A woman hired a personal trainer to help her lose weight. In addition to enforcing a rigorous workout regimen, the trainer gave the woman appetite suppressant pills that the trainer claimed to have formulated himself. The trainer told her that the pills contained a combination of natural herbs that would safely curb her food cravings. The trainer did not charge the woman for the pills. The woman took the pills for a week. Although she stopped having food cravings, she also started to feel dizzy and had a hard time breathing. The woman showed the pills to a pharmacist, who identified them as store-bought pills containing a drug that suppressed one's appetite, but that had potentially dangerous side effects such as dizziness, headaches, or respiratory difficulty. The woman immediately stopped taking the pills and within a day she stopped feeling dizzy and having difficulty breathing.
If the woman files suit against the trainer for intentional misrepresentation, will she succeed?
Yes, because she suffered dangerous side effects when she took the pills.
Yes, because she relied on the trainer's false assertion that the pills were safe.
No, because the pills helped suppress the woman's appetite.
No, because she suffered no actual economic loss.


Answer 1

For the plaintiff to be awarded damages for intentional misrepresentation, the defendant must have made a false statement and there must be proof of the plaintiff's legitimate reliance on that statement as well as actual economic losses.

In this case, the trainer made misleading claims about the tablets in an effort to get the lady to rely on them, and the woman did so on reasonable grounds. The woman didn't lose any money, though, because she didn't pay for the medications. She may have a tort claim against the trainer, but she will fail in her attempt to prove intentional deception.

What exactly is a deliberate misrepresentation?

a claim made by the defendant that is intentionally false, made carelessly, or made without regard to whether it is true or not.

What three ways can someone distort something?

Innocent, negligent, and fraudulent misrepresentations are the three sorts of misrepresentations, and each has a unique set of remedies.

To Know more about misrepresentation,



Related Questions

How did the successes of the Tuskegee Airmen and other African American units influence a military policy?


The successes of the Tuskegee Airmen and other African American units made President Roosevelt ordered the military to begin recruiting African Americans soldiers and officers. Their success had a major influence on military policy of US.

The trained Tuskegee Airmen and other African American units flew more than 15,000 individual sorties in Europe and North Africa during World War II. This impressive performance of theirs earned them more than 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and helped encourage the eventual integration of the U.S. armed forces.

They were the one proved that Black men could fly advanced aircraft in combat as well as their white counterparts. The first Black commander of an Air Force fighter squadron was a Tuskegee Airman.

However, they were treated poorly by fellow military members throughout their service and continued to experience racism.

To know more about Tuskegee Airmen refer to-



democracy as practiced in the united states and most other western nations is best described as


Representative government

Democracy is literally translating to "rule by the people," is a form of governance that not only encourages but also necessitates public engagement in the political process.

Independent observers concurred that more than one-third of the supposedly independent nations in the globe had democratic institutions on par with those of the English-speaking nations and the more established democracies of continental Europe at the start of the twenty-first century.

The existence of a culture of broadly held democratic ideals and values in these societies' accounts in part for the persistence of democratic institutions in such nations. Asia, Europe, South America, and North America are examples of democratic countries.

To know more about Democracy



1. When did the American Revolution Happen?

2. Why did the American Revolution start?

3. What changed after the American Revolution?

4. What are 3 Important things people should know about the American Revolution


Between 1765 to 1791, British America experienced the American Revolution, an intellectual and political upheaval.

What was American Revolution?

British America underwent an intellectual and political transformation known as the American Revolution between 1765 and 1791. The Thirteen Colonies established independent governments to overthrow the British when American colonists complained about being taxed by the British Parliament, an institution in which they had no direct representation. The British colonies in America retained a high level of internal autonomy prior to the 1760s, with provincial legislatures in control of local administration. The Stamp Act of 1765, which imposed internal taxes on official papers, magazines, and the majority of products printed in the colonies, led to the formation of the Stamp Act Congress, which brought together representatives from several colonies in response to colonial resistance.

