A small daily used object the represents the Election Of 1828


Answer 1

The represents the Election Of 1828, In a time when a two-party system resembling our current system was developing, the campaign of 1828 was a pivotal moment.

What is the campaign?

The word is derived from "Campania," a battleground for the ancient Roman army. A "political campaign" is what is referred to in politics when someone is running for a political office.

As In the election of 1828 they refer to President John Quincy Adams of the National Republican Party ran against Andrew Jackson of the Democratic Party in a rematch of the 1824 election.

Therefore,  As a result, The election of 1828 represents The 11th quadrennial presidential election.

Learn more about the campaign here:



Related Questions

Josiah Strong, Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, 1885
The city is the nerve center of our civilization. It is also the storm center. The fact, therefore, that it is growing much more rapidly than the whole population is full of significance. In 1790 there were only six cities in the United States which had a population of 8,000 or more. In 1880 there were 286. The city has become a serious menace to our civilization...
It has a peculiar attraction for the immigrant. Our fifty principal cities contain 39.3 per cent of our entire German population, and 45.8 per cent of the Irish. Our ten larger cities only nine per cent of the entire population, but 23 per cent of the foreign. While a little less than one-third of the population of the United States is foreign by birth or parentage, sixty-two per cent of the population of Cincinnati are foreign, eighty-three per cent of Cleveland, sixty-three per cent of Boston, eighty- eight per cent of New York, and ninety-one per cent of Chicago. Because our cities are so largely foreign, Romanism finds in them its chief strength.
The government took which of the following measures to stem the tide of immigration in the late 1800s?


The measure taken by the government to stem the tide of immigration in the late 1800s was to pass nativist legislation to keep undesirable groups out. (Option A)

During 1800s over 5 million immigrants arrived in US due to fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine as US was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. Many major cities during the period were marked by high immigrant population.

In order to stem the tide of immigration in the late 1800s, the government passed nativist legislation to keep undesirable groups out. For example, The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first of many nativist acts passed by Congress in an attempted to limit the flow of immigrants into the US. Another legislation passed was The Page Act of 1875 which forbade persons who were brought to America for immoral labor practices.

Nativism referred to a set of beliefs which favored the interests of established inhabitants as opposed to immigrants, the idea which emerged in the 1830s but grew highly popular by the late 1840s.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: The government took which of the following measures to stem the tide of immigration in the late 1800s? A) passed nativist legislation to keep undesirable groups out. B) banned immigration completely. C)  passed immigration laws. D) all of the above.

Learn more about Nativism:



“We realize that certain bodies of men, who do not believe in the basic principles of our Republic, having taken advantage of American hospitality to secure residence within our territory, have brought into organization a large number of committees and associations whose avowed purpose it is to destroy our Government (using force if necessary) and to place the country under the domination of some such self-constituted commission of Socialists or Bolshevists as has brought anarchy and misery upon Russia.

“To nullify the pernicious influence of these enemies of the Republic, we, the undersigned, herewith declare and take oath that we hold ourselves ready to answer any call to defend our country against any and all attempts to change our Government by usurpation or by force. We seek for this pledge the widest publicity and urge all citizens, irrespective of sex, age, creed, or race, who believe as we do in the importance of maintaining American principles, to join us in this pledge.

“We further declare our purpose to do our utmost to secure for those who come to our country from foreign lands a clearer and nobler sense of citizenship than they have heretofore realized; and to develop these new residents into understanding American citizens, to emphasize to them the value of the great privilege that is within their reach of securing American citizenship, and to secure their co-operation in combating the pernicious propaganda which aims to undermine the Government.”

“Petition of the National Security League,” 1923

Which of the following evidence best supports the claims made in the excerpt?

A)Progressive reformers disagreed about immigration restrictions.

B)Immigration from Europe peaked in the early decades of the twentieth century.

C)Migration of African Americans gave rise to new forms of art and literature that expressed ethnic identities.

D)Urban political machines thrived by providing immigrants with social services and employment in exchange for votes.


The evidence that best supports the claims made in the excerpt is that immigration from Europe peaked in the early decades of the 20th century. Option B is correct.

How was immigration in the 20th century?

During this period, there was a great mass immigration to the United States, in a context where the majority of European citizens fled Europe during the World War II.

