a federal statute applies only to those states that agree to apply it within their borders. True/False


Answer 1

The statement that the federal statutes apply only to the states that tend to show an agreement towards applying them to the scope of their own boundaries is to be held as a completely false one.

The federal statutes may be taken into an easy understanding as the statutes that are put into effect by the federal government at the national level. However, the applicability of these statutes in individual states depends completely upon the discretion of the states in agreeing to the applicability of the same.

Learn more about federal statute here:



Related Questions

true/false. the view of american federalism that holds the the constitution created a system in which the national government is supreme, relative to the states, and that it granted government a broad range of powers and responsibilities.


False. According to the theory of American federalism, the Constitution gave the federal government a wide range of authorities and duties and established a system in which it is supreme over the states.

Power is divided and shared between a central government and several regional administrations under a political system known as federalism. In a federal system, the national government has the authority to decide and act in ways that have an impact on the entire nation, while the regional governments have the authority to decide and act in ways that have an impact on their particular territories. This structure aims to support both regional autonomy and national unity. By allowing regional governments to handle local needs and problems while the national government concentrates on more important issues that impact the entire country, it can enable more efficient and effective governance. Federalism, however, may also result in disputes between the various levels of government and create issues regarding the proper balance.

Learn more about federalism,here:



TRUE OR FALSE for tort liability to be imposed, the perpetrator of the tort must have acted with the intent to do wrong.


For tort liability to be imposed, the perpetrator of the tort must have acted with the intent to do wrong. This statement is false.

A tort is a type of civil wrong. This may appear difficult, but a tort occurs when a person or organization, known as a tortfeasor, breaches someone's legal rights (other than by breaching a contract).

Tort laws govern victims' legal rights to seek legal claims against tortfeasors. When a victim is damaged or suffers losses, he or she has the right to file a claim in civil court under tort rules.

If the defendant is found guilty under tort liability rules, the defendant must compensate the victim. There is no chance of defendants going to jail in civil court.

The goal is to assess whether they committed a civil wrong against someone and whether they should be forced to make that victim whole—usually by paying monetary damages.

To know more about tort liability:



Which characteristics are unique to the Texas Bill of Rights?


Some of the characteristics that are unique to the Texas Bill of Rights are right to homestead, education, property tax limitations, public debt limitations and local option elections.

The Texas Bill of Rights, also known as the Texas Constitution, contains many of the same provisions as the U.S. Constitution, including protection of individual liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Overall, the Texas Bill of Rights reflects the state's commitment to individual liberties and limited government, while also addressing unique issues specific to the state of Texas.

To know more about Texas Bill of Rights here:



Which of the following constitutes an ambitious agenda to significantly improve the human condition by 2030?
The Human Rights Act 1993
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
The seventeen Sustainable Development Goals


The seventeen Sustainable Development Goals constitutes an ambitious agenda to significantly improve the human condition by 2030.

Explain The seventeen Sustainable Development Goals?

The United Nations adopted the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 as an evenly on all sides to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. Poverty, hunger, health, education, womens rights, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, economic growth, facilities, removing barriers, sustainable and neighbourhoods, responsible consumption and production climate action, life below water, life on land, peace and justice, and alliances for the goals are among the issues addressed by these goals. The SDGs seek to make the world quite sustainable and equitable for all.

To Know more about SDGs Visit:



Which of the following groups would benefit the most from receiving subsidies?
A. Governments
B. International organizations such as the WTO
C. Domestic producers
D. Importers
E. Foreign competitors


From the given choices of alternatives, it may be said that the group of domestic producers would be the one who will be benefitted the most from receiving the grants and subsidies. Therefore, the option C holds true.

The subsidies and grants received by the organizations and individuals may be regarded as the benefits that can be determined in monetary values, and thus, are given to a specific group of people for promotion of the activity that they do, or the decisions that they take. Government is the body that gives subsidies.