To learn about Congress, visit:



Dennett's brain and body are separated initially. The scientists decide to make a copy of Dennett's brain, which leaves him essentially with two brains. By the end of the essay. Dennett's two brains are acting independently and a new body must be created to accommodate the superfluous brain. At this point, which does Dennett say is the real Dennett? The original brain with the original body the original brain with the copy of Dennett's brain The original brain with the new body It is left undecided which is the real Dennett


The account of numerous calculations that take place in the brain almost simultaneously is consciousness.

The account of numerous calculations that take place in the brain almost simultaneously is consciousness. Your knowledge is lacking. Consequently, a summary will be provided. Dennett equated awareness to the development and editing of an academic paper. He published a piece explaining how the combination of the brain's physical and cognitive functions leads to awareness. Daniel Dennett believes and affirms that in this case there's nothing like us being a recollection of experiences since we can choose to turn off the perception of the outside world. Change blindness is the effect in humans where a change passes unnoticed by our senses. It could be and it is most often studied in the field of vision, but it can also occur in our other senses.

Learn more about Consciousness here:



Why does the Necessary and Proper Clause stretch the power of Congress?


This provision gives Congress the freedom to choose how to exercise the several constitutionally granted powers. Congress has thus granted itself implied powers not explicitly stated in the Constitution.

It has contended that in order to carry out its other obligations, these implied powers are required. The Congress shall have the authority to impose and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises in order to pay debts, fund the nation's common defense, and promote general welfare. However, all duties, imposts, and excises must be applied uniformly across the country. to take out a loan against the US's credit. to control commerce between several States, with Indian Tribes, and with foreign nations. To establish a single naturalization standard and a single set of bankruptcy laws across the country. To create money, control its value and that of foreign coin, and establish a standard for weights and measurements. In order to establish the Penalty for Counterfeiting US Securities and Current Coin.

To learn more about Congress click here



Saul demonstrated impatience at Gilgal; under pressure, he committed a willful, presumptuous act of sin by proceeding to offer the sacrifice himself instead of waiting for Samuel. True False


Saul demonstrated impatience at Gilg.al; in pressure, he committed a willful, presumptuous act of si.n by proceeding to offer the sacr.ifice himself instead of waiting for Samuel. This statement is true.

Saul and his army were awaiting Samuel's arrival in 1 Samuel 13 to make a sac.rifice prior going to bat.tle. The soldiers were getting ready to leave rather than engage the Philis.tines because Samuel had not yet arrived. Saul made the decision to make a sac.rifice on his own as he grew impatient.

Saul had a number of fla.ws, such as impatience and self-reliance, that rendered him ineligible to be king in this presum.ptuous de.ed. The fact that he intended to take charge of the matter himself rather than cooperate with Samuel or obey G.od was evident in his contribution. Saul commit.ted a stu.pid er.ror because he believed he could disregard the Lo.rd's instructions and instead did as he pleased.

Know more about Saul here



the development of the christian church and the development of music are closely intertwined.
a. true
b. false


Answer: B


why would they have music

What is cultural value answer?


The fundamental ideas or ideals around which a whole civilization or community is built are referred to as cultural values.

Morals, laws, regulations, values, dialects, religions, works of art, literature, music, social roles, conventions, and traditions are just a few examples. What exactly are cultural values? Our forefathers passed on a set of ideas and principles to us that we now refer to as cultural values.Culture has significant social and economic advantages in addition to its inherent worth. Culture has a unique role in many important things including good life, commitment, and peace and stability among various groups.They do so by the better provision of learning and health opportunities increasing tolerance, and greater scope for social interaction.

To know more about Culture here



How did the Enlightenment impacted on modern society in terms of culture politics and government?


Enlightenment impacted modern society in terms of culture politics and government by bringing secular thought to Europe and reshaped the ways people understood issues such as liberty, equality, and individual rights.