Therefore, such excerpts aim at a fight against ideas opposed to those of the republic by immigrants who were in favor of socialism, a system that was strongly opposed in the USA.

Find more about immigration at:



Pretend you are an independent journalist covering the trial of King Charles I for a reputable London newspaper." After sitting through the proceedings (that is, reviewing the transcript).
write an article that highlights key developments, concisely summarizes the main points of contention, and clarifies the historical significance of the event to the reader. Here are some key
questions your editor wants you to answer: How did the "rump" Commons justify putting the King of England on trial? What authority did they claim to have? Why did the king refuse to
enter a plea and recognize the legitimacy of the court? How reasonable or accurate were both sides' arguments? As an independent journalist, you are not allowed to take sides, but that
doesn't mean you shouldn't be critical and provide context.
"Note: This premise requires you to delve into fantasy for a moment. Newspapers did not exist until the end of the 17th century, and journalism as we understand it now did not either."
Target length: 750 words
Sources and Citations: This article should be based exclusively on your own independent reading of the Proceedings against Charles L. For historical background and context, you may refer
to material in the online textbook or class lectures. You are expected to refer to specific passages from the Proceedings and include occasional concise quotes. Whenever you do so, please
cite the page number in parenthesis at the end of each sentence with referenced or quoted material (24). Information from the textbook or lecture does not need to be cited since it will be
obvious where it came from: just make sure you are putting it in your own words or in quotations where needed. Outside research beyond the assigned course materials is neither expected
nor encouraged. Still, if you do choose to incorporate information or ideas from other sources, you must always cite it in the text of the essay and append a bibliography with web links (if
applicable). Good journalists and historians are always transparent about where they have gotten their information.


The article that highlights key developments, concisely summarizes the main points of contention, and clarifies the historical significance of the event to the reader is given below

What is the  King Charles I trails?

King Charles I, the former monarch of England, was put on trial by the "rump" Commons for high treason in 1649. The proceedings were a significant event in English history, as it marked the first time a sitting monarch had been tried for treason and the first time a monarch had been executed by his own people.

King Charles I refused to enter a plea and recognize the legitimacy of the court, arguing that he was a king by divine right and could not be tried by any earthly court. He also claimed that the "rump" Commons did not have the authority to try him because they represented only a fraction of the members of Parliament.

Both sides in the trial had reasonable arguments, but the events of the time, including the civil war and the political climate, meant that King Charles I was ultimately found guilty and executed.

The trial and execution of King Charles I marked a significant turning point in English history, as it led to the establishment of a republic and the eventual restoration of the monarchy under King Charles II. The trial also had a lasting impact on the relationship between the monarchy and the state, setting a precedent for the limited powers of the monarchy in future generations.

(24) Proceedings against Charles L, page 4.

Learn more about  King Charles I from



let's discuss the puritan ethics of the massachusetts bay colony economy during the 1600's and how it affected economic individualism


The Massachusetts Bay Colony became the first English chartered colony whose board of governors did not reside in England. This independence helped the settlers to maintain their Puritan religious practices without interference from the king, Archbishop Laud, or the Anglican Church.

Puritans were English Protestants who were committed to "purifying" the Church of England by eliminating all aspects of Catholicism from religious practices.

English Puritans founded the colony of Plymouth to practice their own brand of Protestantism without interference.

New England society was characterized by equality under the law for white male citizens (as demonstrated by the Mayflower Compact), a disciplined work ethic, and a strong maritime economy.

To know more about Massachusetts Bay Colony, Visit: brainly.com/question/5088301


Medicaid provides healthcare for individuals 65 and older. True False


Answer: True

Explanation: Medicaid is a state and federal program that provides health coverage if you have a very low income. Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage if you are 65 or older or have a severe disability, no matter what your level of income is. Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal government and state governments.

Which of these did NOT play a role in the eventual creation of independence movements in Spanish America?
The Napoleonic invasion of Spain and Portugal, the lack of greater political and economic opportunities for creoles, the Enlightment, the American and French Revolutions: All of these played a role in the creation of independence movements


The American and French Revolutions, All of these played a role in the creation of independence movements in Spanish America.

