust of people as well?



The Bishnoi faith is a religious offshoot of Hinduism founded on 29 principles, most of which promote environmental stewardship. Bishnois strictly forbid the harming of trees and animals. The religion was founded by Guru Maharaj Jambaji in 1485 AD in the Marwar (Jodhpur) desert region of western Rajasthan, India. Jambaji witnessed the incessant clear-cutting of trees during times of drought to feed animals, only to see them die eventually as the drought continued. He also recognized the importance of trees within his local ecosystem (keeping animals alive) and banned cutting down green trees and killing birds or animals. Jambaji's spiritual reverence for nature led to a tradition of harmony with the local ecology: in the middle of an arid desert region, the Bishnois are famous for cultivating lush vegetation, caring for animals, and collecting drinkable water.

In 1730, almost 300 years after Guru Jambaji's 29 principles were recorded, the maharajah (king) of Jodhpur wanted to build a new palace. He sent soldiers to gather wood from the forest region near the village of Khejarli, where Bishnoi villagers had helped foster an abundance of khejri (acacia) trees. When the king's men began to harm the trees, the Bishnois protested in anguish but were ignored by the soldiers, who were under royal orders.

Amrita Devi was a female villager who could not bear to witness the destruction of both her faith and the village's sacred trees. She decided to literally hug the trees, and encouraged others to do so too, proclaiming: “A chopped head is cheaper than a felled tree.” Bishnois from Khejri and nearby villages came to the forest and embraced the trees one by one to protect them from being cut down. As each villager hugged a tree, refusing to let go, they were beheaded by the soldiers. This voluntary martyrdom continued until 363 Bishnoi villagers were killed in the name of the sacred Khejarli forest.

Once word got back to the King about this activity he rushed to the village and apologized, ordering the soldiers to cease logging operations. Soon afterwards, the maharajah designated the Bishnoi state as a protected area, forbidding harm to trees and animals. This legislation still exists today in the region.

In memory of the 363 Bishnois, who died protecting their dear trees, a number of khejri trees are planted around the area, which is still notably lush and rich with animal life. The Bishnoi sacrifices became the inspiration for a much larger Chipko movement that is still growing today, in which villagers physically embrace trees to save them from logging.


which part is the inappropriate language for formal writing? the spacious grounds and well kept gardens made the exterior of grands mansion a real winner



The part where it says, "a real winner."

Learning Task No. 2 Directions: Rewrite the three-paragraph descriptive essay below, check the punctuations and if there is a need to include any signal words, please do so. Do this in your notebook. My favorite place in my mother’s house is the dining room. Every year my mother s house is chosen, by all of our family members to host the holiday dinners and parties because of how elegant her dining room is. As you walk thru the long narrow hallway on your way to the dining room you see the huge pictures of family members hung on both sides of the smooth colorful wall. It seems like you re walking forever then you reach the door of the infamous dining room. You re first greeted by the tall wide almond color and trimmed in gold door. The doorknob is always cold to touch like you re touching a block of ice. When you walk into the door the room is so cold, it feels like you re standing outside in a snow storm, in Alaska. However the smell that hits your nose is amazing​



Every year my mother's house is chosen by all of our family members to host the holiday dinners and parties because of how elegant her dining room is. As you walk through the long narrow hallway on your way to the dining room you see the huge pictures of family members hung on both sides of the smooth,colorful wall. It seems like you're walking forever, then you reach the door of the infamous dining room. You're first greeted by the tall wide almond color and trimmed in gold door. The doorknob is always cold to touch like you're touching a block of ice. When you walk into the door the room is so cold, it feels like you're standing outside in a snow storm in Alaska. However the smell that hits your nose is amazing.

The mood of a story is the IS
C main feeling expressed by the central character.
• emotion or atmosphere created by the author.
O happiness felt by readers as conflict is solved.
© struggle between two forces or characters,



emotion or atmosphere created by the author.


In English literature, a tone can be defined as the attitude of an author or writer towards a subject.

This ultimately implies that, the point of view or perspective of an author toward a subject in a literary work is his or her tone.

Also, you should note that a "tone" is a literary device in literature and as  doesn't mean the way people speak or the pitch used by a speaker in contemporary english language.

Basically, the tone of a text expresses or reflects the mood of an author of a literary work and as such goes a long way to affect the countenance of the reader. Therefore, the tone being used by an author in a literary work such as articles, novels, stories etc., has the potential of evoking various emotions and shaping the perspective of a reader of the piece of writing.

In this context, the mood of a story simply means the emotion or atmosphere created by the author through the use of setting, imagery, descriptions and attitude. Thus, the emotions elicited may include feelings of anger, fear, calm, joy, happiness, sadness, compassion, etc.

My future plans to be an Airline Pilot. (50words) paragraph.​As a student i need for this question answer.



Paragraph on "my future plans to be an airplane" in 50 words.