The Enlightenment, which took place in the 18th century, was a period of time that changed the course of history. During this time, the ideas of reason and science began to shape modern thought, as philosophers argued for religious tolerance, government reforms, and advances in education.

Today, we can see the impacts of the Enlightenment everywhere, from the educational institutions that teach scientific principles, to the civil liberties we take for granted. Without the advances made during the Enlightenment, we would not have the modern society that we know and enjoy today.

To know more about society, click here.



Ms. Pilai has given her class their final exam and has discovered that their scores formed a perfect normal curve, with a standard deviation of 10 • If the mean score of the test was 72, what percentage of students scored between 62 and 82? • What range of scores would be within three deviations of the mean? • What percentage of the scores would be within two standard deviations of the mean?


The percentage of students scored between 62 and 82 is 68.3%. Range of scores would be within three deviations of the mean 42 and 102. The percentage of the scores would be within two standard deviations of the mean. The percentage of the scores would be within two standard deviations of the mean is 95.5%.

The scores of the provided data forms a perfect normal curve with mean µ = 72 and standard deviation σ = 10. In order to determine the percentage of students scored between 62 and 82, determine the z score and associated p value. Z score is determined as:

Z (X = x) = (x - µ)/σ

Z (X = 62) = (62 - 72)/10 = -1

Z (X = 82) = (82 - 72)/10 = 1

Hence, the probability of P (62<x< 82) = P(-1 < x z < 1) = 0.68269 or 68.3%

Standard deviation refers to the spread of a set of data. One standard deviation is (µ ± σ), two standard deviations is (µ ± 2σ), and three standard deviations  is (µ ± 3σ). Hence, the range of scores that would be within three deviations of the mean would be 72 ± 3(10) which would be the score of 42 and 102. The range of scores that would be within two deviations of the mean 72 ± 2(10) which would be the score of 52 and 92.

With mean µ = 72 and standard deviation σ = 10, the percentage of students scored between 52 and 92, determine the z score and associated p value. Z score is determined as:

Z (X = x) = (x - µ)/σ

Z (X = 72) = (52 - 72)/10 = -2

Z (X = 82) = (92 - 72)/10 = 2

Hence, the probability of P (52<x< 92) = P (-2 < x z < 2) = 0.9545 or 95.5%

Learn more about Standard deviation:



Which of the following incidents does NOT require a report to be filed with local authorities? A. Spousal abuse. B. Animal bites. C. Gunshot wounds


i am almost positive that it is B, but it could also be C. i think it is B tho

In which case did the Supreme Court rule that EPA policies must be observed without regard to their cost or technological feasibility


West Virginia v. EPA, West Virginia v. EPA is a legal dispute that started after the EPA replaced the Clean Power Plan from the Obama administration with the Affordable Clean Energy rule in 2019.

The Trump administration after a 2016 Supreme Court decision prevented its implementation. New York was one of many Democratic states that filed a lawsuit to prevent the repeal. The Clean Power Plan and the Affordable Clean Energy rule were both overturned by a federal appeals court in the District of Columbia, siding with the states but leaving nothing in place while the Biden administration devised a new strategy.

The Supreme Court heard an appeal of that decision from West Virginia and 18 other Republican-led states and coal firms who said the lower court had given the EPA too much power to control pollution, even going beyond what Congress had intended.

Chief Justice John Roberts agreed with the states in his majority opinion, writing that "it is not credible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory structure."

To learn more about EPA please click on below link



Two-year Temporary Teaching Certificate in Speech-Language Impaired (K-12) from the Florida Department of Education


Two-year Temporary Teaching Certificate in Speech-Language Impaired  from the Florida Department of Education helps in teaching individuals with speech and language disabilities.

Speech language impaired is a disorder that can have a huge impact on an individual's ability to communicate. Those with this impairment may struggle with expressive and/or receptive language skills, including forming words and sentences, comprehending spoken language, and using appropriate intonation.