The result of Napoleon's invasion of Spain and Portugal was the installation of a new French king on the Spanish throne. Many criollos in South America joined revolutionary campaigns for independence because they believed this new administration to be unjust. Many criollos in South America joined revolutionary campaigns for independence because they believed this new administration to be unjust. The 1808 Napoleonic invasion of Spain and Portugal had several effects on the Latin American revolutionary movements. Following Spain's partial occupation by French forces during the Peninsular War, Napoleonic Spain was the region that remained loyal to Joseph I. The nation was regarded as a client state of the First French Empire during this time.

To know more about independence refer :





what do we have to draw the venn digaram about?

EXTRA POINTS AND BRAINLIEST ANSWER QUICK 2.08 how can the constitution change Amendment Idea Template
Your Name ____________________

Step 1:

Describe how amendments have affected Americans' participation in government.

Give specific examples from the lesson, including amendment names or numbers.

Step 2:

Brainstorm an idea for a new amendment to the Constitution. Answer the following questions about your new amendment idea.

What will this amendment do?

Whom will it benefit and how?

Step 3:

Identify the process that your amendment will have to follow to become part of the Constitution. Some information appears for you.

Amendment Process: Two Main Steps
1: ____________________ 2: Ratification
Method 1
Method 2 Two-thirds of state legislatures request a national convention
Step 4:

In your own words, answer the following questions about the amendment process.

Why did the Founding Fathers create an amendment process for the Constitution?

Why did they make the amendment process difficult to achieve?



Describe how amendments have affected Americans' participation in government.

Amendments have had an impact on Americans' participation in government by protecting their rights and liberties. In the nineteenth amendment, for example, 18-year-olds are granted the right to vote, and African-American males are granted the right to vote. This amendment will ensure that no one is ever used as a slave again in our country.

Give specific examples from the lesson, including amendment names or numbers.

The names of amendments are an example from the course.

The thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and nineteenth amendments all had an impact on us as Americans today. The changes are as follows:

13th: Slavery was abolished in the United States on January 13th.

14th: provided legal protection to all United States citizens.

15th: African American males were granted the right to vote on March 15th.

Finally, women were granted the right to vote in the nineteenth century.


Brainstorm an idea for a new amendment to the Constitution. Answer the following questions about your new amendment idea.

My proposal for a new amendment would be equality for all, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, or other characteristics.

What will this amendment do?

This amendment would shield all citizens from mistreatment.

Whom will it benefit and how?

Everyone would benefit because they would not have to change who they are in order to receive different treatment.


Identify the process that your amendment will have to follow to become part of the Constitution. Some information appears for you.

Amendment Process: Two Main Steps

1: Make a proposal

2: Ratification

Method 1: A proposal for amendment may be made by either Congress or a constitutional convention, according to the US constitution.

Method 2: Two-thirds of state legislatures request a national convention

Method 1 Ratification is the procedure that your amendment must go through in order to become a part of the Constitution. A proposed amendment becomes a part of the Constitution of 38 of the 50 states as soon as three-fourths of the states ratify it.

To propose an amendment, a convention must be called for that purpose, or if two-thirds of the states request one, a vote of both Houses of Congress is required. The amendment must then be approved by three-fourths of the State legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions held in each State.


Why did the Founding Fathers create an amendment process for the Constitution?

The Founding Fathers established an amendment process because they recognized the importance of changing the constitution as time passed and circumstances changed.

Why did they make the amendment process difficult to achieve?

They were concerned that those in power would want to change the Constitution to benefit themselves rather than the people.

tommie smith is a former Olympic track and field athlete who won a gold medal in the 200-meter dash at the 1968 summer Olympics in Mexico. True or False


The given statement is True. Tommie C. Smith (conceived June 6, 1944) is an American previous track and field competitor and previous wide receiver in the American Football Association.

At the 1968 Summer Olympics, Smith, matured 24, won the 200-meter run finals and gold award in 19.83 seconds - whenever the 20-second hindrance first was broken officially. His Black Power salute with John Carlos on the decoration platform to fight racism and injustice against African Americans in the US caused controversy, as it was viewed as politicizing the Olympic Games. It stays a symbolic crossroads in the history of the Black Power movement.

Tommie Smith was brought into the world on June 6, 1944, in Clarksville, Texas, the seventh of twelve children brought into the world to Richard and Dora Smith. He experienced pneumonia as a child, yet developed to be an athletic youth. While going to Lemoore High School in Lemoore, California, Smith showed extraordinary potential, setting the greater part of the school's track records, a large number of which remain. He won the 440-yard run in the 1963 CIF California State Meet.

to know more about Tommie Smith click here:



1) Please explain in a paragraph how WW1 changed America?

