1. As a Mesopotamian, which of these would you
use to water land?
trade with?
c. hire to record information?
d. pay to the government?
e. worship in?

1. As A Mesopotamian, Which Of These Would Youa.use To Water Land?b.trade With?c. Hire To Record Information?d.


Answer 1

As a Mesopotamian, which of the following would you: a.) use to water land irrigation b.) to trade with caravan c.) hire to record information scribe d.) pay to the government city-state e.) worship in ziggurat

How do Mesopotamians keep records?

Inscriptions carved on clay tablets. The scribes would take a stylus (a stick made from a reed) and press lines and symbols into the soft, moist clay. Once finished, they let the clay harden and they have a permanent record.

What did the Mesopotamians trade?

Exports in Mesopotamian trade included ceramics, glass, grain, leather goods, cooking oil, baskets and mats made of reed, and textiles. Imported goods include copper, ivory, pearls, semi-precious stones, gold, silver, other precious metals, wood and lapis lazuli.

To learn more about Mesopotamia visit:



Related Questions

How many cents is 2 nickels?


We can state that two nickels make up a dime since one nickel is equal to five cents and one dime is made up of ten cents.

Why is nickel used?

The United States Mint produces five-cent coins called nickels. The coin was first produced in 1866 and is made of cupronickel. It has a 0.835-inch diameter and a 0.077-inch thickness. Before the present-day cupronickel form, the five-cent silver half dime was in circulation from 1792 to 1873. The extreme hardness of nickel presented significant challenges for the coiners. Die life was decreased as the dies cracked and fractured against the resistant metal.

To know more about nickel visit:



history is a voice forever sounding across the centuries the laws of right and wrong opinion alter manners change creeds rise and fall but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity for every false word or unrighteous deed for cruelty and oppression for lust or vanity the price has to be paid at last

Explain the quote by by james anthony froude



This quote is expressing the idea that throughout history, certain fundamental principles of right and wrong have remained constant, even as opinions, customs, and belief systems have changed over time. The "moral law" is described as being written on "the tablets of eternity," suggesting that it is timeless and unchanging. The quote also suggests that there are consequences for behaving in ways that are dishonest, unjust, or immoral, and that these consequences will inevitably be paid, regardless of the passing of time. In other words, the quote is emphasizing the importance of living according to a moral code and treating others with respect and kindness, because these values are enduring and essential to a well-ordered society.

Was Joseph Stalin most responsible for the Cold War?


Was Joseph Stalin responsible for the Cold War? Historians are divided on the question of who started the Cold War.

Some argue that the Soviets under Joseph Stalin’s leadership was most responsible because Stalin could not be trusted and containment was a logical response to his expansionist ambitions.

hunting and gathering
Option (D) is correct. Native American groups living in North America east of the Mississippi generally lived in small settlements dispersed throughout the region. Tribes, such as the Algonquin and Iroquois, hunted game while also growing crops such as squash and legumes.
Which of the following was the primary source of agricultural labor in the British colonies in North America during the early years of colonization until the 1660s? Slaves imported from Africa Indentured servants from Great Britain Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine Indians who were enslaved by the colonists


Native American tribes in North America east of the Mississippi tended to live in sparsely populated tiny towns spread out throughout the landscape.

Hence, option C is correct

Having land and working it ourselves, that is, using the labor of the elderly, children, and other family members is the ideal method for us to take care of ourselves. In this way, we can quickly support ourselves and have some extra money. And in order to help the government, young men should enlist in it, serving in whatever capacity may be required. (The Rebels claimed to have piled them up, turned them into batteries, and sold them to Cuba, but we don't buy it.) Until we are able to purchase it and make it our own, we request to be given land

To learn more about African Americans here



Which of the following was the primary source of agricultural labor in the British colonies in North America during the early years of colonization until the 1660s?

Slaves imported from Africa Indentured servants from Great Britain Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine Indians who were enslaved by the colonists Tribes, such as the Algonquin and Iroquois, hunted game while also growing crops such as squash and legumes. Native American groups living in North America east of the Mississippi generally lived in small settlements dispersed throughout the region

What political philosophy set forth in the quote was incorporated two years later into the Declaration of Independence


All residents have the right to vote for representatives in the legislature that governs them.

The thirteenth United States of America's unanimous Declaration of Independence states that "when in the course of events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them," To be treated with respect, people must be honest about the reasons behind their differences of opinion. The Creator has endowed all mankind with certain unalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Men are created with equal rights. To safeguard these rights, mankind create governments with the consent of the governed. The people have the right to replace or abolish any form of government that jeopardizes these rights and to install a new one founded on the same principles and structured to keep them safe and secure.