Learn more about subsidies here:



Which of the following situations would be exempt under the Fair Housing Act?
A.A religious organization refuses to allow people of a particular national origin to spend the night in its temporary crisis housing
B.An elderly homeowner who rents out a room in her house asks that no people of a particular national origin apply, in her classified ad
C.The owner of a fourplex lives in one unit and refuses to rent the other three units to students because of their national origin
D.The owner of a house refuses to sell the property to buyers because of their national origin, after his real estate agent confirms that is allowed


C.The owner of a fourplex lives in one unit and refuses to rent the other three units to students because of their national origin.

In this landmark case, the Supreme Court for the first time explicitly adopted the doctrine against prior restraint as constitutional law.


The theory against prior restriction was explicitly adopted as constitutional law by the Supreme Court in a significant case, making it the first time in legal history.

The Supreme Court's adoption of the theory against prior restraint as constitutional law in the relevant case set a significant legal standard in US history. Instead of punishing the speaker after the fact, prior restraint refers to government efforts to suppress or prevent speech before it is voiced.

With the Court's decision in this case, the doctrine was for the first time expressly acknowledged and applied as a key component of free expression. The protection of free speech in the US has been significantly impacted by this ruling, which also served as the basis for numerous later court conflicts involving free speech and censorship.

Learn more about Supreme Court:



The correct question will be: What did the Supreme Court adopt the theory against prior restraint?

What 3 things does the law of conservation of energy state?


The law of conservation of energy is a elementary principle in physics that states three effects:

1.)Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

2.) The total quantum of energy in a unrestricted system remains constant over time. Eventually energy can be transferred between objects or systems, but the total volume of energy remains constant.

3.)This law applies to all forms of energy, including kinetic, implicit, thermal, electromagnetic, and chemical energy.

The law of conservation of energy is a foundation of physics, and it has numerous practical operations in fields similar as engineering and environmental wisdom.

To learn more about Law of conservation of energy:



he has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.


The meaning of the statement can be taken into understanding that he has refused to pass the laws for large groups of people, but only unless they also give up on their represented rights.

The rights granted to an individual may be stated as the rights that he or she holds in the personal or individual capacity. The right of representation is the right that gives the person a protection against being forced or abstained from getting individually represented. Thus, they are given in the provided legislature thereunder.

Learn more about rights here:



Complete question

What does this statement mean?

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

jenna is fifteen years old. under the fair labor standards act, jenna cannot work in the entertainment industry. in a hazardous occupation. for her parents. in the delivery of newspapers.


Answer: No!


No, Jenna cannot work in the entertainment industry, in a hazardous occupation, for her parents, or in the delivery of newspapers. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 15-year-olds are not allowed to work in jobs deemed hazardous or in any occupations involving motor vehicles, mining, logging, or manufacturing. They are also not allowed to work in any occupation that may jeopardize their health and safety. Additionally, 15-year-olds cannot work for their parents in any capacity, including delivering newspapers.

a garbage worker, a citizen of state a, sued a truck driver, a citizen of state b, in federal court in state b. the garbage worker is seeking $125,000 as compensation for injuries he suffered in a car accident that occurred in state a. state b law does not permit a court to order plaintiffs to submit to an examination by physicians, but state a law does. the federal rules of civil procedure authorize courts to order a physical examination by a licensed examiner. the truck driver filed a motion challenging the alleged injuries and requested that the court order the garbage worker to submit to an examination by a licensed physician.


The answer to the question is : Yes. The court should grant the truck driver's motion because the federal rule applies. (Civil Procedure-Law Applied by Federal Courts)

What does it mean to sue a person for compensation?

To sue a person for compensation means to take legal action against them in order to recover monetary damages or other forms of compensation for harm or loss that they have caused you. This can involve filing a civil lawsuit in a court of law, where you will typically need to present evidence that the defendant was responsible for the harm or loss you suffered and that they should be held liable for compensating you.

The compensation that you may be entitled to in a lawsuit will depend on the nature and extent of the harm or loss that you suffered. This could include things like medical expenses, lost income or earning potential, property damage, pain and suffering, or emotional distress.

Read more on law here:https://brainly.com/question/25368237


americans are more likely than the french or british to believe that everyone should be politically equal and less likely to think that it is important that everyone be economically equal. what do these differing views reflect?