2) What was the experience like for soldiers when they came home after the war?



for the answer  "2) What was the experience like for soldiers when they came home after the war?"


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress, occurs after you experience severe trauma or a life-threatening event. It's normal for your mind and body to be in shock after such an event, but this normal response becomes PTSD when your nervous system gets “stuck.”


1) The war was a catalyst for the great migration of African Americans, and those who returned from the war, finding inequality intact, demanded civil rights. In addition, the conflict heralded the rise of conscription, mass propaganda, the national security state, and the FBI.

2) Most coped well and against all the odds managed to live reasonably happy and contented lives. Yet many men found themselves alone in a crowd. No one had defined the nature of combat fatigue or post-traumatic stress disorder in the 1920s and there was little psychological help available.


Hope it helps:)

Which are examples of strategies used to win civil rights in the South in the 1960s? Select three options.

organizing sit-ins at lunch counters
marching from one city to another
holding violent protest marches
hosting public gatherings
moving to other parts of the country
jailing white supremacists




The three examples of strategies used to win civil rights in the South in the 1960s are:

1. Organizing sit-ins at lunch counters

2. Marching from one city to another

3. Hosting public gatherings

1. The (Anti-Federalists, Federalists, Congress) favored the
new Constitution.


fereralists favored the new constitution

climate change


A sample persusasive essay about climate change is given below:

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is a pressing issue that requires urgent attention from individuals and governments around the world.

The evidence is clear: temperatures are rising, sea levels are increasing, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. We must take action now to mitigate the impacts of climate change and prevent further damage to our planet.

By reducing our carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy, and adopting sustainable practices, we can help to ensure a healthier and more secure future for ourselves and future generations.

Let us come together and take meaningful action to address the urgent threat of climate change.

Read more about climate change here:



The development of the factory system most directly explains which of the following characteristics of the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?
The greater degree of labor specialization


The most direct explanation for the Industrial Revolution's greater degree of labor specialization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is the development of the factory system.

What exactly was the Industrial Revolution and what brought it about?

The Industrial Revolution was a time of significant innovation and mechanization that began in Great Britain in the middle of the 18th century and spread to a large portion of the world later. The mining of iron and coal dominated the British Industrial Revolution. Large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system replaced agricultural and handicrafts-based economies during the Industrial Revolution. Existing industries were made more productive and efficient by new machines, new power sources, and new ways to organize work.

To learn more about labor visit :



What new industries helped South Carolina diversify it's economy post Reconstruction era. Responses Steel and Oil Steel and Oil Railroads and Cotton Railroads and Cotton Phosphates and Lumber Phosphates and Lumber Rice and Cotton


Rice and Cotton industries helped South Carolina diversify its economy post reconstruction era.

What is reconstruction era?

Reconstruction was a period in American history that started following the American Civil War and generally continued until the compromise of 1877. During reconstruction, efforts were made to revive the political, social, and economic effects of slavery while also reuniting the former

Confederate states with the rest of the Union. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution were enacted during this time period, presumably ensuring the recently freed slaves the same civil rights as those of white people and ending the remaining Confederate secession in the South.

Know more about reconstruction era



in the past, utilitarianism as a social philosophy has been strongly supportive of blank . multiple choice question. O authoritarianism and fascism O the interests of only a small minority O the hierarchy generated under capitalismO democratic policies and institutions


In the past, utilitarianism as a social philosophy has been strongly supportive democratic policies and institutions.

The correct option is d.

A family of normative ethical theories that recommend behaviours to maximise the pleasure and well-being of all persons who are impacted is known as utilitarianism in the field of ethical philosophy.

Since people are typically the best judges of their own welfare, utilitarians have generally supported democracy as a way to align the interests of government with the general public. They have also argued for the greatest individual liberty compatible with an equal liberty for others and believed that peaceful political processes can bring about progressive social change, which they believe is both possible and desirable.

To learn more about utilitarianism, refer



Diderot and Voltaire would best be described as what?

Monarchs who tried to use their power for the good of society

Leading political and social writers of the French Enlightenment

Rulers who supported the monarchy on intellectual grounds

Thinkers who believed that knowledge cannot extend past experience


Diderot and Voltaire were the French Enlightenment's leading political and social writers.