To know more about legislature visit



Bismarck wanted to go to war with France.
a. True
b. False





Bismarck, for his part, saw war with France as an opportunity to bring the South German states into unity with the Prussian-led North German Confederation and build a strong German Empire.

The answer to this question is true because I wanted to bring unity for Germany

How many people died in internment camps in the US?


In the U.S. incarceration camps, 1,862 individuals kicked the bucket, generally because of unexpected problems exacerbated by hunger and offices that needed appropriate assurance from the components. Under 10 of those passings originated from getting away from endeavors and fights.

Japanese Americans kicked the bucket in the camps because of deficient clinical consideration and the profound burdens they experienced. A few were killed by military gatekeepers posted for purportedly opposing requests.

In the "migration focuses" (likewise called "internment camps"), four or five families, with their meager assortments of dress and assets, shared tar-papered armed force-style sleeping shelters. Most lived in these circumstances for almost three years or more for the rest of the conflict.

Learn more about internment camps:



Where did the US military officials expect the Japanese to attack during WWII?


During WWII, American intelligence officers were sure that any Japanese strike would occur in one of the (relatively) close-by European possessions in the South Pacific: the Dutch East Indies, Singapore, or Indochina.

Before enlisting in World War II, how did the US mobilize?

The War Resources Board was established as the U.S. government's initial move to start making war preparations (WRB). The board was tasked with creating a strategy outlining the steps required to mobilize the nation's industry. The military also issued its own Industrial Mobilization Plan in 1939. The Selective Service and Training Act (draft), as well as the training and deployment of troops, were all parts of the US's mobilization for World War II.

To know more about World War II visit:



How was the US industry able to mobilize so rapidly for the war effort?


The majority of the "citizen soldiers" in the American armed forces were people from the civilian population. They originated from every state in the union as well as all social and economic classes.

What steps did the US administration take to prepare for World War I?

To avoid being forced to rely solely on volunteers, the Selective Service Act of 1917 authorized the conscription of military personnel for the war effort.

In the twentieth century, the United States had already mobilized for war once, during World War I, which commenced in Europe in 1914. It wasn't until 1917, after the fighting had spread throughout much of Europe, that the US entered that conflict.

Therefore, many served as volunteers, and roughly ten million individuals joined the military via the draft.

Learn more about the war effort from the given link.



How did the Navajo serve in World War II as Code Talkers in the Pacific as journalists reporting from the front lines as translators of Japanese code?


Navajo code talkers who transmitted covert Allied communications in the Pacific theater of battle throughout World War II.

In every attack of World War II the U.S. Marines lead in the Pacific from 1942 to 1945, including those on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Peleliu, and Iwo Jima, Navajo Code Talkers took part.

The Japanese were never able to decipher the code employed by the Code Talkers to send communications over the phone and radio in their own language.

The Navajo Nation was the place where the US Marines could locate one. The 29 Navajo men who became known as the Navajo Code Talkers, chosen by the Marine Corps command, developed a code based on the intricate, unwritten Navajo language.

The code's primary word association technique was associating important terms and military strategies with Navajo words.

To know more about World War II, visit:



What did Washington warn the young nation about?
(pg 261)



George Washington, warned the young nation about the dangers of becoming involved in foreign wars and entanglements. He advised the nation to focus on building and strengthening itself, rather than getting involved in the conflicts and politics of other countries.

What were the two main language groups that migrated throughout the region?



What are the options? After you give me the options, I'll give you the answer in the comment section of this "answer".

Choose one or several of the 4 new ideas that best reflects the quote please answer in complete sentences and make sure you explain your answer as well

"Let us examine the view that a woman should never, for a moment, feel herself independent, that she should be governed by fear to become a slave for man. It is argued that with respect to the female character, obedience is the grand lesson which ought to be impressed with unrelenting rigor. What nonsense! When will a great man arise with sufficient strength of mind to puff away the fumes which pride has spread all over the subject? Connected with man as daughters, wives, and mothers, women's moral character may be estimated by their manner of fulfilling those simple duties. However, the end of their energies should be to unfold their own abilities." -- Mary Wollstonecraft *
a. rationality
b. progress
c.freedom of thought
d. humanitarianism

(Please be as quick as possible!)​



The quote by Mary Wollstonecraft reflects the ideas of freedom of thought, rationality, and humanitarianism.