The differing views in the case of Americans, French, and the British people reflect the differences in the political culture of people belonging to different countries.

The political cultures may be referred to or considered as the difference that a culture usually sees in the existence of its political upbringing and environment. The differences in political cultures may be seen to be relevant because of the differences in the forms of government that exist in the different societies, such as America, France, and The Great Britain.

Learn more about political culture here:



What are two public policies aimed at reducing ETS? No smoking in public places or around children. Signs that encourage people not to smoke.


Smoking is not permitted near minors or in public areas. posters urging people not to smoke.

All of [name of company workplaces ]'s are smoke-free, and every employee has the right to do their job in a smoke-free setting. On [date], the policy will go into force, and [name] will review it on [date]. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the office, under any circumstances.

In specified indoor public places and workplaces, such as those used by the government, healthcare and educational institutions, and facilities popular with minors, smoking is not permitted; however, in other public places and workplaces, such as bars and nightclubs, smoking is permitted in designated smoking areas.

To know more about public policies, refer:



Which of the following is one of the main benefits that FDI provides to the home country?


Out of the given alternatives and their choices, it is to be made sure that the FDI received enormous benefits by the substitution of its domestic production. Therefore, the option A holds true.

The FDI, Foreign Direct Investment, may be determined as the technique used by the government bodies within a state or a nation to enter into cross-border transactions, and invest their own monies while risking the substitution of the production in the home country at the same time. Thus, it is an important concept.

Learn more about FDI here:



Complete question

Missing options to the question are added below

A. FDI benefits the home country by substituting domestic production.

B. FDI increases employment in the home country in the short run.

C. The balance of payments position improves from the initial capital outflow required to finance the FDI.

D. The demand for exports from the home country will reduce in the long run.

What is joint logistics concept?


Joint logistics is a concept that refers to the coordination and integration of logistics activities across different military services and organizations. This includes activities such as supply chain management, transportation, maintenance, and distribution of resources.

The goal of joint logistics is to ensure that all military operations have the necessary supplies and support they need to be successful. This is achieved through effective planning, coordination, and execution of logistics activities across different organizations and services.

Joint logistics
is a critical component of military operations, as it helps to ensure that all forces have the necessary resources and support they need to be successful. This includes everything from food and water to fuel, ammunition, and medical supplies. By working together and coordinating logistics activities, military organizations can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure that all forces are properly supported.

For more such questions on Joint logistics.



What was the constitutional question in Lochner v. New York?


The constitutional question in Lochner v. New York was whether the act was valid as labor law

In Lochner v. New York case, the Court had addressed whether a New York state legislation consistently breached the procedural fairness requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution limiting the number of hours bakers could work each day each week. The dispute focused on the problem of whether the state had the jurisdiction to regulate bakers' total working hours, and whether such legislation breached peoples' rights to contract under the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause.

The Court ultimately annulled the law, declaring that it had violated the due process rights of both employers and employees as well as their freedom of contract to negotiate their own labor contracts without undue government involvement freely. Despite the fact that this decision was controversial, it has had a considerable impact on the evolution of constitutional law.

Read more about Lochner v. New York on:



What was changed in the 27th Amendment?


The 27th Amendment changed or modified the prevention of the Congress or is members for granting themselves a rise in their pays during the current sessions.

The 27th amendment of the national constitution of the United States of America can be taken into consideration that provides legal protection to prevent the Congress or any of its members to increase the pay checks of the members in the current sessions, and also allows the pay raises to be effective from the next session after being put forth in the current session.

Learn more about 27th amendment here:



What did Sapolsky's research reveal about stress and social dominance?


The research made by Sapolsky revealed about the aspect of social dominance that male who had dominance in their nature had the least amount of stress levels, compared to higher stress levels in baboons.

The concept of social dominance can be explained with the significance of how strong or central a character is in the forming part of his or her representation in the society. Moreover, the research made on the concept by a renowned researcher also revealed that higher the dominance, lower is the stress levels, and vice versa.

Learn more about social dominance here:



the state consitiution in necada prohibits the levying of


The state constitution in Nevada prohibits the levying of taxation.