Who was Voltaire?

One of the finest French writers, known by the pen name Voltaire, was François-Marie Arouet (born November 21, 1694, in Paris, France—died May 30, 1778, Paris). Even though just a few of his books are still being read, he is nevertheless regarded as a valiant warrior against oppression, intolerance, and cruelty on a global scale. Voltaire's work fiercely promotes a vision of progress to which people from all nations have remained receptive through its critical capacity, humour, and sarcasm. His long life covered the latter decades of classicism and the dawn of the revolutionary era, and during this period of change, his creations and activities had an impact on the course that European civilisation would take.

To learn more about Voltaire visit;



1. Explain Adolf Hitler's childhood?
2. What was young Adolf dreams to be while he was growing up?
3. Why did Adolf's dreams were destroyed?
4. Why was Hitler recruited into the National Socialists German Workers Party?
5. How did Hitler gain power in a short period of time with the National Socialists?
6. What was the National Socialist party symbol and why?


1. Hitler was born in a small town in Austria in 1889. He was the son of a local customs official and his much younger third wife. Hitler's father was an illegitimate child and it is uncertain who his father was, but there is no evidence for the legend that this unidentified grandfather was Jewish.

2. His grade school years were coming to an end and he had to choose which type of secondary school to attend, classical or technical. By now, young Hitler had dreams of one day becoming an artist.

3. He wanted to go to the classical school. But his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and become a civil servant and sent him to the technical high school in the city of Linz, in September 1900.

4. Hitler was asked to investigate the radical political organisations that had emerged in the city after the war. In September 1919, he was sent to spy on the German Workers' Party. Hitler reported back that it posed no threat as it was small in numbers (only 40 members) and was extremely hostile to communism. Under the orders of his commanding officer, Captain Karl Mayr, Hitler joined the German Workers' Party with instructions to use his talents to help it grow

5. On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by German President Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party. The full name of the Nazi Party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Its members were often called Nazis. The Nazis were radically right-wing, anti semitic, anti communist, and antidemocratic.

There are some misconceptions about how Hitler came to power. It is important to understand that:

Hitler did not seize power in a coup;

and Hitler was not directly elected to power.  

Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power through Germany’s legal political processes.

Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933 because, at the time, the Nazi Party was popular in Germany. However, the Nazi Party was not always so popular. In fact, when the Nazi movement first began in the early 1920s, it was small, ineffective, and marginal.  

6. The Nazis' principal symbol was the swastika, which the newly established Nazi Party formally adopted in 1920. The emblem was a black swastika (卐) rotated 45 degrees on a white circle on a red background. This insignia was used on the party's flag, badge, and armband. Similar shaped swastikas were seen in United States postcards wishing people good luck in the early 1900s. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the symbolism of the Nazi flag: "The red expressed the social thought underlying the movement. White the national thought. And the swastika signified the mission allotted to us—the struggle for the victory of Aryan mankind and at the same time the triumph of the ideal of creative work

You're welcome.

How would conquering Kalinga help the economy of Asoka's empire?


The conquering of Kalinga help the economy of Asoka's empire, By they were gain access to a powerful maritime area, By and they are provided with a convenient source of income is there in it.

What is an empire?

The term empire refers that the several territories that come under one political unit be there as we see there are many villages as we see city and states are being there that comes to countries in the same way the empire is there for the different religions and many empires are there in it.

The impact made by the Kalinga on the Ashoka was More than 100,000 individuals lost their lives at the fight of Kalinga, and 150 000 were prisoners of war. This made many women's and children's lives miserable.

Therefore,  As a result, By providing a source of income the Ashoka empire economy was there in it,

Learn more about empire here:



Who was the 25 president, how long did he become president and when did he die.


Answer: William McKinley was the 25 president. He was a president from March 4, 1897, to September 14, 1901 . He lived from (1843-1901) on September 14, 1901 he got assassinated.

William McKinley served from March 4 1897 to September 14 1901 when he died

On a graph, a(n) shows the demand portion of equilibrium.


On a graph, the equilibrium point shows the demand portion of the equilibrium. Thus the correct option is C.

What is demand?

When the willingness of an individual to buy any product is increased it gives rise to the demand. This willingness will shift with a change in the price or quality.