In the quote, Wollstonecraft challenges the idea that women should be governed by fear and treated as slaves to men. She argues that this view is based on "fumes" spread by pride, and that it is important for a great man to rise up and challenge this belief. Instead, Wollstonecraft believes that women should be judged based on their character and their ability to fulfill their duties as daughters, wives, and mothers.

The idea of freedom of thought is reflected in Wollstonecraft's call for a great man to challenge the prevailing views about the role of women in society. She believes that people should be free to think for themselves and to question the status quo, rather than blindly accepting the beliefs of others. Wollstonecraft's emphasis on rationality is also apparent in the quote. She dismisses the idea that women should be governed by fear and treated as slaves as "nonsense," suggesting that this belief is not based on logical thinking or evidence.

The quote reflects the idea of humanitarianism, as Wollstonecraft advocates for the rights and well-being of women. She believes that women should be treated with respect and given the opportunity to develop their own abilities and potential.

Hope This Helps You!

What were the names of the two opposing forces during ww1?


Between 1914 and 1918, more than 30 countries declared war on one another. The majority joined the Allies, which included Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Italy, and the United States.

The Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire, were in opposition to them. Conflict is a fight between two opposed forces, ideas, or beliefs that serves as the plot's foundation. These forces have historically been referred to as the protagonist and the antagonist. The Socialist Party of America, the Italian Socialist Party, the Russian Bolsheviks, and the socialist movement led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg in Germany were among the organizations that opposed the war (later to become the Communist Party of Germany).

To learn more about it Empire here,



This headline from 2017
"Trump looks to Renegotiate NAFTA with Canada"
About the North American Free Trade Agreement..would best relate to which clause?
Due Process Clause
Full Faith and Credit Clause
Establishment Clause
Interstate Commerce Clause


This case of Trump’s goal to renegotiate NAFTA with Canada is related to Interstate Commercial Clause.

Can the President alone renegotiate NAFTA with Canada?

NAFTA is a bilateral arrangement whereby Mexico and Canada lower their export restrictions in return for the United States lowering its trade restrictions. This means that any withdrawal of NAFTA would be detrimental to U.S. industries that ship services and goods to Mexico or Canada as well as the employees in those industries.

Many members of Congress operate under the fundamental misconception that its president has the authority to renegotiate NAFTA on his own. They are ignorant of the fact that, although if the president negotiates and signs trade deals, he is not the "decider" in accordance with the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Congress is given the authority to approve trade agreements and to revoke United States involvement in them.

To know more about Commerce clause, check out:



What happened in 1774 in the Declaration of Independence?


In order to put martial law in place and close the port in colonial Boston in order to calm discontent, the British Parliament issued a set of laws known as the "Intolerable Acts" in 1774. Colonial demonstrators who called for a boycott in retaliation were led by the Sons of Liberty.

In order to put martial law in place and close the port in colonial Boston in order to calm discontent, the British Parliament issued a set of laws known as the "Intolerable Acts" in 1774.

Colonial demonstrators who called for a boycott in retaliation were led by the Sons of Liberty. In the absence of generally agreed-upon rules and a way to enforce the boycott's restrictions, merchant communities were hesitant to join in the boycott. Colonial governments permitted delegates to participate in a Continental Congress to establish the conditions of a boycott, which was encouraged by local pressure groups. The colony in Connecticut was the first to reply.

On September 5, 1774, the Congress convened for the first time in Philadelphia, with representatives present from all 13 colonies—all but Georgia. According to the Articles of Association, which the Congress ratified on October 20, a boycott of British products would start in the colonies on December 1 if the Intolerable Acts were not repealed.

Click the link below to know more about Intolerable Acts:



Which of the following figures would most-likely disagree with the
message of the excerpt above?
(A) Richard Allen
(B) Elizabeth Stanton
(C) George Fitzhugh
(D) Harriet Tubman


The correct answer is George Fitzhugh.

Who was George Ftizhugh?

The two novels Sociology for the South: or the Failure of Free Society (1854) and Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters by pro-slavery author George Fitzhugh are most known (1857). Fitzhugh studied law before getting married and opening a practice in Caroline County. He was born in Prince William County and raised in King George County. Fitzhugh made a name for himself in the years leading up to the American Civil War (1861–1865) by defending slavery in an assertive and controversial manner. In Fitzhugh's books, He claimed the moral inferiority of black people while simultaneously arguing for the advantages of slavery in general, regardless of the slaves' skin tone. Fitzhugh traveled considerably, notably to the North, where he occasionally engaged in debates with abolitionists, in addition to authoring book-length arguments. Ironically, Fitzhugh may have had to sell a lot of his slaves to pay for his travel and publication. He temporarily held a job in Washington, D.C., before the war, worked in Richmond for the Confederate Treasury Department during the war, and afterwards worked for the Freedmen's Bureau. Later, he lived in Kentucky and Texas before passing away in 1881. slaveowners ruled over a civilization where enslaved African Americans were well treated and even better off as slaves. This society was more free than manufacturing cities in the North.