There are various tax-related clauses in the Nevada state constitution. An example of this is a ban on the imposition of personal income taxes. The legislature shall establish by law a uniform and equal rate of assessment and taxation, and shall promulgate such regulations as shall secure a just valuation for the purposes of taxation of all real, personal, and possessory property, except mines and mining claims, the proceeds of which shall be taxed exclusively. This is stated in Article 10 of the Nevada Constitution.

No other enterprise, calling, or vocation shall be subject to direct taxation. A consistent and fair rate of assessment and taxation is mandated by this clause of the constitution, and it expressly forbids the taxation of some categories of property, such as mines and mining claims. Additionally, it forbids the direct taxation of other firms, professions, or jobs; this limitation has been understood to also forbid the imposition of personal income taxes.

Read more about taxation on:



True or False: A loss from a passive activity is fully deductible as long as the taxpayer has sufficient tax basis in the activity.


The given statement 'A loss from a passive activity is fully deductible as long as the taxpayer has sufficient tax basis in the activity' is false because passive activity is not fully deductible.

An activity is considered passive if the taxpayer did not significantly contribute to it during the relevant fiscal year.

IRS regulations known as the "passive activity loss rules" forbid the use of passive losses to reduce earned or ordinary income.

Investors are prohibited from recovering losses from income-producing businesses in which they are not significantly participating under passive activity loss regulations.

The income is active income and cannot be decreased by passive losses if it is materially related to earned or regular revenue-producing activities. Only passive income can be used to cover passive losses.

To know more about tax basis, click here:


The federal legislation that includes the safeguards rule is?


The federal legislation that includes the safeguards rule is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999 is a federal law in the United States that regulates how financial institutions handle non-public personal information of their customers. The Act requires financial institutions to inform their customers about their information-sharing practices and to give customers the option to opt-out of such sharing.

The Safeguards Rule is a part of the GLBA that requires financial institutions to develop and implement a comprehensive information security program to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their customers' information.

The program must include measures such as designating an employee to coordinate the program, assessing and managing risks to customer information, and implementing safeguards to control identified risks. The Safeguards Rule applies to all financial institutions covered by the GLBA, including banks, securities firms, and insurance companies.

To know more about Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act here:



Trade and commerce, if they were not made of India rubber, would never manage to bounce over the obstacles which legislators are continually putting in their way;. That is an example of_____


Trade and commerce, if they were not made of Indian rubber, would never manage to bounce over the obstacles which legislators are continually putting in their way; This is an example of a metaphor.

Trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between individuals, organizations, or nations. It is an essential aspect of economic activity and plays a vital role in the growth and development of countries.

Trade can occur between two individuals or organizations within the same country, or between different countries. International trade involves the exchange of goods and services across national borders, and it is governed by various agreements and regulations.

The benefits of the trade include increased economic growth, improved efficiency, and increased access to goods and services that might not be available domestically. Trade also provides opportunities for specialization, leading to the production of goods at a lower cost.

To learn more about Trade visit here:



postwar democracies saw frequent changes in government


-Most people in the new democracies lacked previous exposure to representative government.

-Some countries had a large number of political parties, which complicated effective governance and frequently resulted in the formation of unstable coalition governments.

The governments of the new postwar democracies frequently changed. The Weimer Republic in Germany was doomed from the start. Germany experienced severe economic inflation after World War II. In Germany, more money was printed than was collected through taxes.

According to Crouch "All the democratic institutions are still present and in use in post-democratic societies, but they increasingly function more as a formal shell. The democratic arena loses its vitality and creative drive as it is transferred to a few select members of the political and economic elite."

Learn more about " postwar democracies " to visit here;



Complete Question -

In the new postwar democracies, there were frequent changes in government.

True/False? in a criminal case, the state must prove its case by a preponderance of the evidence.


False/Beyond a reasonable doubt

When the trade union movement began in Britain, the strike was an illegal action taken against whom?


When the trade union movement began in Britain, the strike was an illegal action taken against factory owners by union workers.