Using demand and supply curves, the market for goods and services is represented. A demand and supply point that is at equilibrium is represented by the equilibrium point. It occurs when the quantity delivered and the quantity demanded are equal.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about equilibrium points, here:



The complete question is Probably

On a graph, a(n) _____ shows the demand portion of equilibrium.

A) demand curve

B) supply curve

C) equilibrium point

D) excess supply

Does Imperialism have any effect on the power or size of nations participating in the war at this time? Why?



Imperialism had a significant effect on the power and size of nations participating in war at this time. This was because it allowed nations to expand their territories and resources, giving them an advantage in terms of wealth, military strength, and population. It also gave them the opportunity to influence foreign cultures through diplomacy and colonial rule. Imperialism was seen as a way to increase a nation's prestige, which was an important factor in international politics.

Please help me with this. I would appreciate it

(Q005) What Enlightenment ideas do you find most compellling, or the most important to the development of "America"? How did printing technology affect the spread of Enlightenment ideas? What evidence from the documents supports your claim?


The printing press, which allowed scientific ideas to grow and spread among the general public, was one of the most significant technologies in human history at the end of the Middle Ages.

The following are some ways that printing technology impacts the propagation of enlightenment ideas:

Printing made it easier for new ideas and knowledge to spread quickly. Many items can be created to improve people's literacy, including visuals and books. Additionally, newspapers and booklets were printed, enabling the general public to stay informed about their surroundings.

In the 15th century, a discovery made it feasible for people to disseminate information more quickly and widely. Civilization never went back. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the invention of the mechanical moveable type printing press allowed knowledge to be disseminated more quickly and broadly than ever before.

To learn more about Printing Technology, visit:  



Read the following excerpt of a sample historical argument. As you read, try to identify the author's thesis and the types of evidence being offered for that thesis. Then answer the questions that follow to demonstrate your understanding of the author's thesis and use of evidence.
For decades, historians believed that well-known activist Carl Mitchell participated in the protests surrounding the Chicago Democratic National Convention August 26-29, 1968. However, substantial evidence has recently surfaced that strongly suggests that Mr. Mitchell did not engage in this protest. After careful consideration of several pieces of evidence, I assert that Mr. Mitchell did not participate in these protests because he was physically incapable of being in Chicago in late August of 1968. While conducting research at the Prints and Photographs Reading Room at the Library of Congress, I discovered a photograph of Carl Mitchell taken by the New Orleans Police Department dated August 25, 1968. Further research revealed a letter written by Mr. Mitchell to his sister, Diane, dated August 27, 1968, wherein he indicates that he expects to be in jail for at least "four more days after today." I then found an audiotape in the New Orleans Police archives of Mr. Mitchell's confession. In his own voice, Mr. Mitchell details his involvement in the antiwar protest in New Orleans on August 24, 1968, for which he had been arrested. I believe these three pieces of evidence support my assertion that Carl Mitchell did not participate in the protests in Chicago because he was in a New Orleans jail in late August 1968.
What thesis is the author advancing in this argument?
An audiotape of Mr. Mitchell's confession details his participation in a New Orleans antiwar protest on August 24, 1968.
Carl Mitchell did not participate in the Chicago protests because he was incarcerated in a New Orleans jail at the time the Chicago riots occurred.
In a letter dated August 27, 1968, Mr. Mitchell writes that he expects to be incarcerated for "four more days after today."
A New Orleans Police Department photograph dated August 25, 1968, places Carl Mitchell in New Orleans on that day.
To support this thesis, the author provides several pieces of evidence. All of the following can be considered pieces of evidence used to support this thesis except:
Carl Mitchell's letter to his sister, Diane, detailing his expected term of incarceration and dated August 27, 1968
The dated photograph of Mr. Mitchell taken by the New Orleans Police Department on August 25, 1968
The author's reference to many historians' claim that Carl Mitchell participated in the Chicago protests of August 26-29, 1968
Mr. Mitchell's audiotaped confession describing the activities that led to his arrest on August 24, 1968


The thesis is a specific theory or point of view that a historian supports. Historical sources that support a historian's theory or point of view make up the evidence.

The historian's thesis is the specific point of view, hypothesis, finding, or assertion he has drawn from the data he has acquired. These claims must be backed up by evidence or historical sources that demonstrate the veracity of their arguments and viewpoints.