He claimed the moral inferiority of black people while simultaneously arguing for the advantages of slavery in general, regardless of the slaves' skin tone. Fitzhugh traveled considerably, notably to the North, where he occasionally engaged in debates with abolitionists, in addition to authoring book-length arguments. Ironically, Fitzhugh may have had to sell a lot of his slaves to pay for his travel and publication. He temporarily held a job in Washington, D.C., before the war, worked in Richmond for the Confederate Treasury Department during the war, and afterwards worked for the Freedmen's Bureau. Later, he lived in Kentucky and Texas before passing away in 1881.

To know more about George Fitzhugh, visit:



PLS HELP really need help. Due today!!! Question in the image below


Given the definition of bias and the information in the text, the quote that shows the bias that Cortes had against Montezuma is B. "He often asked permission to go and enjoy himself, and pass the time in certain pleasure houses".

What is Bias?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the prejudice in favor or against a thing, person, or group as compared to another, usually in an unfair way or manner.

Hence, it can be seen that from the content of the text, there is the use of bias by Cortes against Montezuma who he is giving testimony about by making it seem he neglected his duty and always went to pleasure houses.

Read more about bias here:



Question 7 of 20 After the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Seminole peoples in Florida:

A. used force against the U.S. military to defend their territory.

B. appealed the case for their sovereignty to the U.S. Supreme Court.

C. negotiated the Treaty of Payne's Landing to keep their territory.

D. complied with the U.S. military's orders to move west.


After the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Seminole peoples in Florida A. used force against the U.S. military to defend their territory.

What was the effect of the Indian Removal Act ?

After the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Seminole peoples in Florida resisted removal from their lands and entered into armed conflicts with the United States government, known as the Seminole Wars.

Many Seminoles refused to leave Florida and instead retreated into the Everglades, where they established communities and continued to resist American attempts at removal. Some Seminoles were eventually forced to relocate to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma, but a significant number remained in Florida and were never removed from their lands.

Find out more on the Indian Removal Act at https://brainly.com/question/9367389


How did the internment camps affect the Japanese?


The Japanese American migration program had huge outcomes. Camp occupants lost some $400 million in the property during their detainment. Congress gave $38 million in repayments in 1948 and after forty years paid an extra $20,000 to each enduring person who had been kept in the camps.

Inside the camps, Japanese Americans got through dehumanizing conditions including unfortunate lodging and food, an absence of security, lacking clinical consideration, and unsatisfactory schooling.

Numerous Americans stressed that residents of Japanese families would go about as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government. Dread — not proof — drove the U.S. to put more than 127,000 Japanese-Americans in death camps however long WWII might last. More than 127,000 US residents were detained during The Second Great War.

Learn more about internment camps:



what Jefferson believe about political parties



Jefferson believed in a more decentralized government and the existence of states' rights within the structure of federalism


Does lack of freedom mean people are subject to violence, or does it justify violence on the part of those lacking freedom? Explain your answer.



Does “lack of freedom” mean people are subject to violence, or does it justify violence on the part of those lacking freedom?


The more freedom a people have, the less their internal political violence; the less their freedom, the more such violence.

decide whether the function is a polynomial function. If so right it in standard form and state it’s degree type in leading coefficient if so write it in standard form and state its degree type in leading coefficient P(x)=-3x^2+10-4x


Yes, the function is a polynomial function.

It can be written in standard form as P(x) = -3x^2 - 4x + 10.

The degree of the polynomial is 2 and the leading coefficient is -3.

What is a polynomial function?

Generally, A polynomial function is a kind of function that only uses non-negative integer powers or only uses positive integer exponents of a variable in an equation, such as the quadratic equation, the cubic equation, or any other type of equation.

As an example, a polynomial with an exponent of 1 might be written as 2x+5.

Read more about polynomial function



6. The free enterprise system in the United States is defined by four key
• Individual freedom
• Limited role of government
• Competition
• Profit motive
Write a short essay describing the U.S. free enterprise system in which you:
a. Describe each of the four characteristics listed.
b. Explain the three roles that the government has in this system, while providing
an example of each.
c. Respond to the following prompt: Which of the four characteristics do you
think is most important to the success of the U.S. economy, and why? And,
which of the three roles of government do you think is the most powerful, and


The free-enterprise economy that exists in America is recognized for allowing firms to function freely and without interference from the government.