Additionally, this impairment can also impact an individual's ability to comprehend social situations, making it difficult to communicate with peers and navigate interpersonal relationships. With the right supports in place, individuals can maximize their potential to interact and engage with the world around them.

To know more about speech, click here.



what is the bond of 1844



The Bond of 1844 was an agreement signed between Fante chiefs and the British government. It was signed on 6 March 1844 in Ghana, which was then known as the Gold Coast. It specified a relationship between the British and the local chiefs, who were the main parties in the treaty.


PAki Brainliest na rin po it's helps

Lawrence Kohlberg theory of moral reasoning consists of __________ levels of moral development and __________ stages. brainly


Lawrence Kohlberg theory of moral reasoning consists of three levels that are Pre-Conventional, Conventional and Post-Conventional levels of moral development happens in six stages.

The six stages of moral development Lawrence Kohlberg theory are1 Obedience and punishment, 2. Self-interest, 3: Interpersonal accord and conformity, 4: Authority and maintaining social order, 5: Social contract, 6: Universal ethical principles.

Kohlberg's theory focused on the process of thinking that occurs when one decides whether behaviour is right or wrong. This theory was emphasised on how one decides to respond in a moral dilemma.

Learn more about Lawrence Kohlberg click on the link here:



Vivian is less than a day old. Which of the following emotions is already apparent?
A) social smile
B) pain
C) embarrassed crying
D) fear of strangers


A child less than a day old can feel pain. Studies has shown that a fetus can experience pain in the womb itself.

The most of the child's Physical, Social as well as emotional skills develop during the first three years of life. They acquire the social and emotional skills from the interaction with people around them. So the proper environment is required for the proper emotional development.

First social smile for a baby usually happens around two months of age. During this age, they give face contact with the person they are interacting and smile. The emotions like pride, shame and embarrassment develop at an age of 15 to 24 months of age. Fear of strangers can develop at around the age of 5-6 months.

So an emotion that a baby can feel even less than a day old is fear.

To find more about emotional development in babies, kindly refer



William McGuire's (1964) research supported the fact that mildly attacking a message can make it stronger. This idea is called attitude


This idea of William McGuire's research is called attitude inoculation.

What is attitude inoculation?

In order to make people resistant to attempts to alter their attitudes, a strategy known as attitude inoculation involves introducing them to minor reasons that refute their viewpoint first. Since it exposes a person's body to a mild form of a virus, it functions similarly to medical inoculation, which is how it got its name. Antibodies are created in reaction to the weak virus, but the immune system is still able to fight it off. The body knows what to expect and is more resilient than it would have been without the vaccination later on when it is exposed to the complete virus. Therefore, attitude inoculation is exposing someone to a tenuous logical argument that is at odds with their preexisting mindset. The development of refutations is sparked by this.

To learn about attitude inoculation, visit:



Maggie is making some floral arrangements. The table shows the prices for one-half dozen of each type of flower. Maggie wants to buy 4 roses, 6 carnations, and 9 tulips. She estimates that she will spend about $14 on these flowers. Do you agree?


Since the price given is per half dozen, the price for each piece would be: Rose: 5.29/6 = $0.882, Carnation: 3.59/6 = $0.598, Tulip: 4.79/6 = $0.798 total amt = 4($0.882) + 6($0.598) + 9($0.798) = $14.3. Since the estimated amount if close to the total amount, therefore, I agree.

How lethal are carnations?

Only somewhat toxic carnations can cause clinical signs of gastrointestinal upset in cats, including vomiting and diarrhea. Carnations contain triterpenoid saponins, which when in contact with the skin, induce dermatitis, same as other Dianthus species.

How many years do carnations live?

If you keep them out of the sun and heat and constantly change the water in the vase, carnations can last up to three weeks. They are also among the most adaptable flowers available and may be colored any color under the sun.