Historians search for evidence of anything that provides support for or a hint that something is true in order to obtain the answers to their inquiries. The method by which historians gather information and create theories about the past is known as historical methodology.

To learn more about the thesis follow the link: https://brainly.com/question/27811693


Is there a bias for every source? Explain


There is a bias for every source that can probably be true.

What is a source?

A source can be defined as a text that will be implied on the data or figure. This was to create a source that will be explicit and can be a primary or a secondary form of information.

Because it's hard for contributors to avoid allowing their life experiences and schooling to influence their choices concerning what to publish on the web. As these are the ones that will be made or are collected by what they should say regarding it, it's likely that all resources reflect some biases.

Learn more about source, here:



What is the association between the depictions of most major Egyptian gods and goddesses and animals?
O C.
Most gods had divine mounts.
Most gods had animal heads.
Most gods were animals themselves.
Most gods had animals as pets.


Most major Egyptian gods and goddesses are typically depicted with an animal association.

What is  association?

Association is a relationship between two or more different objects, events, ideas, or people. It is a bond that is formed through common characteristics, experiences, or interests. Association is used to explain how people store and retrieve information in the human memory.

For example, the god Ra is often depicted with a sun-disk crown and a falcon head, while the goddess Hathor is depicted as a woman with a cow's head. Other gods and goddesses have associations with other animals such as a bull. Additionally, some gods and goddesses are even depicted as animals themselves, like the god Anubis who is typically depicted as a jackal.

To leran more about  association



How did the trebuchet work to create a portable human-powered medieval siege instrument that could launch water balloons 50 yards?


In order to fire a projectile, a trebuchet converts gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy. Gravity causes a large counterweight at one end of a lever to drop, raising the other end of the lever and releasing a projectile from a sling.

A trebuchet is a type of medieval throwing device that has been recreated by a group of historians, engineers, and industry specialists. By converting gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, trebuchets may fire projectiles. A projectile is released from a sling when the other end of a lever rises as a result of a heavy counterweight falling at one end of the lever due to gravity. Models are used by engineers to assess how well their designs will function as part of the design process.

To know more about trebuchet



Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements.
After the Mongols conquered Kiev, they created the


The Golden Horde, which dominated the western regions of the Mongol Empire, was founded by the Mongols after they had taken Kiev.

What they created After the Mongols conquered Kiev ?

Because of its cooperation with the Mongol emperors, Moscow was permitted to become the most significant city at this time.

The army massacred the populace, seized many as slaves and prisoners, and looted and destroyed the cities. Kiev, the symbolic heart of Kievan Russia, was eventually taken over, looted, and destroyed by the Mongols.

The Yuan dynasty was the khanate controlled by Möngke's successors after the split of the Mongol Empire. The Yuan dynasty was given the Mandate of Heaven in the official histories of China.

Learn more about Mongols here



which of the following was one of the devices used by southern whites to keep blacks from exercising suffrage? a literacy tests b a religious test c the grandmother clause d the car tax


A religious test was one of the devices used by southern whites to keep blacks from exercising suffrage. The correct option is B.

Although this classification has been contentious and other scholars have stated that Southern identity does not fit the criteria for defining as an ethnicity, some historians, sociologists, and journalists from the Southern United States classify white Southerners as an ethnic group.

John Shelton Reed, a professor, asserts that "Southerners' departures from the American mainstream have been similar in sort, if not degree, to those of the immigrant ethnic groups." According to Reed, people from the South differ from other ethnic groups in a number of ways from the national average. They are typically poorer, less educated, more rural, and have specialised occupations. He contends that their accents act as an ethnic indicator and that they frequently differed in terms of politics and culture.

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Colonists from which of the following European nations generally had the most cooperative relations with American Indians?
answer choices


Colonists from France generally had the most cooperative relations with American Indians.

French colonists had the most cooperative relationships with American Indians. The primary goal of French colonists was to trade for furs, and they frequently forged alliances with Native American tribes to get access to their hunting areas and develop a profitable trade relationship. Because the French were less interested in creating huge settlements or displacing native populations, they had more respectful and cooperative ties with Native Americans.

Because of the French emphasis on fur commerce and connections with indigenous countries, French colonists often enjoyed more cooperative and respectful interactions with Native Americans than other European powers.

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