Writing a short paragraph on "my future plans to be an airplane" using 50 words.

Ever since I was a child, my dream was to be a pilot. I chose that line because flying makes me feel free and calms me, being up in the air. After graduation, I plan to continue a flying course and becoming a pilot. I hope to achieve my dream successfully.

I need help with this question ASAP!


People had jobs that were repetitive and boring

In comparison, which excerpt from Queen Elizabeth's Address to the Troops at Tilbury shares the common purpose of persuading her audience that she is willing to do what is best for England?

A. We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety to take heed how we commit our selves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery.
B. I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die among you all.
C. I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too.
D. By your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and your calour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies.

please answer only if you have actually done the lesson and correct test.



B. I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die among you all.


The speech given by Queen Elizabeth to the troops at Tilbury informing the troops there about their obligations to the nation. It also serves as a huge comforter and reassurance for them from the Queen's promise as a capable leader, despite being a woman.

In the given excerpt from the address, she shares how she's "she's resolved in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die among [them]." This line shares the common purpose of persuading her audience that she is willing to do what is best for the country.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.



By your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and your calour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies.


Read this paragraph from The Dark Game.

Realizing that they could do more if they banded together, groups of the Richmond Unionists began to organize. As Van Lew built stronger relationships with wounded soldiers, the Unionists made plans to hide Union soldiers who escaped from Libby Prison. In fact, the Van Lew mansion became a primary safe house, a place where escaped prisoners would be hidden and cared for. Elizabeth, her mother, and their servants did all they could to prepare the escaped soldiers for the treacherous journey behind enemy lines as they attempted to rejoin their fellow soldiers. The Unionists well understood that every escapee was a potential source of valuable military intelligence, and they made certain that each soldier was debriefed before starting back to the Union lines.

This paragraph is mainly about how

A) Van Lew prepared the Union soldiers to return to their army.
B) Van Lew’s home was a safe house for escaped Union soldiers.
C) Van Lew obtained information from escaped Union soldiers.
D) Van Lew’s mother and servants were part of her secret operation.



B. Van Lew’s home was a safe house for escaped Union soldiers.


This sentence focuses on how Van Lew's house served as a safe haven for Union soldiers who managed to flee. This sentence comes from The Dark Game. Thus, option B is appropriate.

From the time of the Revolutionary War using the end of the 20th century, spying in the US is accurately described in the book The Dark Game. It surprises you with its intriguing tales and includes several images as illustrations.

A non-fiction book about espionage and military intelligence in American history is called The Dark Game by Paul Janeczko.

Paul B. Janeczko unearths two centuries' worth of authentic spy tales in American history, including everything from clothesline codes to surveillance satellites including cyber espionage. Spies and their networks have benefited and damaged America at critical junctures in history ever since the time that Washington utilized them to aid in the overthrow of the British.

Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about the Dark Game here:


Jorge is factoring a quadratic expression. First he factors out the greatest common factor & then uses grouping.



B. 6x^2 − 9x − 27


Here is the complete question :

Jorge is factoring a quadratic expression. First, he factors out the greatest common factor, and then he uses grouping. Which expression could be jorges expression?

A. 7x2 − 28

B. 6x2 − 9x − 27

C. 4x2 + 18x + 8

D. 24x2 + 2x

A quadratic equation is an equation that usually has a single variable and it is raised to the power of 2.

it is usually in the form : ax² + bx + c = 0

a, b,c are known numbers

x is unknown

looking through the options, it is only option b that satisfies the two steps Jorge carries out

1. he factors out the greatest common factor

6x2 − 9x − 27

this factor is 3. the equation then becomes 2x2 - 3x - 9

2, he uses grouping.

to group, determine the factors of 2x^2 x -9  = -18x^2 that adds up to -3x : they are -6x and +3x

grouping them now becomes : (6x^2 + 3x) (-6x -27)




The correct answer on the test for Edmentum/Plato users

formal letter write a letter to your education service telling him or her two things needed in your school​



lapit at pambura


prove and tested

have anyone done Satire and Allegory in Animal Farm: Review (DBA)

Satire and Allegory Analysis and DBA?

I need help with these 3 pictures



President Trump revealed all top secret, classified and confidential stuff of the state in the public .


The first picture shows that President Trump revealed all top secret, classified and confidential stuff of the state in the public which happens due to his non-professional behaviour and attitude. This act of President Trump shows that he is not fit for presidency because he revealed secrets of the state to the world. The second picture shows a multimedia applications tied the mouth and hands of a person with rope means that these multimedia silence the voice of an individual.

What did Buck have that his masters lacked?

A. Dedication

B. Instinct and experience

C. Family

D. Confidence


Answer: B. Instinct and experience


This is based on the novel, "Call of the Wild" by Jack London. We follow the story of Bucky which is a dog that was stolen from it's relative life of comfort and sold. Bucky ends up pulling sleds in Alaska and had to become more primitive in order to survive the harsh environment.