What is it, US Enterprise?

The free-enterprise economy that exists in America is recognized for allowing firms to function freely and without interference from the government. In free-enterprise economies, goods and services are produced based on demand and are openly traded. Supporters of this economic model believe that it pushes businesses to be profitable and innovative. Two important aspects of the economy are full employment and low inflation.

Keynesian economics and monetarism both seek to stabilize the economy and, where required, promote growth. Keynesianism calls for the implementation of fiscal policy by the government, a collection of policies that can be used to increase economic performance through spending and taxation. This approach results in quicker results and, in the near term, speeds up the economy. Fiscal policy is used to create a plan of annual actions and is a long-term technique of stabilizing the economy.

To know more about America, visit;



Who did Credit Mobilier and what effect did this have on the Rebublican Party?


The Crédit Mobilier scandal was done by the Union Pacific Railroad and the Crédit Mobilier of America construction company. The scandal tarnished the Republican party and resulted in widespread public distrust of the U.S. government.

What is the Credit Mobilier scandal?

The Credit Mobilier scandal was a two-part fraud conducted from 1864 to 1867 by the Union Pacific Railroad and the Crédit Mobilier of America construction company in the building of the eastern portion of the First transcontinental railroad. The story was broken by The New York Sun during the 1872 campaign of Ulysses S. Grant.

The scandal negatively affected the careers of many politicians and nearly bankrupted Union Pacific.

Learn more about scandal, here:



Germany, Italy and Japan formed the ______ alliance.



Tripartite pact


Under which Chinese dynasty was Confucianism first promoted as a belief system?

A. Zhou
B. Qin
C. Shang
D. Han



d) Han Dynasty


Confucianism first promoted as a belief system during the Han Dynasty. This incident happened when "Wu Di" was the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, the option (d) is the correct answer.

A. Andreas Vesalius
B. Galileo Galilei
C. Filippo Brunelleschi
Please answer fast !!!!!


Answer: B) Galileo Galilei


The correct answer is Galileo Galilei.

Who was Galileo Galilei?

Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei, frequently referred to as a polymath, was an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer who lived from 15 February 1564 to 8 January 1642. He went by the name Galileo and his name was pronounced /ael.o. l.e.i/. (Italian: [alilo alili], GAL-ih-LAY-oh GAL-ih-LAY-ee). He was born in Pisa, which at the time belonged to the Duchy of Florence. Galileo has been referred to be the "father" of modern science, the scientific method, observational astronomy, and modern physics. Galileo engaged on practical science and technology, detailing the characteristics of pendulums and "hydrostatic balances," as well as studying speed and velocity, gravity and free fall, the theory of relativity, inertia, and projectile motion. He developed the thermoscope, created several military compasses, and made use of the telescope to make studies of celestial objects for science. Telescopic confirmation of Venus' phases, observations of Jupiter's four biggest satellites, observations of Saturn's rings, and analyses of lunar craters and sunspots are only a few of his contributions to observational astronomy.

To know more about Galileo Galilei, visit:



Question 34(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
Which statement describes the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)?


The statement that describes the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) is The SALT of the 1970s ended because of Soviet action in the Middle East. Option C. This is further explained below.

What are Strategic Arms Limitation Talks?

Generally, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks is simply defined as talks between the US and the Soviet Union aimed at limiting the production of strategic missiles capable of delivering nuclear bombs.

In conclusion, The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) are described in this statement. Because to Soviet intervention in the Middle East, the SALT of the 1970s came to an end.

To know more about  Strategic Arms visit:



Seattle's Space Needle is a symbol of

- cultural differences.

O population growth.

O advances in technology.

the separation of powers.

help pls


Seattle's Space Needle is a symbol of C: advances in technology.

The Space Needle is a treasured Seattle landmark and one of the world's most recognizable structures. The tower's futuristic design was inspired by the idea that the 1962 World's Fair—the Century 21 Exposition with the theme "The Age of Space"—needed a structure to embody humanity's Space Age aspirations. Since its dedication on April 21, 1962, the monument has symbolized Seattle's inventive and forward-thinking ethos. The Space Needle, located in Seattle Center, stands 605 feet tall and is one of the most photographed monuments in the world. It symbolizes the advancements in technology.

You can learn more about Seattle's Space Needle at



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