In the year 1868, the trade unionists from all over the UK came together in Manchester, and held the first meeting of the Trade Union Congress. while the legal status of trade unions established by the commission in the year 1867. The movement encouraged increased output of machine made goods and protection of rights of the employees, it was a step towards preventing exploitation of employee rights as a collective organisation of working people developed to campaign for better and safe working condition for all the workers. The movement was widely in the favor of the workers and prevented the factory owners from exploiting the rights of the employees.

To know more about "trade union" here-



What happens when a president doesnât return a bill in 10 days and what is the exception to that rule?.


When or if a President does not return a bill within 10 days of it being filed, then the bill ultimately becomes a law. However, the only exception to this rule is when the President is specifically demanding additional time for returning the bill.

A bill may be taken into assumption as the proposition made by the individuals or an official body under government to pass it into the legal legislation of the government, and make it lawful provision under the regulations related thereto. When a bill is presented to the President, he or she has to return it within 10 days, post which it is automatically assumed to be a law.

Learn more about a bill here:


a wholesale seller of turquoise received a fax from a retail seller of indian jewelry, a long-time custom


If the wholesaler sues the retailer for damages, the wholesaler should receive the difference between the amount he was expecting to receive from the retailer($9000) and the amount he was actually able to receive from the sale of the beads($4,000), for a total of $5,000.

This amount would  cover the wholesaler's loss of profit due to the retailer's unexpected cancellation of the  order.The wholesaler would need to provide evidence that he was able to secure the beads in a timely manner and that the falling out of favor of the Kingman turquoise beads was the sole cause of the inability to sell the

Strands at the original price. If the wholesale is able to prove these elements, then the retailer should be held liable for the difference in the amount expected to be received and the amount actually received.

To know more about retailers refer to the link brainly.com/question/29509602


A wholesale seller of turquoise received an e-mail from a retail seller of Indian jewelry, a long-time customer, which read: "Send 200 16-inch strands of Kingman turquoise beads at your usual price of $45 per strand." The wholesaler e-mailed the customer back a confirmation, promising to ship the strands within 10 days. However, the wholesaler currently had no strands in stock and so began making phone calls to locate them in sufficient quantity. Ultimately, he secured the strands of beads. However, before he could ship the beads to the retailer, he received another e-mail from the retailer canceling the order without explanation. The wholesaler immediately set out to find another buyer for the beads but found that Kingman turquoise had fallen out of favor. Consequently, the wholesaler was forced to sell the strands of beads at a "salvage" price of $4,000.

the Americans with disabilities act of 1990 prohibits employers from discriminating against persons with disabilities. what does the law sound like?


The ADA solely outlaws disability-based discrimination. It makes it illegal to reject to hire a qualified candidate with a handicap simply because he is impaired or because a reasonable accommodation is needed to allow this person to execute key work tasks.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) forbids disability discrimination in a variety of settings, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to state and local government programs and services.

It forbids handicap discrimination in employment, state and local government programs, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications.

Learn more about The Americans with Disabilities Act



after a certain nation changed its policy from one that banned international trade in wheat to one that allowed international trade in wheat, the nation began importing wheat. as a result, total surplus in the wheat market increased by $10 million. which of the following changes could have occurred as well?


There are a few possible changes that could have occurred as a result of the policy change, but without additional information, it is difficult to determine the exact change that occurred.

Here are a few possibilities:

Consumer surplus increased: If the price of wheat decreased as a result of increased imports, consumers in the nation would be able to purchase more wheat for the same amount of money. This would increase consumer surplus.

Producer surplus decreased: On the other hand, if the price of wheat decreased, domestic wheat producers in the nation may have received a lower price for their wheat. This would decrease producer surplus.

Government revenue decreased: If the nation previously had a ban on international trade in wheat, it is possible that the government was collecting revenue from that ban in the form of tariffs or other fees. With the policy change, that revenue would be lost.

Total welfare increased: If consumer surplus increased by more than producer surplus decreased and government revenue decreased, the total welfare of the nation would increase as a result of the policy change.

So, it is possible that any of these changes occurred as a result of the policy change.

To know more about policy change here:



Who was the first black female police chief


Marguerite P. Justice
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