To know more about Carnations visit:



Which of the following is not a way in which nonverbal communication is expressed?
A) grimacing
B) touching someone's shoulder
C) looking away while talking to someone
D) writing a thank-you note
E) avoiding eye contact


Writing a thank-you note is not a way in which nonverbal communication is expressed. Hence, option (D) can be considered as the correct option.

Give a brief account on Nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal communication (NVC) can be regarded the process of conveying ideas or signals via nonverbal cues like eye contact, gestures, posture, usage of objects, and body language. It makes use of touch, voice, kinesics, distance (proxemics), physical settings, and appearance, as well as social cues (haptics). Charles Darwin's 1872 book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals served as the foundation for the study of nonverbal communication. After observing how animals such as lions, tigers, dogs, and others interacted with one another and found they also used gestures and facial expressions to communicate, Darwin started to investigate nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication was investigated for the first time, and its usefulness was questioned. Scholars now contend that, in comparison to verbal communication, nonverbal communication might carry more meaning.

To know more about, Nonverbal communication, visit :



How was Parliament formed?


The Parliament was formed due to the need of an institution to bring changes in governing any state or country.

There was not any particular procedure or any particular incident that led to the formation of the parliament. The birth of the parliament was due to various political events in the history. There was a need for the formation of an institution that would bring about changes in the governance of a state and that will be the head to enact the laws and enforce the laws within the state. The English parliament was created naturally from the needs of the King and the government of the king. The parliament in the due course of time has developed and it has become the main governing institution of any state or government.

Learn more about Parliament at:



How did the federalists and the republicans disagree concerning the power of the central government?


The Federalists desired a robust central government, whereas the Republicans desired a weaker one.

What did Federalists and Republicans disagree about?

One of the early indispensable variations between Federalists and Republicans used to be a disagreement on the implied powers of the Constitution to enable for advent of a country wide bank. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson advocated a narrow construction of the Constitution that would have prohibited a national bank.

These two political events were divided over the difficulty of the energy of the government. The Federalists argued for a sturdy central government, while Democratic-Republicans believed that the country governments have to be greater than the central government.

Learn more about Federalists and Republicans here:


Your friend recommends that you visualize as you read. What is she talking about? She means you should take lots of breaks when you read. She thinks you should try to see the story in your mind as you read it. You're good at sounding out words—even words you have not seen before. She wants you to tell her what happened in the first few chapters.



She wants you to try to see the story in your mind as you read it

Using rewards to bribe people to engage in an activity they already enjoy is most likely to inhibit:
answer choices
O respondent behavior.
O latent learning.
O spontaneous recovery.
O intrinsic motivation.


Using rewards to bribe people to engage in an activity they already enjoy is most likely to inhibit intrinsic motivation. Option D

How does reward affect intrinsic motivation?

Reward employees for engaging in a behavior they already enjoy most likely inhibits their willingness to engage in the behavior on their own accord.

Furthermore, rewarding employees for engaging in a behavior likely inhibits their latent learning and spontaneous recovery of the behavior.

Conclusively, intrinsic motivation is likely to be stimulated by rewards for a behavior, as it encourages individuals to pursue the behavior for its own sake.

Learn more about intrinsic motivation from



Marlene forgot to bring a pillow on the camping trip, so she spent a very uncomfortable and restless night. Unfortunately, she never thought of using her down-filled jacket as a pillow. Marlene's oversight best illustrates:


Marlene forgot to bring a pillow on the camping trip, so she spent a very uncomfortable and restless night. Unfortunately, she never thought of using her down-filled jacket as a pillow. Marlene's oversight best illustrates functional fixedness .

Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that hinders people from using things differently from how they have been used in the past. Gestalt psychology, a branch of psychology that emphasizes holistic thinking, is where the concept of functional fixedness originates.

Functional fixedness, the tendency to see things as only functioning in one way, is an illustration of a cognitive bias. 1 A thumbtack, for instance, can be thought of as something that is solely useful for attaching paper to a corkboard.