Bucky and some other dogs are sold to some masters named Mercedes, Charles and Hal. They wanted to travel and tried to make Bucky the lead dog but he refused because he had instinct and experience which told him that troubles were up ahead. He was right as the trip claimed the lives of most of the dogs.

why the fear of failour can be classified as emotional stressor​



it might be because people around you might have expectations for you and you stress over it because you dont  want to let them down


The brain processes our fair of an event in the same way it would treat the repercussion of that same event itself. This is the reason why the fear of failure can be a great emotional stressor.

What are Emotional Stressors?

Emotional Stressors are feelings of psychological pain, and unease, that can be produced by situations that are dangerous, frustrating, and threatening.

Fear of an event can trigger stress. It can lead to loss of self-band even grief.

Learn more about Emotional Stress:

Using the acronym SMART, list down your plans in achieving your dream profession in the future. Please help me


This answer depends on you mostly. You just need to describe your dream and how you will accomplish it with the SMART acronym, which stands for:








Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it. When drafting your goal


It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal.


Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.


This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with other relevant goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it's important to retain control over them. So, make sure that your plans drive everyone forward, but that you're still responsible for achieving your own goal.


Every goal needs a target date, so that you have a deadline to focus on and something to work toward. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals

Other Questions
1. Identify the following numbers as rational or irrational.a. -15.4b. 27/5c. 0.99999....d. V For this course, all essays must be a minimum of five paragraphs. This includes a clear introduction of your topic with a thesis statement, three main points that support your thesis statement, and a clear concluding statement. Your introduction should include a single sentence that helps the reader understand what your essay is about--this is your thesis statement--followed by an introduction to the points you will make that support your thesis in the order you will present them as your body paragraphs, and a clear transition statement that helps the reader seamlessly transition to the first body paragraph. Your body paragraphs should be organized in the order they are introduced in your introduction. Use cited research and quotes to support your claims. Your conclusion should summarize all important points made in your essay without saying the exact same thing again and without introducing new ideas. A boy standing between two pillars of equal height observes the angle of aelevation of the top of pillars to be 30. Approaching 15m towards any one of the pillar, the angle of elevation is 45. Find the height of the pillars and the distance between them The bacterium Salmonella enterica can cause severe food poisoning and the lining of the alimentary canal may be damaged. In these cases absorption of digested food products cannot easily take place. Which region of the alimentary canal is most affected? A colon B ileum C oesophagus D stomach Which government makes laws concerning marriage?CityFederalStateCounty Which fact is not used to prove that ABC is similar to DBE? The student is now told that the four solids, in no particular order, are aluminum chloride (AlCl3AlCl3), sugar (C6H12O6C6H12O6), butanoic acid (C3H7COOHC3H7COOH), and potassium bromide (KBrKBr), and potassium bromide (KBr). Assuming that conductivity is correlated to the number of ions in solution, rank the four substances based on how well a 0.20 M solution in water will conduct electricity. Rank from most conductive to least conductive. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. Which graph represents y as a function of x? Sobre a Reforma Agrria no Brasil, correto afirmar: a) O MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) nasceu do interesse dos ruralistas descontentes com a poltica de subsdios para a agricultura. B) A Reforma Agrria necessria no Brasil por causa da grande concentrao de terras do pas, e est prevista na Constituio de 1988. C) Posseiros e grileiros fazem parte do mesmo grupo de invasores de terras e so comandados por grandes fazendeiros, representantes da UDR (Unio Democrtica Ruralista), que lutam pela Reforma Agrria. D) O mdulo rural institui os latifndios e minifndios e facilita a explorao da terra. E) As empresas rurais diminuem a concentrao de terras e so uma alternativa para o movimento dos sem a student is reviewing fer friends' sttements about drugs please help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please help me please 6x = 1/2(2x + 5)Solve for x step by step Please answer quickly Romeo says that Juliet has not been conquered yet by death in these lines : "Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Thou art not conquered. Beauty's ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there." We know that through the literary device of ________________________that the reason Juliet has red lips and cheeks is that she is just about to wake up and the effects of the potion she took are wearing off. * A.Allusion B.Anachronism C.Dramatic Irony D. Oxymoron explain the irony of "keep your peace"?? F) Pick out Pronoun and tell the kind. 1. He has written this book himself. 2. Who came late in the class?3. The manager himself checked the taste of the soup.4. This is a present from my uncle.5. These crayons are ours.6. This is the man whose son won the first prize.7. The Principal herself suggested the changes. arrange in order terror,terrace,terminate, terminal Which of these resources would be most helpful for gathering information for a report on seahorses Where are the photoreceptors located Inside a human eye? PLEASE HEPWrite out a paragraph showing your understanding of scarcity PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME??????????????