To know more about functional fixedness visit :



What should the government do to reduce social inequality?


Particularly in nations where taxation is relatively low in terms of its overall burden and progressivity, more progressive taxation has a significant potential to reduce inequality.

This is especially true when combined with raising funds to pay social spending. Inequality is the absence of an equality link between two expressions or values. Therefore, an imbalance leads to inequality The main manifestations of social inequality include the disparities in income, gender, access to healthcare, and social status. In the medical field, some patients get better, more knowledgeable care than others. Numerous causes are linked to the increase in economic inequality in the United States. These include the deterioration of the minimum wage, globalization, the collapse of unions, and technological advancement, in no particular sequence. Economic problems including job loss, informal employment that eliminates worker benefits, low salaries, and a lack of assets or money have an impact on social lives by limiting people's mobility and trapping households in a cycle of scarcity and inequity.

Learn more about Inequality here



Middle-aged couples often find themselves raising their children and caring for their elderly parents. This group is called the __________ .


Middle aged couples often find themselves raising their children and caring for their elderly parents. This group is called the sandwich genration.

The sandwich generation is called the middle aged couples because they are effectively sandwiched between the obligation to care for their aging parents unable to perform various tasks or need of financial support and children who require physical, physical and support.

The theory of sandwich generation defined  between age of 40 to 65 years.It also ensured about to individuals who by dint of circumstances find themselves in the position of being caretakers  for their young or adult children as well as aging parents.

Learn more about middle aged caring click on the link here:



socially defined characteristic of a group of people who share common cultural factors such as race, history, national origin, religious belief of language. Based on social/cultural identity.


Socially defined characteristic of a group of people who share common cultural factors such as race, history, national origin, religious belief of language is called social/cultural identity.

Social identity theory helps us to understand how people’s sense of self is defined by characteristics that are attributed to them by their peers and society. These characteristics include things such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, class, and many others.

By looking at the way people respond to and identify with socially defined characteristics, we can better understand how they navigate the world and form meaningful relationships with their peers. We can also see how these characteristics influence our overall sense of self-esteem and worth.

--------The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Socially defined characteristic of a group of people who share common cultural factors such as race, history, national origin, religious belief of language is called ___________."---------

To know more about characteristic, click here.



The stage of conflict in which an issue starts to develop between parties without their knowledge is called __________.


People may be in conflict without being aware of it in the "Latent Stage," the first of the five stages of conflict.

For example, a server at a restaurant may have entered an incorrect order, resulting in the wrong food being prepared for a table. The manager and table are unaware of this, and no conflict has yet arisen.

An early stage of a conflict is quiet. It is referred to as the latent stage in conflict resolution theory because the participants are not yet aware of the conflict, but there may be hidden frustrations that may surface at any time. Sometimes these simmering or buried conflicts never make it to the surface.

Learn more about " Latent Stage " to visit here;



What are the responsibilities of the central government?


Controlling the military, the economy, trade, and international relations is one of many important duties.Other duties performed by the central government include leadership, maintaining law and order, providing public services, and safeguarding economic and national security.

What are the duties of the federal government?

Traditionally, the role of the central government has been to provide collective services for the benefit of the community as a whole, including national defense, relations with other countries, public order and safety, and management of the social and economic structure of the country.

What duties are carried out by the federal and state governments?

For the broader public, and in particular for underprivileged communities, develop educational initiatives on RTI. Encourage the involvement of public authorities in the development and administration of these programs. Promote the prompt distribution of accurate information to the public.

Learn more about central government: https://brainly.com/question/19528787


What increases and decreases genetic diversity?



Inbreeding can lead to a reduction in genetic variation, outbreeding can lead to an increase.


Hope it helps:)

Answer: Whereas inbreeding can lead to a reduction in genetic variation, outbreeding can lead to an increase.


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